Farewell of a Ghost

The task that Fangsu was delegated was completed. All that was needed was to completely erased their existence for the rest of time; once again but this time for good. Fansgu stood atop a mountain where the fog veiled the mountains in the midst of the early day. The view was stunning to say the least. The beautiful hour of dawn cascade down her form. The heavenly orange beamed on her face highlight her now restored body while the pink undertones the light gave, a blushing hue on her face giving her life. The warmth of the sun gently beamed on her as she soaked the sun's ray into her skin. A rekindle of her new life that was long and prosperous. Beneath the mountains was the waves of the ocean which crashed against the rocky cliffside, luscious colours of ocean vastly contrasted the sky.

Ash grey hair flew in a frenzy as the wind whipped past her, howling at her imminent farewell. The forest green fabric of her hanfu flared in a manner that was quite ethereal like an immortal fairy that was about to ascend to the heavens. Fangsu was overseeing the reconstruction of the island since the burning and now there were new refurnishing and additions to the new home. There have also been a few more additions to accommodate for more private work stations for everyone. Susu had decided to open up a small dessert business next to local school where she eventually found love with one of the teachers from the local school. A hardworking young man who is quite attentive to the needs of children.

Liansu, on the other hand, had decided to upstart a new alcohol business of unique liquors and wines completely breaking records. Mother had also decided to help with management of financial output and inputs, working tirelessly in an effort to aid Liansu who just focuses on making the alcohol but fortunately during her work she has met with a newly appointed general who pursuing her by she just act coy since she has a hard time opening her heart to new romantic relationships since her last marriage. Fangsu wants to live an idyllic lifestyle just taking care of the plants on the island and work on making new medicines with Yun Nan who decided to live on the island

Looking down from the mountains at the crashing waves, taking a step forward to towards the edge. Fangsu allowed herself to fall from the frightened height feeling the harsh wind rush past her skin, "Fangsu!" A familiar voice resonated loud in the mountain range catching her attention. Ang Siu reached out her.

Fangsu instinctively went to reach for him, "Ang Siu!" Eventually they soon reached each other, holding each other. Plunging into the cold ocean before they both reached the surface gasping for air. Ang Siu glared at Fangsu with a terrifying rage that even she got scared, "I wasn't trying to hurt myself." The harsh wind that was blowing since the early morning was now causing the both of them to shiver and they quickly rushed over to a nearby in so that they could have a warm bath and change into some dry clothes.

The two of them sat across from each other on the bed with Fangsu wrapping herself in the blanket as her body was still trying to warm itself up, "Let me dry your hair." Ang Siu went to find a cloth to help dry Fangsu's hair which he found nearby the private bathing area. Her dampened hair was darken from the water but as he continued to rub her hair dry from the water which led the cloth getting more wet. While the cloth was getting more damp, "When you were on the top of the mountain standing there by yourself you looked like you would disappear in front of my eyes." Ang Siu confessed as he caressed the silky hair that was in between his hand that was returning to its ashy grey hair that he was so familiar with.

After Ang Siu finished drying Fangsu's hair and then folded the cloth, placing on the table nearby and he came back to sit on the bed, flopping on to his back that lay against the bed. Fangsu then crawled in the direction of Ang Siu where she prompted his head onto her lap, "I thought you had left me." Fangsu decided to confess her inner thoughts to Ang Siu since he had, "But, it would be selfish of me to keep you from your family just because I hate being alone." Forcing herself to keep smiling even though her heart was thudding in pain seeing that it would be difficult to maintain their sort of relationship. One needing to be a leader for an entire tribe while another needed to remove themselves from the world completely.

Ang Siu immediately sat up to take Fangsu's hand into his own completely engulfing her small hands, "Fangsu, I would never abandon you," He released a breath before a hawk interrupted them to which Ang Siu quickly went to check up on it. As he unravelled the small piece of paper that was tied to the ankle of the hawk, reading the contents of the small piece of paper. A smile soon was plastered on his face as he went to scoop Fangsu up into his arms, "My father approves of me being an emissary to find new locations for the clan to move to," This position had long been vacant since the last person who did it was much too old for the job. Ang Siu had travelled to many places because of his uncle was the most suitable for this position since many were reluctant to leave home for long periods of time.

Fangsu was still shocked that Ang Siu would have to leave the clan for long periods of time, "But, you would need to move a lot as an emissary." She was still worried about the need for Ang Siu having to be the person who constantly having to be on the move.

Despite this Ang Siu smiled as he placed Fangsu on his lap, snuggling into the crook of her neck, "My job only entails for me to just find new locations and basically just report the terrain and suitability of the area." He was extremely giddy at the thought of being on a job that was flexible and allowed him to be able to be with Fangsu at the same time. He could imagine the future where he would live with Fangsu on the island where they would raise their children on the spacious land surrounded by nature while they could be able to still visit his side of the family at any location for family unions or celebration. As the thought of children suddenly clicked in his brain. Ang Siu stared at Fangsu who could only tilt her head in confusion at his sudden focus attention on her. He quickly imagined a small toddler preferable a girl running up to him calling him 'Daddy' was such a cute thought, "Please allow me the honour to marry you and have children with me." Ang Siu could only hopeless plead for the chance to have a family.

Fangsu being the one being asked this could only freeze in her place in Ang Siu's lap. Loops of informations were slipping out of Fangsu's brain as she tried to register the words that was spoken, "You want to marry me?" Then the sudden pang of realisation hit her as she became flustered at the thought of marriage and children and raising a family with Ang Siu, "Children?" Redden cheeks flushed against pale olive skin completely captivating the male who also blushed as he didn't realised that he have spoken the words that he was meant to say in his mind. The flustered couple could only silently blush in the darkening day as they waited for their hair to air dry.

Ang Siu then wrapped his arms around Fangsu's waist and placing his forehead on her shoulder sighing, "Who else would I marry beside you?" He had absolutely no interest in other people beside Fangsu since she was one who captured her heart without trying to seduce him like the other women he had met while on his travels with his uncle to other regions and other nearby countries, "You are the only one that I need." He pulled Fangsu closer to him. They could feel each other's warmth from being so close together.

Fangsu held Ang Siu's arm with her small hands, "Ok." She shyly spoke before Ang Siu tightened his hold around Fangsu's waist before pulling her along with his as they laid in bed together. Just to sleep.


A nearly folded stack of formal wear laid in front of Fangsu who was prepping her skin with some fcae mask to help nourish her skin and brighten her complexion. It was a beautiful embroidered clothing that hailed from Ang Siu's clan where the silver gold thread works where motifs of mountains and magnolias embellished into the beautiful silvery gold brocade. There were fur linings that were trail along the hem of the dress which was also the lining for the boots that accompany the dress. This time the boots actually fit her and they were extremely comfortable. Fangsu carefully donning on the outfit, occasionally adjusting it so that it fit properly on her body.

As she walked out of the tent that she was accommodated with which was next to her own family tent. Sim Siu came bearing some gifts that were customary for the the wedding that was being held today for Fangsu, "You will need to wear this," It was a white silk veil that was attached to a silver vine like crown that would sit on top of her head covering her face from any onlookers. Then Sim Siu aided Fangsu in placing the flat top hat on Fangsu's head which was embellished with intricate beautiful thread work with beads. Then Liansu entered the room wearing formal clothing that suitable for the occasion before she took Fangsu's hand with her hand while Sim Siu took the opposite free had. The two girl led Fangsu out of the tent to the venue where she would need to greet everyone in the clan before she is to be welcomed.

Today, both the bride and groom won't be allowed to see each other until the next day, Fangsu was quite content with the people int he clan who were quite receptive to her arrival since she had already met with them. The people in the clan admired the young girl who managed to kill a rouge wolf during the matchmaking event despite being at a disadvantage and her kindness to the people around her. Everyone began the feast that was long prepared to introduce the bride to the clan to signal a long and prosperous life within the clan along with the blessing of many children to come.

Liansu was having the time of her life drinking all sort of wines while drinking everyone under the table that tried to challenge her. Their mother was quite worried about Liansu's potential future but seeing as it was suppose to be a festive and joyous event she would let it slide just this once. As she was enjoying herself to the food and occasionally helping the other women with clean up and the food. Susu, on the other hand was already married and was still in the early stages of her pregnancy.

Fangsu and her grandpa sat side by side like every time there was a celebration that was being held, "To think my baby granddaughter is already grown up," He sighed as he took a sip of an amber liquid that was being poured by Fangsu who could only chuckle at her grandpa's antics, "It feels like you were only just a few years old spilling all the essential oils when you tried to make your own perfumes." Her grandpa began reminiscing about the old past where Fangsu was just starting out and wanting to start with the more complicated recipes without bothering to learn the basics.

Fangsu could only grimace at her grandpa reminding her of her childhood embarrassments. Another elderly woman came to sit next to Fangsu who was surprised to see her, "I would like to hear that story." A small chuckled escaped out of the elderly woman's mouth as she continued to listen to the old man reminiscing about their own children and grandchildren. The festivities continued through the entire night where there were people lining up at the old woman's medical tent tot be able to heal the many hangovers that resulted in the high consumption of alcohol last night since the last wedding was a long time ago, "It was quite surprising to see that your sister has such a high tolerance for alcohol at a young age," The old woman began tending to the many people who were groaning and moaning like corpses trying to come back to live.

Fangsu felt bad for the people who tried to compete against her sister. She began helping her grandmother-in-law and other assistants with all the patient that were overflowing in the tent. Fangsu's tender care to all the patient garnered the attention of everyone for her kind nature also her attention to detail for each patient especially to the elderly who were more susceptible to more severe hangovers, "Where is the herbal drawer?" An assistant point at the curtain where there was a huge drawer that was much taller than Fangsu herself. Fangsu then went to a herbal drawer where she had to pull out each individual drawer to find the Chinese jujube seeds to make a herbal hangover soup which was quite effective. As she boiling the Chinese jujube seed in some fresh spring water to make the concoction to hand to the patients.

After a few hours, every patient were given medicine or the soup to help with the hangover to which all the attending assistants and Fangsu's grandmother-in-law, "Dear, you should be going along to meet with your impatient husband to be," The elderly than stretched out her body to attend the journey to the island where her grandson would be living from now on. Fangsu was then was escorted by everyone to the ship which would take them to the island.


After the wedding, the Chen family had once again disappeared from the world only the memory of their existence was like a ghost. There for a moment to only disappear. But, the people will remember them for their Ghostly Fragrance. A slight whisper of floral and herbal notes linger in the air.