Establishing a Contract with a Qilin

After weeks of studying with her Grandpa and experimenting with her own spare time. Fangsu was depleted of energy, she slammed herself into her bed instantly falling asleep. Screams filled with torment echoed in her mind, they sounded familiar. Familiar to her family member who had recently deceased. The walls of the her childhood house was stained with blood, piles of dead bodies covered the grounds as their blood spilled to Fangsu's feet. The scene of the death of her wet nurse replayed constantly and she could do nothing but watch it happen, her mother and sister were slaughtered by the mysterious men dressed in black. The bloodied arms of mother and sisters wrapped around her arms and legs.

"Fangsu why didn't you help us?" Her younger sister creepily stared at Fangsu, frozen with fear she could not answer back.

"You left us!" Her eldest sister shouted Fangsu whipped her head toward her, scared.

"You grateful little child! You could have repaid me by saving the family." Her mother insulted her. Tears began streaming down Fangsu's eyes. They dragged her into dark waters, Fangsu struggled against their grip and it was futile she could not fight back. Fangsu's heartbeat quicken, her breath turned shallow, a chill enveloped her while she was submerged into the dark water unable to breathe. A fiery pain surrounding her heart as it probed at her weakened heart from the pain of loss.

Fangsu awoke from the shaking of her grandpa staring worryingly at her, "Child you are awake!" Wrapped by the embrace of her grandpa she began crying, tears flowing indefinitely as fear gripped her weakened mind. Fangsu was afraid to sleep now, afraid of her family members and afraid of being alone. "Don't scare me like that."

Fangsu continued to cry in her grandpa's arms, scared of losing another loved one in the midst of her carelessness. Parting from each other, her grandpa wiped away the tears from Fangsu's eyes, "Tell me child what scared you?"

Fangsu shook her head, unwilling to reveal what her nightmares were about. She did not want to speak about the horrifying nightmare. Her grandpa looked at Fangsu worriedly, "Child how am I suppose to help you if you don't tell me what is troubling you?"

Fangsu's lip quivered, she was reluctant to share her inner conflict.

Seeing that his granddaughter wasn't going to speak out her nightmares, he decided to let it go, "Child you know you still have me, " He walked out of the room but before he did, "Fangsu sleep I will ensure you won't have to experience that dream again."

Fangsu eyes drooped heavily. Eventually, she fell asleep. Her grandpa hovered over her body and used his Qi to view Fangsu inner thoughts. He saw the terrifying scene that Fangsu had experience and he shuddered. He understood the reason for his granddaughter unwillingness to share her troubles with him. However, for Fangsu who has a weak constitution since birth, she could not utilise Qi as easily as most people and she could not overuse Qi otherwise it would have repercussions. Due to her weak constitution, she would get sick easily and she was also susceptible to internal heart demons. For many years of her early life, Fangsu wouldn't be able to cultivate normally like her other two sisters, so she took up the Chen family work. Being the one to have mastered the art aromatic dews, they could enhance the conditions of people's skin such as even skin tone, smoothen one's skin texture, lessen redness, improve acne and many other ways to improve the condition of the skin.

Fangsu had also been the one to be able to perfect the prescription for perfumes which was a complicated and laborious process. Perfumes that were created Fangsu always had flowers or herbs that could complement each other, depending on the number of plants required in the perfume it would require more time and experimenting.

He was proud of her accomplishments with aromatic dews and perfumes, however, she lacked the knowledge about medicinal plants. Their family was well-known for the exponential quality of the plants they distributed to the alchemist community. They kept the secrets of plant cultivation that made the plants evolved to another level away from prying eyes.

Now that Fangsu was fully rested, she resumed her studies with her grandpa, identifying plants both that she was familiar and unfamiliar with, medicinal and spiritual plants and herbs. Fangsu could also identify them by their distinct smells because of her strong sense of smell. Her grandpa stood up and took the plants into their respective containers and store them away, "That will be all for today."

Fangsu collected her notebooks, "Grandpa when will I be able to summon my own Qilin?"

Her grandpa laughed at his own forgetfulness, "Ah! I have forgotten about it." Her grandpa put away all the text onto the shelves nearby, "Come, child." They both exited the mountain and forest that surrounded the mountains.

After travelling a far distance, they arrived at another mountain but it had a set of stairs that seem to reach the heavens. Fangsu unsaddled Tian to allow him to roam the area freely, who neighed happily and sprinted off to the open field that was covered by flowers creating a sense of a flowery paradise. "Fangsu." Her grandpa called out to Fangsu. Fangsu hid the saddle amongst the bushes and reached the stairs, lightly taking a step.

Climbing the stairs seemed like an easy task, however, for Fangsu it was extremely difficult and draining. The muscles in her legs ached and burned, her lungs tightened as the air gradually became thinner as she continued up towards the mountain peak, sweat came poured out of her pore causing her hair to stick to her skin. Her grandpa was already leagues ahead of her, only looking back to check up on here every now and then.

Worried etched on his face looking at Fangsu struggled to climb the stairs, however, this was a test whether she be qualified to establish a contract with a Qilin.

Fangsu continued to preserve to climb the steep stairs, even if it meant pushing herself past her limits. Since she was young she wouldn't try to strengthen herself because she knew she wouldn't be able to excel well in physical activities, unlike her younger sister who was considered a martial art prodigy to her paternal grandfather. So, she would learn the botanic methods to compensate for her physical weakness. Even when she would feel like her muscles would burst open, her movements were heavy as lead, her energy draining like quicksand, her breath was starting to become shallow and her vision starting to darkened; Fangsu continued to push herself forward up to the peak of the mountain by herself. Eventually, she reached the end of the stairs, smiling at her grandpa. Her body collapsed due to exhausted, "Grandpa. "

Fangsu's Grandpa rushed towards her and picked her up, "Child you have suffered, " Her grandpa rushed her to a straw hut, resting her upon a bed, "Your grandpa could not help you, child please forgive me." Fangsu's grandpa began profusely apologising to Fangsu for leaving her to suffer the Thousand Steps to Heaven. It was a test for young members of the Chen family to see whether they were qualified to gain a contract with a Qilin, it would test their perseverance, determination, endurance and sheer mental will to conquer the stairs. There was an external force put on the stair to make the test even harder, only those who passed the Thousand Step to Heaven were qualified to attempt a contract with a mythical Qilin.

"Grandpa no need to apologise, " Fangsu reassurance him, trying to convince that it wasn't his fault in the first place, "It's my own fault for neglecting to train my body." However, her grandpa continued to apologize and feed her food and water to regain her energy.

The door of the straw hut opened to reveal an aged woman dressed in rough brown clothes with a hat that covered her face, "She has a good mindset, strong will and kind, " the aged woman removed her hat to wiped away sweat from her forehead, "Give this old woman some time to change into some clean clothes." She moved the beaded curtains to enter another room to get change with some privacy.

Fangsu and her grandpa waited for the old woman to change, "Grandpa who is that?" asked curious about the old woman.

"That woman is the guardian for the Qilin, a person who is selected for this position are highly respected because it's an extremely hard role to attain and maintain." Her grandpa misunderstood the question and told her about the position that the old woman held.

The woman moved the beaded curtain away revealing a much cleaner appearance for her age, her skin was much firmer for her age. "I think she was asking for my name." leaning against the door frame smiling, "My name is Xu Yang (徐杨). "

Fangsu hurried out of the bed and timidly paid her respects the to the older woman, to which the older woman laughed at the formal greeting. Xu Yang beckoned Fangsu to follow her which she did follow. They casually chatted along the way until they finally reached their destination, an oasis for Qilin where they could roam freely away from danger, they had multiple different coloured patterns, shapes and sizes. All the Qilins were of a varied age range from the infant ones to the most senior ones. "There are so many." Fangsu was shocked by the sheer numbers of Qilins inhabiting this mountaintop.

Xu Yang laughed at the young girl's reaction, "Yes, there are now."

Fangsu was stunned, "What do you mean? Did the Qilin have a small population before?" questioning Xu Yang words, obviously unaware of the past event involving the Qilins.

Xu Yang patted Fangsu' head, "You are quite the perceptive aren't you?" However, Xu Yang could only sigh, "Previously, Qilins were hunted for their extremely sought out body parts; their skin would be used for making armour, their horns would be used for medicine, their organs would be pickled to be eaten to extend an individual's life, their hair would be used to make brushes and the list goes on." Xu Yang briefly explained what had previously happened to the Qilin.

Fangsu was bewildered by the action of humankind against the Qilin but it was, in fact, human nature to exploit others without thinking of the consequences. "Are there people who still seek out Qilin?" Fangsu questioned, Xu Yang, nodded, "It must be hard having to protect the Qilin from other people all by yourself, " Xu Yang was surprised by Fangsu sympathic mindset.

"Come, child, " Xu Yang lead Fangsu towards the centre of the oasis and whistled for all the Qilin to come over. One by one all the Qilin surrounded the two woman, "You have to kneel and a Qilin will proceed to approach you to whether they are compatible with you." Xu Yang whispered and left Fangsu alone at the centre of the oasis. Fangsu knelt down on one knee and waited for a Qilin to approach her, however, none had approached her and left the centre of the oasis to continue what they had previously been doing.

Seeing that none of the Qilins had approached her, her heart began to waver under rejection, but she could not give up so Fangsu steeled her heart and continued to kneel at the centre of the oasis. Minutes soon became hours and still, no Qilin had approached Fangsu to see whether they were compatible with her. Fangsu's grandpa began to worried whether she would be able to establish a contract with a Qilin, however, Xu Yang was extremely puzzled to why none of the Qilin would approach Fangsu even though she had the best attributes to make a contract with one of them. However, if fate did not allow it then it would be inevitable that Fangsu would be without a Qilin to accompany her. Xu Yang decide that Fangsu would be companionless so decide take Fangsu back. Fangsu obediently left the centre along with Xu Yang, "Child it's fine if you don't have a Qilin companion." Xu Yang apologetic tried to comfort Fangsu

Fangsu shook her head, "It's fine, if it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be." Fangsu continued to walked along the pathway back to the hut, "But, to see Qilin before my eyes peacefully living here is a once in a lifetime experience. So, there is no need to worry." Fangsu happily walk beside her grandpa happily talking about the Qilins, completely unaffected by the fact she had no Qilin by her side.

When they had arrived at the stairs, Fangsu turned to face Xu Yang, "It must be lonely having to live here all by yourself here, " Fangsu commented, "Is it okay if I come to visit once in a while?"

Xu Yang's eyes softened, "I would like that,"

Fangsu smiles brightly towards Xu Yang and when down the stairs but a small roar, stopped Fangsu from proceeding down the stairs. A young Qilin barely the size of a fully grown one. It had a white body with peach pink hair and a smooth ivory horn pranced towards Fangsu and nudged her arm, immediately Fangsu patted the Qilin's head, "Hello, little one."

Fangsu's grandpa excitedly cheered, "Fangsu quickly establish a contract with this Qilin."

Fangsu was hesitant to establish a contract, "But, Grandpa this little one will be in danger because of those men, if it's with me." But continued to smooth out the Qilin's soft mane.

Xu Yang furrowed her brow questioningly, "Men? Fangsu please me what do you mean by men?"

Fangsu's grandpa sighed depressingly as he explained the predicament they were in and Xu Yang was shocked. Xu Yang stared at Fangsu and held her hands, "How are you coping child?"

Fangsu eyes were filled with sadness, "I'm fine, " Directing her attention to the sunset, "It's getting late, Grandpa."

Xu Yang held Fangsu hand, "Come with me, child, " taking her to the but with the young Qilin following them close behind. Xu Yang began rummaging through the hut to find a book and handed it to Fangsu. "Take this."

Fangsu wasn't able to get a chance to speak when Xu Yang began dragging her to the centre of the oasis and making the young Qilin stand opposite to Fangsu. "Bow to each other and then Fangsu you will proceed to make the contract."

Both the young white Qilin and Fangsu bowed to each other, the young Qilin approached Fangsu allowing Fangsu to place a drop of blood onto its head. The blood was quickly absorbed and a golden mark of a blossoming magnolia flower appeared. Now that the contract was established Fangsu patted the young Qilin's neck. They both proceeded down the mountain leaving behind the Grandpa and Xu Yang.


Xu Yang turned to Fangsu's grandpa, "What are you going to do now?"

He sighed in response, "I'm planning to return to the capital." He began walking down the stairs, "To find the culprit."

Xu Yang nodded, "Your grandchild, Fangsu is a good child." She smiled happily, a bit jealous, "You are blessed."

The grandpa smiled happily, "I am blessed to have her as my grandchild, " but a sad expression formed on his face, "She is a bit similar to Sun Tai, isn't she?"

Xu Yang nodded in agreement, "They are quite similar to each other,"

The two decided parted ways.