Chapter 1: Bunker Cities

Bright white room with walls made out of metal and cement that what I see every day I open my eyes. Bunker cities have 50 floors from the top to bottom first 25 floors were assigned to the inferiors while half is for the superiors. However, most of the superiors only have access to the 45 floors since floor 46-50 contains vital facilities for the facilities to work.

I got up from my bed and check the digital clock on the table 5:00 am date is February 18, 2045, 15 years after the war now the surface of the planet is no longer habitable most of the remaining humans have decided to go underground the last communication we make was 10 years ago to Tokyo bunker. The radiation level on the surface was too severe that you have only had a couple of minutes to stay there or die even if you were wearing the most advance protective suit an hour is the longest time you can stay there.

I go to our kitchen to eat some breakfast prepared by mom we always have the weekly supply from the government that composes off vegetable fruit meat and fish and some crustaceans. Our aquaculture and orchard garden is taking care of by the farmer now the job is very limited here in the city you can only be a Technician, Engineer, Doctor, Farmer, Teacher or Soldier. The hardest job is being a farmer since they are responsible for the supply of food most of the thing here in the bunker cities is done by robots and computers.

ARV is the central computer responsible for the management of the entire city every individual who lives in here have a barcode tattoo on our left wrist at the same time microchips embedded on our skin. For us to have successful management, everything here needs credits. Once the barcode on our wrist was scan, we can immediately see our remaining credit to buy things except for us the superior always have a monthly credit of 100 enough to survive on the lower floor.

The ones who reside in the floor B-46 to B-50 are the scientist and elite member of our society before the war important facility like the nuclear reactor, water filtration, computer server heavy-duty weapons are located on these floors but it's been 5 years since the last contact with the elite class. The most response always comes from ARV and from its robot.

Every floor has an Arv console if you have any questions regarding the city you can immediately ask Arv for clarification or if you have a problem you want to consult Arv Is the one who you can run into. Arv is an artificial intelligence developed during the war most countries actually have a more advance AI than what we have here in the Philippines those countries are the U.S, Russia, China, Korea, and Japan.

Unfortunately, there is only a little information recorded in the archived of knowledge of ARV since it happens during the war most important military information is censored and only news about them is made.

During the war advancement of technology have surpassed the speed of sound a lot of technological breakthroughs have happen and scientist became one of the most funded organizations of every country I am still amazed about the holographic projection to develop by the Americans. We are also using that technology here on our Arv console every floor has it on our floor B-36 we originally have a 100 Arv console but only 83 are working now most of it is under repair or maintenance.

Now that I am done with breakfast, it's time to go to school I got on my shoes and bag exited our house and a bright corridor with a lot of doors and room numbers have greeted me I checked the time on the wall and it is already 5:30 in the morning my class starts at 6:00 and ends in 12 noon while I was on my way to school Cedrick my friend have greeted me.

"Ethan hey I just discover new things in the old storage room do you wanna come with me after class" -Cedrick. He is the same age as me 15 years old and the same class but he is taller than me by 3 inches. My height is 5'6 while he is already 5'9 most of us here have white and fair skin since we are no longer exposure to sunlight he actually looks handsome based on what I heard from the girls in our class.

What are you doing in the old storage you know that it's a restricted area for us we can not just go in there even if there is no longer important stuff some of our reserves are still there if something was lost on that room you can be seen as the primary suspect dude your credit score might get affected by it. I said to Cedric with a scowl.

Ethan relaxes okay I did not go there by myself, of course, I apply for a permit to organize all the remaining stock of metal ore the lifter robot is now out of service we only have a remaining 10 lifter robot and most of it is required in the important field unlike here. Arv would not prioritize this sector so we need to manually do it don't worry we can still use manual lifter on the storage and we could earn extra credits don't you like it.

Cedric, I know you loved adventure and you are already bored here in the bunker but why do you even need extra credit where are you going to use them.-Ethan

Ethan, Well you know the thing they called crabs they are really rare and expensive I want to eat some of it the first time I got a taste of it I can no longer forget it. They said that in the old world you can just pick those crabs at the coast or beach man I wish I was able to do that too I'll definitely eat a lot of it.

You sure are a foodie anyway I'm in lets 'just combine our credits so that we don't need to spend too much and besides crabs are big we could just share on 1 crab though.

Okay, that's good to hear Ethan, by the way, I also managed to find something on the old sector I found a door panel on the wall I haven't look what inside of it though I try to ask Arv about that room but strangely it was not on his database.

A hidden panel on the wall and it's not on Arv databased maybe it's just a wall for wire or a hidden closet.

No, that's impossible the door panel is way too big just to have that thing inside - Cedric

Okay fine, we would check it later, for now, let's go ride the shuttle if you don't wanna be late.

As we have reached the stoplight for the shuttle it looks just you ordinary bus but instead of rubber wheels it has train wheels on it and this model is smaller and slimmer than the bus from the old era.

As I have gone inside the bus we scan our bar code for the payment of credits on the wheelbot eyes and have shown us the seat number we were designated to. My sit is at the last row of the shuttle beside the window lucky me I would be able to enjoy the view the shuttle has started moving and we have passed by a lot of pedestrians. The road on the city is wide not unlike the corridor we have for the housing sector this is the business sector and more spacious than the normal the height of the ceiling is about 10 meters high on this place we could see some buildings that look normal and can be found on the surface. Mostly a 3-4 floor building most of them have holographic ads on their front to entice a potential customer.

Based on Arv archived the Datu city floor plan is almost the same for every floor aside from the B-46-50 the entire floor area of each level is 5 km in diameter and at the boundary of the floor is the orchard. Since the height sector for the orchard is higher than what we have here on the main floor the centermost part of the floor is the elevator but that sector is highly guarded by a military robot we can only use it on a very rare occasion. The Old storage sector is located near the centermost part since there was not that much of people in the center you can only see a quiet creepy hallway and corridor. The lights on this sector are always off but would automatically turn on was motion was detected inside.

*ding* *ding* we are now arriving at the B-36 academy please ready all of your things and thank you for taking wheelbot shuttle. An announcement done by wheelbot was heard on the shuttle's speaker I can already see the academy from here made covered in white color and glass.

As the shuttle has made a stop I get off the service and walk to our classroom together with Cedrick who's still grinning till now.