Let’s Split Up

Looking at the sign, Kimura Kazuki and the others did not express any fear.

Strength came in numbers. With what Ikioi Ito and the others were made of, even if some kind of monster really were to appear and they panic momentarily, they would eventually be able to calm down. Moreover, the sign was about the appearance of wild beasts, not monsters. Hence, even in the middle of the night, they did not feel scared or fearful. Ignoring the warning on the sign, the group of them began their hike upward on the trail.

However, Kanayama was indeed quite untouched by humans. The trail leading upward only lasted tens of meters with no further road any farther in. Everywhere the eye could reach was a scenery of forestry buzzing and alive with the chirping of unknown insects. There were trees everywhere and during this time of the night, vision was very poor as well.