The Lightning Cloak And The Sage

As Raiden entered the training grounds, he saw Jiraiya waiting for him.

"Am I late?"

"No, you're right on time. Let's start. Now, I don't know if there is another step in training your lightning chakra, but I would suppose it's all about control and experience now. So you just have to keep practising.

For now, I think the Lightning Release: Chakra Mode is extremely suitable for this. Using this Jutsu will enhance your physical body and reactions greatly while also giving you extreme speed. Using this Jutsu the Third Raikage was able to fend off ten thousand Iwa shinobi for three days and three nights before his defence was penetrated.

At the same time, there has been only a limited number of people who have mastered this Jutsu because of its chakra requirements and control needed. I think you could master and maybe even modify it to become even stronger.

Now, start using it." Raiden nodded and changed his chakra into lightning chakra, he then started covering his body with it. His body was covered in lightning chakra with a few bolts escaping. His violet hair started defying gravity and floating upwards.

Finally, his entire body was covered in lightning chakra. He was feeling the electricity stunning his nervous system and keeping it alert. He tried moving around and started to run. He was much faster than his normal self.

He tried doing the thing he wanted the most from having this Jutsu, Lightning Release: Body Flicker. He moved almost three times as fast as a normal flicker. He wasn't quite used to his new speed so he stopped immediately and experimented with one more thing.

He released even more chakra and his body was surrounded by even more lightning. His body was being electrocuted from all sides in huge amounts he tried to check his speed and it was 10 times that of a normal flicker.

He immediately stopped himself and powered down then started panting.

"Pant, pant. Looks like I can use the basic lightning chakra mode for a good amount of time with my chakra, but if I want to increase its power my body will hold up for only a minute. Looks like I have to train my body even more if I want to use it freely.

I also need to be able to use my new speed freely." Jiraiya heard him talk and nodded.

"I thought as much. With your levels of control, you are able to control it easily. You still have to train with it to be able to master it." Jiraiya advised him before giving him a sign to come over.

"Today, we'll finally investigate the natural energy on your body." Jiraiya bit on his finger and drew blood before slamming his arm on the ground and using a huge amount of chakra. A cloud of smoke appeared before a voice came from the cloud.

"Jiraiya-chan, why did you summon me? Is there something you need?" Said the voice who, after the cloud was blown away, was shown to be a green toad with white hair styled in somewhat of a mohawk, very thick eyebrows and a small goatee. He was wearing a cape that covered his back.

"I am sorry for summoning you suddenly, but I need your help identifying something."

"Hmm, it's fine I wasn't busy anyway."

"Raiden, come closer." Raiden came towards Jiraiya and the old looking toad.

"This is Fukasaku-sama, one of the two Great Toad Sages of Mount Myoboko."

"Sensei, I've heard you say the words Natural energy and sage multiple times, but you still haven't explained what they mean."

Jiraiya wanted to explain, but before he could talk, Fukasaku started speaking.

"Natural energy is a form of energy that exists in the atmosphere and the earth. People who are able to perceive it and utilize it are called sages. We, the toads, and the snakes of Ruuchi cave, teach sage mode to those compatible with us and with sage mode.

Humans know about three sage animals, The toad, the snakes, and the slug sage of Shikkotsu Forrest. The last one does not have any sage students so it is only known as one of the three unexplored sage regions, but the only inhabitant is the slug sage who can divide herself for her summoners."

"Does that mean only you three can teach sage mode?" Asked Raiden.

"No, I already said that humans know about three, but that doesn't mean it is only us. There are sage animals that have had no affinity with anyone for a long time so have not had summoners. You should know the three unexplored sage regions all exist on this planet, but they are not actually on this planet.

They are more of a detached dimension which can only be entered if you have the permission of the sages living there. Our toad clan along with the other two were established a thousand year ago. There are some sage animals who are even older than us that don't exist on this planet.

Now then, boy, come closer, let me investigate this natural energy on you."

(A/N: All made up by me to fit the story.)

Raiden kneeled down to the height of the toad and Fukasaku closed his eyes and started sensing the surrounding energy.

"hmm, no doubt about it. There is natural energy attached to the boy. If he tries to use the summoning Jutsu, it'll reverse summon him instead. this energy is quite strong."

"What does that mean?" Asked Raiden.

"Most likely, one of the older sages that don't reside on this planet has marked you. You should have an extremely strong affinity with his clan if he marked you. Even Jiraiya wasn't marked, and he was our first summoner in hundreds of years."

"What?! I thought you marked me so I come to Mount Myuboko." Exclaimed Jiraiya.

"The Great Toad Sage predicted you'd come so we didn't have to do anything. Anyway, boy this mark means that you have been watched by that sage for a long time, probably from the day you are born. Has anything weird ever happened to you?"

Raiden immediately thought about two events, the lightning that struck him and his birth night.

"My mother said that the day I was born there was a lightning storm that was coloured violet, The lightning just kept arcing through the clouds instead of striking which she thought was weird. The real weird one is that I was hit by lightning nine times when I used chakra the first time."

Both of them had their eyes almost pop out at his statement.

"You were struck by lightning as a child! nine times!! and survived!!!" Jiraiya yelled with his eyes popping out even more after each word.

"That's it! the sage must be lightning-attributed and used them as a way to mark you. What happened to you after the lightning struck you?"

"My reserves increased by a huge amount and my body became a lot stronger by expelling impurities."

"That was indeed the sage then! He was conditioning you to be able to learn sage mode. You need a strong body and an extreme amount of chakra to be able to use natural energy and learn sage mode. This sage is not normal at all to be able to do this. You must be ready when you leave to learn from him."

Raiden had a shocked face, but it turned serious and he nodded and looked at the shocked faces of both. 'If one of the strongest people in the village and someone who is titled one of the two Great Toad Sages, acted like this after hearing about it this sage must be quite something indeed. I have to get ready. With his help, I might be able to reach levels of power that surpass Jiraiya sensei maybe even the first Hokage!' He thought to himself reigniting and strengthening his desire for power.