The Rumors

Kimura Kazuki could not make heads or tails out of this as well.

If you wanted to look for a bug, you could have just come over alone. But on second thought, he felt that perhaps Ryoto Amagasaki was afraid to venture into the mountain alone, or maybe he feared that something bad might happen if he were to go alone. After all, Kanayama was not any ordinary mountain but a mountain with hardly any visitors throughout the year. Furthermore, with the beasts lurking around, the mountain was even more frightening when night fell. Any sane person would not dare to hike up the mountain alone.

Moreover, if the police found Ryoto Amagasaki during their investigation at night, Ryoto Amagasaki would have a hard time to prove his innocence, no matter how hard he tried.

Ryoto Amagasaki felt a lot more secure with Hayato coming along. Even if he were to be arrested, at least he had company. But it did not take Kimura Kazuki too long to realize that his thoughts had strayed.