Sorrounded by lies

I'm packing my toys and then going back to the editors' office. I observe Miriam and I don't hide my satisfaction. Miriam almost runs out in front of me and waits for the good news.

– Sorry, but I didn't have a chance. They watched me all the time, there were cameras, and all this stuff... – I sigh in pretended resignation.

Miriam looks at me suspiciously and she nervously turns pens in her hand.

– Cameras? In Victor's office? I mean Oaker's? – she corrects herself after a second. Do they know each other so well then?! – I've been there once and I did not see anything suspicious back then...

– And I was there today and I felt like a criminal. They almost got me! – I answer tiredly. – If you do not believe me, then go there yourself...

I go back to my desk and try to get some work done, but I can't focus on anything. I still see Victor's smile and his sparkling eyes... Miriam locks up with Henry in his room. I hear her raised voice. They argue about something, but I don't worry about that – the problem of wiretaps and this whole distasteful situation, fortunately, is no longer my responsibility. I check twice the address of Circus café and I sneak up silently half an hour before the end of the work in the afternoon, so I have a chance to dress up and prepare for the date. Of course, I take a taxi – the last thing I need is to be sweaty and panting in front of Victor! – and at 6 pm o'clock I enter into the cafe...

I have to admit that Mr. Oaker chose a really nice place. An ample room is covered in flowers and the hidden speakers ooze discreet, romantic music. Victor saw me from a distance – he stands up and kisses me on both cheeks, and then invites me to the table. He helps me with my chair. I'm a little bit intimidated, but I really like his gentle efforts. When I compare it with my last boyfriend... He used to give me flowers extremely rarely and he did not even remember when my birthday is. Ah, good riddance to him!

A waiter approaches our table, brings an expensive bottle of champagne and two glasses filled with it to their brims. Victor gives me one of them, and then he raises the toast with a smile "to our friendship". I slowly sip sweet alcohol and look straight into his happy eyes. Damn, I need to be careful, because I can completely lose my head for them...

– You know, I wanted to tell you so many things today – Victor says, when he sits at the table – but I can't put them into the right words. A lot has happened in my life lastly and unfortunately most of these things weren't positive. The company is going on, but, as you already know, I have many enemies who would gladly see me sink with my heartbroken and without money.

Hmm, does he really want to get back to these fucking wiretaps? Is this the reason why he invited me here?! I hope that he's not so petty... Fortunately, Victor does not notice my emotions and his next words dispels my doubts.

– I got divorced some time ago and my son, mine and my ex-wife's son, is recovering from a serious motorcycle accident. Mark is a very sensitive boy, he relies on me, and all that fuss about my person affects him badly. Somehow, I've handled with all this mess alone, but now I need someone in my life who I can simply trust. I don't want to fear that this person is another puppet that only wants to curry favor with myself and then mercilessly strike at the most sensitive point...

I don't believe what I hear – it sounds almost like a matrimonial proposal! Victor probably has a sixth sense, because he immediately responds to my thoughts.

– Of course do not take this absolutely literally, I'm not looking for a wife. But, I don't want to hide that I found you very pretty from the very first moment... I have some suspicions who is behind these machinations and why he tries to finish me, but I'm not going to accuse anyone as long as I do not get final, reliable evidence. The one and only thing I want is to clean my reputation and unmask false accusations. No one but me knows how much it has cost me...

I look at Victor with a growing sympathy. I've never even thought that his life is so difficult and sad. He has problems that I haven't the slightest clue about...

Victor looks at me thoughtfully and then takes a deep breath. He looks as if he wants to tell me something important.

– I want... I want you to look closer at a certain person. I'm pretty sure that she stands behind all these false accusations against me, but I need the evidence. Then I'll have it, I will be able to go to court and eventually end all of that.

– Okay, but why do you turn to me with all of this? – I ask cautiously. – You can just hire a skilled detective and he certainly can handle this better than I can...

– Such services can be bought – Victor pours champagne into my glass – and this means that detectives can also be bribed. You've proven that you're honest to me, and besides... Well... I like you and maybe I'm even going to trust you... As an outsider, a person not involved in our local collusions, you can look at everything from a distance and see something that maybe I fail to see for a long time...

– I'm glad – Victor breathes with relief and smiles at me. – You need to understand that this whole situation is very difficult for me. I have a very serious suspicion that all my troubles are caused by one person. This person was very close to me some time ago, but now she's my enemy. And usually, we are hated most by those who loved us truly before... – Victor smiles sadly at some thoughts of his.

I look at him with growing amazement. So that's not any business competitor, or even old pals, but... a woman!

– I met her sometime after my divorce. She was looking for her own place in this world. She is intriguingly beautiful, she has a brilliant mind, and this mysterious "something" that attracts men. We became a couple quickly… I arranged some work, then she got pregnant. I was so happy and wanted to have a second child, but she considered it an unnecessary ballast, which only would stop her career. She climbed up the career ladder very quickly. At first, I thought it was a merit of her talent and hard work – Victor closely watches his drink in the dimmed light of the café, as if he expects to find something on the bottom of the glass – then, I learned that she had slept with anyone who could have offered her a promotion or even recommend her to some influential friends. She became increasingly known and constantly expanded the circle of influence thanks to her behavior, but it was not in a way that I would have liked to see it happen. Our love gradually faded, my beloved became increasingly dry, and when she finally felt strong enough to threat and ask me for the shares in my company, I felt that it's time to end this relationship. She moved away after a nightmarish quarrel, but in the end I was relieved. I was hoping that this wild, perverted, insatiable harpy has disappeared from my life. Unfortunately, it soon became clear that I'm grossly wrong. I started to get silent phone calls, anonymous letters, and text messages with threats, and finally someone began a campaign of slander and false rumors about my alleged economic crime, connections with organized crime groups, and similar nonsense. It all flooded the Internet and the newspapers. All these troubles began shortly after our breakup, so I have no doubt who did it all, though, of course, there's a lack of hard evidence. This woman decided to destroy me; it was her personal vengeance on me. I know her character and I'm sure that she will do everything to finish her plans! And I was so stupid to believe her! Nay, I even thought about our future together... – Victor drinks his champagne in one gulp and then he looks me straight in the eye. – I hope you guess who I'm talking about.

– So, it's Miriam – I say and ask at the same time. Victor nods without a word.

– I tried to warn Henry about her, but it seems they are close friends, if you know what I mean. She won him to her side and they both are against me. Well, that was expectable. Miriam reached the peak of her career with the use of sex with prominent people and she landed in the top ladder bed finally. And I can say a lot about Henry, but it is certain that he's not immune to temptations. Only he knows how many girls have passed through his life and bed... – Victor waves his hand with resignation and pours us some champagne. I feel tipsy…

– Okay, but what can I do in this case for you? – I ask Victor and I play with my glass. I haven't even noticed when it became empty again. – I'm not a detective or a policewoman, or anybody important or influential. I'm just an editorial intern at a large newspaper. I do not officially work there I'm just on a training! How do you think all of that?!

– It's easier than you think – Victor looks me straight in the eye. – I'm not going to expose you to any danger. Just pay attention to what they do, and, most of all, pay attention to Henry and Miriam's conversations. Now, when you are most attentive, you can detect something that will allow me to get some evidence and prove their participation in all these machinations. Give me something and I'll take care of the rest.