The First Stage

This year's Chuunin exams were supposed to be held in Sunagakure, but as a show of good faith to their allies, it's been decided to co-host the event with Konoha.

with one week left to the beginning of the exams, Jiraiya, Raiden and Itachi have all stopped taking missions to get ready.

In the Hokage's office, Jiraiya was talking with his teacher about Itachi and Raiden joining the exams as a two-man cell.

"sigh, you're lucky that we're co-hosting this so I can recommend them or, even with their impressive records, they would still have to wait until we host it ourselves to take the test."

"It's fine, they're both geniuses of the Uchiha clan, allowing them to participate could be a favour to the Uchiha."

"Who are you kidding? The Uchiha weren't involved in making me register them, you just want your disciple to be promoted so you can go back to doing the harder missions."

"Hehe, you know me too well old man. I was getting a little bored with all the C-ranks. Anyway, after their promotion, he'll be reverse summoning himself to train, so he'll be taking a break and I'll start dealing with Danzo full time until he comes back."

"Sigh, fine. Now leave, I am very busy organising this event. I also have to leave for Sunagakure next month for the finals so I have to get the village ready."

"Why do you need to leave? I'll be there anyway, I'll cover for you."

The Hokage thought about it for a bit before agreeing.

"That's better, someone needs to stay and monitor the village."

They continued to talk after that for a bit longer about the exam and its proceedings.


Today is finally the day of the Chuunin exams. The first stage was taking place in Konoha's academy so it was full of ninja that were taking the test, among them were both Itachi and Raiden.

They were getting looks from the other Genins of Konoha, especially Itachi. His team was known as the best Genin squad in Konoha, mostly because of him.

Although Raiden wasn't as famous, that was because he hadn't operated as long as Itachi. Some of the Genin that he graduated with still recognized him.

A lot of the teams were wondering where their third member was or why Itachi was participating without his team.

A couple of minutes later, The proctor of the exam came in.

It was a man with black hair that was tied in a spiky ponytail that made it look like a pineapple. He had two scars on the right side of his face and a goatee. He wore the standard Konoha Jonin outfit.

"I am the proctor of the first stage, Shikaku Nara. As this exam is co-hosted by both Sunagakure and Konohagakure, you will be doing the first stage in Konoha and the second and final stage in Suna.

This year we have 44 Genins from Konoha, 30 from Suna, 12 from Kusagakure, 15 from Amegakure and 6 from Kumogakure for a total of a 107 Genins."

After the explanation, the Genins were separated into a room each. Once they were all separated, Shikaku started talking again.

"The first stage is a written test. You will each receive a paper with three questions. Each question has a different value to it, either 30 points, 40 points, 50 points. To pass, your team must get 100 points combined. If you score higher or lower you'll fail."

The Genins that were taking the exam for the first time were outraged at this, but the more experienced ones understood that this was testing their ability to communicate with their teammates.

Some of the even smarter ones remembred Shikaku's word about the numbers of Genin participating and realised there was a team from Konoha that didn't consist of three members.

"Hey, based on your numbers earlier, doesn't this mean there is a team with only two members? Isn't this basically a default pass for them?"

More Genins remembered his words and started talking about how it wasn't fair.

"If you have their abilities and could complete more than 15 C-rank missions in 6 months, please say so."

Shikaku's words shut them up and the one who talked at the beginning put his head down.

"You have 30 minutes. Time starts now!"

Both Itachi and Raiden answered the 50 points question that was pretty easy as it was history related and they both studied the history of the world.

The others started trying to talk to their teammates by yelling or banging on the walls.

30 minutes later, Shikaku started talking again.

"Let's proceed to the second part of the exam."A lot of them were surprised at their being another question.

"Question, If you are hunted by enemy-nin and can only escape if you sacrifice a team member, who would it be? to pass this question, all your answers must be the same. You have 3 minutes."

Raiden and Itachi decided to write nothing as an answer.

After the time was up, Shikaku was talking again. He started saying names. "Those called please stay in the classrooms, everyone else please meet us on the training grounds outside.

Everyone not called went outside and saw Shikaku standing with a couple of other ninjas.

Those that wrote down one of their teammates' names looked around them and realised that multiple teams have three members

"First of all, the second stage is a team battle so anyone missing a third member is disqualified."

All those without a third member were shocked.

Shikaku continued. "That excludes you two naturally." He said while pointing towards Raiden and Itachi.

After that, a Suna ninja wearing a Jonin uniform came in.

"I am Baki, the proctor for the second stage. I see you've thinned them out quite nicely. There are 22 teams left. You will all travel towards the Demon Desert tomorrow, where the second stage is going to happen. If you are not there in 4 days, you will be disqualified."