*S P O I L E R*

Today was the last day of his bet with Misha. Magnus wasn't worried about the bet too much since he had more or less finished the amount already. He guessed even a few goblin crystals would be enough to finish the deal.

Today was another important day as well. It was the day he had finally decided on which familia, and to join to one he wanted he was going to have to find a certain man.

Walking aimlessly around the streets of Orario, Magnus was hoping to run into the target before his dungeon dive for today.

Walking around he came to the Hostess of Fertility, ever since Irildor had brought him here the first time, he hadn't found the time to visit this place again.

It was a frequent gathering spot for adventurers so he shrugged and decided to try his luck in here.

Walking in, he was greeted by a different cat person than last time. A black haired cat-girl with shoulder length hair and green eyes.

"Hello and welcome to the hostess of fertility. What can I get you this fine day?" she spoke as she walked up to him.

"Ah... I'll have your recommended breakfast and the fruit liquor" stating his order, Magnus followed the girl to his assigned seat.

Waiting for a while, he looked around to see if the one he was looking for was around.

Shaking his head in disappointment, he was about to go back to waiting for his breakfast when he heard a noise really close by.

"Who're you looking for?" turning around he came face to face with the black haired cat girl.

"No one in particular, I was just checking to see if a friend of mine had come in"

"A friend… can I have your name? I'm Chloe, Chloe Rollo" she gave him a friendly look.

"Ah I'm Magnus, just Magnus"

"Well then just Magnus, here is your order, let me know if there's anything else you need" saying so she gave him a small smile and tuned around to leave.

Shrugging at her overly-friendly reaction, he turned his attention back to his food.

Finishing the most delicious breakfast he had eaten to date, he was about to leave before he was approached by Chloe again

"Leaving so soon?"

"Well I came here looking for a friend, seeing as he's not here I decided to look around the city"

"Hmm, who's this friend you're looking for?"

"I'm looking for –"

Before he could finish someone entered the restaurant, the exact person he had been looking for

"Looks like he's here, thanks for the meal Miss Chloe" handing her the payment for the meal, he rushed towards the man he had been searching for.

* * * * *

Walking towards the dungeon, Magnus was in a happy mood. He now had a familia ready to join and he could finally finish his bet and get Misha as his official advisor.

He planned to only hunt on the earlier floors today due to not needing much to finish and the need to go to his familia to officially join them.

At the entrance, he met Albert once more

"Good Morning Albert-san"

"Good Morning Magnus, how far are you planning to go today?"

"I don't plan on going far, just till the first few floors since I have to go and officially join my familia later on today."

"Oh so you finally decided to settle down. Good now hop on, the day is still young"

Nodding Magnus made his way into the dungeon

* * * * *

It had been some time since he had been fighting goblins in the fourth floor. Battles on the first four floors were considerably easy now and he was able to blaze through most of the monsters easily.

Deciding he had collected enough crystals to safely finish his bet, he started to make his way back to the surface.

As he reached the first floor, his eyes caught a yellow-green blur pass nearby.

Curious, Magnus decided to follow the direction the blur went in.

After chasing the blur through multiple hallways and corners, he finally approached a rooster with yellow green feathers sitting in a room.

Looking upon the mysterious creatures, he went over the various monsters listed in the book and finally came upon one matching this description.

The Jackbird. A super rare monster found on the first floor of the dungeon. It was really fast and ran away as soon as it sensed adventurer's incoming. It true appeal was in its drop which had a 100% drop rate and went for a fortune.

Deciding this to be an opportunity of a lifetime, Magnus backed up a bit before casting his magic not forgetting how the hellhound had managed to detect his use of magic.

"Duplex Tribuo Self Celer, Tribuo Boots Sonus"

Muffling his sound and increasing his own speed exponentially, Magnus got into position to dash at the resting bird.

"Ready Set…GO!"

He set of leaving a trail of dust in his path and reached the bird before it could even notice him approaching. He had his sword out and in a matter of seconds, cut through the bird, not leaving it a chance to escape.

Despite his successful attacks, Magnus found that he was indeed going too fast and soon crashed into the wall with a loud bang.

Sitting down to rub his nose, he reflected on ever using this much speed without being ready for it.

Walking over to the egg left behind by the dying bird, he picked it up and safely placed it into his backpack.

"Time to go back"

* * * * *

At the adventurer's guild, Magnus rushed towards Misha

"Misha-nee, I have something very important to show you real quick" with urgency in his voice, he made his request to the receptionist

Looking at his hurried expression, Misha nodded before leading him to a private room

"What's got you in such a hurry Magnus, I'm more than sure that you've collected enough money for our bet"

"Yes but that's not the points, what I called you for is this" he pulled out the egg from his pack

Misha jaw dropped to the ground as she witnessed the sheer luck this little brother of hers had in just his first week here.

Most people went their entire lives without seeing a Jackbird and he had managed to slay one in his first week here.

"Well what do you plan to do with this thing?"

"I was hoping to sell it for money?"

"I'd suggest you talk with your familia before doing that, some of them have trading networks on the inside, and you told me last night that you had decided on joining one."

"Oh, I guess that makes. Thanks for the tip Misha-nee"

"So who're you planning to join?"

"Now that's a secret" he let out a playful smile as Misha pouted

"Rather than that, look at this" he pulled out his days drops and handed them over "This should be enough to make you my advisor right?"

Laughing slightly, Misha took the pouch and patted his head "Of course, I, Misha Flott, am now the advisor to adventurer Magnus. I'll handle the paperwork so you can head on to your familia, like I know you're eager to. You can grab your pay later on. Now go on and good luck" giving him another pat on the head, Misha sent Magnus off.

"Now that I'm done with that, it's time to go and meet my new family. It's almost the time I was told to come by so I should hurry" saying so he hurried off towards the address he was offered.

Title :

*The Jackbird*