First Mission

The week went by with Mikoto bringing Sasuke to play with Naruto. Even though they both acted like they didn't like the other, inside they were happy to finally have a friend even if they won't admit that.

Raiden was training with Jiraiya every day and learned a lot of new Jutsu. It really is great when your teacher is one of the most experienced ninjas in the world.

At the same time, he was still learning Kenjutsu with Shisui and training his Sharingan using the methods Itachi was taught by the elders.

"Ok, this is enough. It's been a week so get ready tomorrow will be your first mission. I won't be going easy on you so it will most likely involve combat."

"Yes sensei."

"Ok, meet me at the Hokage's tower at noon." Said Jiraiya then flickered away.

Raiden looked in his direction then left towards his house.


Jiraiya entered the Hokage's office through the window.

"Sensei, please hold a village meeting to stop those rumours. I want Naruto to be able to go out and play with other children."

"How am I supposed to stop the people from talking about it now that it's known." Hiruzen said while sighing.

"Scare them by saying the penalty for leaking an S-class secret. And get the Anbu to arrest anyone who doesn't comply for a few days. Should limit it's spread. Don't involve the police force in the arrests, The Uchiha are already having issues with the civilians for doing their job. Also, I'll be taking a mission with Raiden tomorrow. I already have arrangements for Naruto so don't worry."

Hiruzen was a bit surprised at the solution he came up with so fast. 'He really should have become Hokage.' Thought Hiruzen while shaking his head.

Jiraiya left and Hiruzen got to planning the village-wide meeting for tomorrow.


The next day, early in the morning Hiruzen was standing in front of a crowd of villagers that must be in the thousands. Beside him were the two elders, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane.

"Ahem, I've gathered you here today to declare a matter of importance." Started Hiruzen to quite the crowd that was guessing what this was about.

"I've been hearing a lot of people talking about a matter that is known as a village secret classified as S-rank. And even though I already warned about talking about it people still did and started doing even more. The matter of Uzumaki Naruto is an S-class village-wide secret that is forbidden to talk about. The penalty of leaking an S-class is death. Anbu, from today on anyone who speaks or acts on this secret, will be apprehended immediately and sent to the Torture and Interrogation Force to be investigated with as a potential spy." An Anbu wearing a mask with a dog motif inclusive of pointed ears. "Yes." and he disappeared.

Some of the villagers who were especially bad with treating Naruto paled considerably.


At noon, Jiraiya made a shadow clone and sent it to Aino's house with Naruto and took care of him till she was finished with her job while he met with Raiden to take their mission.

Raiden arrived on time and found Jiraiya waiting for him.

"Good you're on time let's go." They went inside the building and started talking with the receptionist.

"I want a C-rank mission involving combat."

"Jiraiya-sama, C-rank missions involving combat are usually taken by Chuunin or experienced Genin, are you sure you want one?"

"Yes, don't worry with me here even if something goes wrong I'll save him."

"Yes, please proceed to the Hokage's office to take the mission." (A/N: It's really weird that the leader of the village is the one that gives out missions even the low-rank ones)

Jiraiya and Raiden went towards the Hokage's office and knocked on the door.

"Enter" came the voice of the Hokage from inside. They walked inside and Jiraiya started speaking.

"Sensei, I'm here to take a mission."

"We're in no rush, what did you think of this morning."

"Hmm, Raiden what did you think?" Jiraiya switched the question to Raiden.

"Well, This might stop the villagers from doing anything for now, but if the person who spread the rumours in the first place makes a move again it probably won't matter."

"There you go, my answer." Jiraiya said.

"Sigh, any way you wanted a mission right, I have a couple of D-ranks right here."

"No no no, I want a C-rank involving combat not just some escort mission."

"Well, since it's you I'll trust your judgment. There is a group of bandits causing problems at the borders of the land of tea, this is the information." He handed Jiraiya a piece of paper holding the information.

Jiraiya read it then gave it to Raiden.

"three ninjas suspected to be part of the bandits, most likely, Genin, around twenty bandits total." Analysed Raiden before nodding to Jiraiya.

"Ok, we'll take this one. let's head out." They left the office and headed towards the gates.

At the gates of Konoha, Jiraiya was checking his equipment.

"Have you checked your supplies? This mission will take a couple of days you know."

"Yes, I already prepared everything yesterday and informed my mother I am going on a long-distance mission."

"Good, let's go."

They left the gates of Konoha and headed towards the borders of the land of tea.

When they reach there, it'll be the first real battle of Raiden.