The 7th Floor

*Magnus POV*

As he was walking down the road to the dungeon Magnus had his head full with the conversation he just had with the old man.

'Lightning Magic eh. It seems like an interesting choice. I still have some time so I should go and discuss with Misha-nee regarding learning magic'

His decision set, Magnus set off for the Guild just to find it as crowded as his first day. After a while he was able to reach Mishas counter and call out a greeting

"Oh what brings you here in the morning? I thought you were going straight to the dungeon"

"I was but I had a question I wanted to ask you, how do people learn magic?"

"Hmm, well there are two ways an adventurer can learn magic, either by study or racial ability or by reading grimoires which grant instant knowledge of the magic recorded in the grimoire"

"How much would you say grimoires would cost for let's say lightning magic?"

"That's specific but let's see, they usually cost above a million vali or so, for even better level spells the price may even reach a 100 million."

"Got it, thanks for the info Misha nee-san. I'll be going now, got a dungeon to dive in"

"See you later"

Walking out of the guild Magnus kept repeating the amount he was told, 'A million vali, I don't even know how long I'll have to wait to collect that much. Is joining a big guild and hoping for resources the only option I wonder. Well regardless I won't be able to anything about it soon so I might as well get my mind onto the goals to accomplish for now'

* * * * *

Orario Dungeon, 6th floor

In a light green corridor, a youth wearing a purple cape was fighting off three war shadows at once with a clever combination of defense and dodging and striking vital points that he seemed quite familiar with.

As was shadow 1 came in from the left, Magnus ducked underneath sweeping his leg and knocking two of the approaching war shadows to the ground while the third one was left isolated. Making good on this chance, Magnus rushed at the third shadow and parried away its attempt at an attack with his buckler while simultaneously landing a critical hit causing it to fade away into dust. Turning his attention back to the other two shadows he found that they had regrouped themselves and started to charge at him. Sliding off the blow from the first attack with his shield, he ducked underneath the second shadows attack and pushed it with his shoulder causing it to stagger back. Using his current momentum he swung his gladius in a long arc cutting apart the first war shadow and soon he stabbed the still disoriented shadow and killed it as well.

"Another battle well done, I'd say I'm more than ready to move onto the next stage. The monsters I'll need to watch out for will be the Killer Ants, I'm going to need to quickly dispatch any I meet as they can easily call for allies. Needle Rabbits are famed for their speed but I'm confident in keeping up while the Purple Moths won't be much of a threat as long they aren't in a horde or I prolong the battle too long. The Blue Papilio aren't dangerous by themselves but I can't let them heal other monsters in the middle of opponents"

Finalizing his strategy for the next floor Magnus got ready and walked down the stairs that he had found before engaging the war shadows.

* * * * *

In a small light green room, 5 killer ants were assembled in a group. It was a quite scene that was ripped apart by the sound of a blade cutting through flesh as out of nowhere a youth rushed out and stabbed one of the ants before it could react, causing it to turn to dust. As the other 4 got alerted, the youth once more swung towards two of the ants that were close together, his attack landing true, he was able to cut the ants, not enough to kill but enough to keep them from acting for a while, as the other two ants closed in on him the youth jumped back and dodged their attempts at an attack.

As he landed back, Magnus got into the fighting position that had been drilled into him since childhood. 'Enemies are 4, I managed in capitate two of them but I need to hurry up and finish the other two off before they can call for help'.

"Bring on you little critters" yelling out a taunt he got into position as the two ants closed in one him. As they charged towards him one after the other, Magnus waited for them to get close before he side-stepped the first ant with just enough distance to barely dodge and then thrust out his gladius as the second ant in its furious charge was unable to stop itself from getting impaled on the sword.

Magnus easily pulled out the sword as if it was instinct and got ready for the other ant to act. Seeing its comrade dead by the humans hand sent the monster into another further rage as it mindlessly charged the adventurer.

Letting the ant approach, Magnus waited till the last moment and jumped to the side and chopped of its legs, the ant now unstable fell to its side unable to move and was quickly finished off by Magnus along with the other two previously in capitated ants.

"That wasn't too bad, all I need now is to get used to them and this is going to be a piece of cake" Magnus gave himself a little pep talk

Collecting the crystals, he made his way further into the dungeon as he fought other monsters and helped out the occasional party.

His grinding today had left him with quite the filled up bag and it was a happy boy that made his up the dungeon at the end of the day.

* * * * *

At the entrance Magus was once more greeted by Albert

"How was your haul today boy?"

"Pretty good, I managed to get all the way to the 7th floor and got quite an amount of crystals, I'm planning on moving on to the 8th floor in a day or two"

"Well It's good to have a plan but don't be too reckless got it?"

"Of course Albert-san, I'll see you later"

Walking back Magnus thought about his progress into the dungeon

'I'm making pretty good progress right now, if I keep this pace up I should easily get to the 9th floor by the end of this week. Doing that should help make me famous enough so that even the larger familias would consider adding me to their numbers.'

After a while, he reached the Guild where he submitted his day's earnings to Misha

"I see you reached the 7th floor today, good work as always Magnus, are you planning on diving deeper tomorrow?"

"I think so, I'll try and reach the 8th floor either tomorrow or the day after and by the end of the week I hope to reach the 9th floor as well"

"That's good, now I have some information for you. Some familia scouts were asking about you, it seems like you've made quite the impression. They were mostly from small to medium scale familia but it's quite the feat, I'd bet the large scale familia would also be showing interest by the end of this week"

"Understood, I'll continue to do my best"

"Very well your total for today comes to a good sum of 193 vali, here you go"

Taking his earning for the day, Magnus gave a quick good bye to Misha as he made his way back towards the inn for a good night's rest.

Today's Earnings:193 vali

Amount Left: 500 vali

Days Left: 4