For the past few months, I've been having mixed feelings over the progression of this story. I thought changing the 'tag' would make things more flexible for me on what I should write, but that didn't really solve the underlying problem I was having. It wasn't until very recently that I realized I've become dissatisfied with how it's been going and writing it has become more of a struggle than a fun past time for me. It's important for me as a writer to enjoy doing my work, because if I'm not having fun writing it, then you guys might not enjoy reading it.

So, as much as it may hurt me to do this, I've decided to put Great Sage under a hiatus for a rewrite. I'll be going back to around chapter 28-29 where things I believe have started going downhill and take the story to a different direction. This means Sarise, Melody, and all humanoid Familiars that made an appearance up to now will be cut. My reason for this is that I want to go back to the roots that made me want to write Great Sage to begin with: Fairies. I'm going to be giving the Fairies back the spotlight they had from the start and make them the true start to Soar's harem. I admittedly added Sarise out of my weakness for demon girls, but that quickly gave her and Melody later on more attention than what I had planned initially. All the Aura lore and stuff that followed also made things more confusing for me to keep track of, and I'm certain some of you have felt the same on this.

I'm not sure how long this story will be on hiatus for as I really want to plan out how this new plot will progress while giving all the remaining characters the attention they need. I'll also need to make up a hell of a batch of chapters to go on when I get it back up and running again. Once I get closer to releasing again, I'll start taking down the old chapters from all the platforms, so this will give you a chance to have one last look through of the current story up to now before all the chapters past 28-29 are gone.

For those of you who have enjoyed Great Sage the way it has up to now, I apologize if this isn't to your liking. Maybe you don't like it enough to drop the story altogether, I don't blame you for doing it, but this is something I have to do for myself as a writer. I'm still relatively green as a creator, if I have to be honest, so I don't think it will be that bad. As for those who still wish to read the story and follow me on this new path, I thank you for your continued support, and I'll do my best to make sure you enjoy this new direction as much as I will. I'll keep you guys updated on the 'new' Great Sage's progress and when I'm getting closer to being ready to re-release. In the meantime, please give my other stories a look as those will still be updating weekly as scheduled. If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please let me know and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.

Thank you again for your wonderful time and support. Please look forward to the new direction I'll be taking on 'Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World.' Until next time.