
The following day's morning, Itachi and Raiden had breakfast then went outside to find Temari waiting for them.

"Thank you for showing us around the village." Said Raiden to her while showing a smile.

"It's no problem." Temari responded with a stoic face.

"I realised we still haven't introduced ourselves while you introduced yourself yesterday. Allow me to start. I am Uchiha Hitoshi Raiden, a Genin of Konoha."

"Uchiha Itachi, Genin of Konoha."

"Once again, I am Temari." Seeing both of them introduce themselves, she introduced herself again.

"Please take care of us, Temari-san." She nodded at Raiden's words.

They set off towards the gate to see the village from the gate.

As they reached the gate, which wasn't really a gate, Temari started explaining.

"Sunagakure lies in a fortified valley behind cliffs of rock, with the passage in and out of the village restricted to a single cleft between two cliff faces.

We are surrounded by sand from all sides, which makes invading the sand almost impossible with the lack of water and the heat of the desert." Temari said while looking a little prideful. (A/N: This is really stupid considering they have water Jutsus and storage scrolls but wiki says it so it must be true)

"Where do your ninjas train if the entire village is surrounded by a rock wall?" Asked Itachi looking quite curious about it as Konoha's training grounds are mostly at the borders of the village where it's far from the civilians, save for the academy's training grounds and the clans' training grounds.

"The village is separated into four sectors with the Kazekage building in the middle." Temari said while pointing at the huge building in the horizon.

"The area we are in is for political use, from screening tourists and visitors to receiving guests from other villages. The house you are staying in is in this sector.

The other areas include the military district, which is where the academy and training grounds are if you want to train for the final stage, a training ground has been cleared for you. If you want to use it, I'll tell you where it is." Temari said to them while pointing to both sectors and explaining how the village is divided.

"On the opposite side of the military district is the residential district, most people live there. And in between the military and residential districts, is the shopping district. It has all kinds of shops and restaurants."

When Temari was finished with her explanation, they started heading to explore the village and obviously the first place they headed to is the military district.

The districts had walls made of clay separating them, similar to those walls some tunnels were branched out from some of the bigger buildings to other buildings. Most of the bigger buildings were made to look like a ball on top of a ball.

As they reached the checkpoint to enter the military district, Temari nodded to the guard and he let them in.

"To enter the military district you have to be a ninja or be a student in the academy where they'll give you a pass." She explained to both of them as they continued on their way.

They first headed to the academy, which was quite far as it was built near one of the cliff walls. They reached the academy which looked like a Colosseum with four floors, it had multiple training grounds behind it where children that looked more than 8 were training with their teacher.

Raiden looked at them and asked Temari a question "Don't you have to attend the academy as well?"

"I will be starting the academy after the Chuunin exams, we start the academy at 8 for four years."

'We just had the rules changed for kids to start attending at 8 as well' Thought Raiden while looking at the kids training in an obstacle course.

Temari looked at the children and shook her head before moving on.

"What's wrong?" Asked Raiden.

"Nothing, it's just I haven't even entered the academy and kids my age are already participating in the Chuunin exams." She smiled bitterly while talking to Raiden.

"It's okay if you work hard, I'm sure you'll catch up since you're the Kazekage's daughter."

"Sigh, you won't get it." She said and continued with the tour.

"These are the public training grounds, there are more than fifty of them scattered around the district." Temari said while pointing towards a training ground that was closed off with a metal fence and was hidden from sight as to not show what the ninja was training.

"These are the places you're allowed to see from this district, for now, follow me to the political district." She said and started walking back the way she came.

On their way back, they saw two girls who were looking towards Temari from afar. They wanted to call for her, but Temari signalled them that she'll talk with them later.

Raiden and Itachi picked up on her move but said nothing as it wasn't their business. They came back through the checkpoint that they entered from and Temari led them all the way until they reached a building that was isolated from the rest of the district with only sand around it.

"This is the arena, the final stage will be held here."

They both looked towards it, it was quite should be able to hold thousands of people.

They continued their tour in the political district, Temari showed them multiple buildings of importance. This continued until lunch when Raiden and Itachi decided to go back.

Temari dropped them off and went on her way.

Sitting at their lunch table, Raiden started talking.

"I thought that people would treat the Kazekage's daughter the same way clan children are treated in Konoha, scared to approach because of their background but it seems she has friends." Raiden said interested in Temari.

"When did you start caring for other people?" Itachi said while raising a brow at the unusual attention displayed by Raiden.

"I've always cared about people, it's just we've trained most of our time I haven't had the chance to meet or befriend anyone, especially with me not having a team. That's it, I really should meet more people after the Chuunin exams. You should do that too Itachi, you only ever meet Shisui, me and your girlfriend." Raiden teased him a bit.

"Izumi is not my girlfriend, she keeps following me around whenever I am walking in the compound."

"Heh." He laughed a bit at him and didn't say anymore.

(A/N: I am trying to show that he's becoming more friendly from interacting with Jiraiya.)