Kobayashi Village

Although Team X was just formed a few days ago, Kimura Kazuki had already set up some simple rules for it.

The rules were fairly simple. If the members were to encounter a specter and realized that he or she could not accomplish the obsessiveness of the specter alone, that member could seek help from the other members of the group. As for the reiki formed by the specter, it would be distributed based on the efforts and contributions accordingly.

The same rules applied for wraiths. The reiki would be distributed based on the contributions accordingly if one could not manage it on his or her own. Of course, the one who discovered the specter or wraith could gain more reiki as payment for obtaining the information.

Due to the incident of the Soul Summoning Pencil, a lot of monsters drawn were endowed with the ability to think and possessed consciousness. Only the Department of Mysteries and Kimura Kazuki knew that the monsters already escaped in all directions.