The Return Of Sword Saint Takeda!

The Jorōgumo was relieved. Although she only had her own consciousness for a short period of time, she knew that she should avoid evil and pursue good. Also, she really did not want to move as the place was very secluded and the mountainside was quite spacious. Moreover, as long as she could stand guard at the cave, basically no one could find her since the only exit was the cave outside. That was indeed a good place for her to stay.

Kimura Kazuki glanced at her and understood what she was thinking. He smiled and said, "I'll ask the chief of Kobayashi Village to get a cellphone for you. I will add you to a group after you download an app called Line."

He had never planned to make Team X big before this. However, he later figured that he could probably get some use out of the Enchanted Talismans, so Team X had to be expanded.