Meeting with the Empress Dowager

Fangsu watched, Hsu Li Qiang leave the teahouse from the window, "Grandpa who was he?" Fangsu inquires her grandpa who was returning the paste back to its rightful place.

Her grandpa paused his actions, questioning whether to reveal the young man's identity, but decided it would for the better that Fangsu knew about the royal family. Her grandpa was about to answer Fangsu, a messager bird landed at the ledge of the window, cooing. A golden latch with a small piece of paper was attached on the messager bird's leg, "I didn't expect she found us so fast,"

He took the message from the latch, reading the contents of the message. Fangsu looked at the messager bird, petting the soft feathers of the small bird which happily cooed happily from Fangsu's gentle touch. "Who sent you that letter?"

"An old friend, " her grandpa briefly replied Fangsu, "She wants to meet you, do you?"

Fangsu did not think too much about the identity of the person's identity and agreed to meet the sender of the message. The grandpa sent back a message back using the messager bird. "Just saying but the person is from the Royal Palace, " Her grandpa informed Fangsu.

Fangsu was slightly shocked that the sender was a part of the royal palace. She had no idea what the do if she were at the palace, mannerism, speech or behaviour she knew nothing. The pit of her stomach began squirming in nervousness, "Grandpa do I need to learn anything before going to the palace?" anxiously asking her grandpa.

Her grandpa looked at Fangsu, "No need to, " He began walking out to the stairs to leave with Fangsu following close behind. "Just be polite and you will be fine." He reassured Fangsu but that didn't seem to help ease her worries who seem to be unsure what to do. Fangsu began rambling able to consequences that could occur if she were to displease someone of high status, some of the consequence of the things that Fangsu thought of were very extreme.

"Child you don't need to worry so much, " Her grandpa reassured her and stopped her from continuing her rambling, "You will just need to stay by my side." Seeing that Fangsu's expression had eased out, he sighed in relief.

As they walked back to the direction of their home, a group of men dressed in black surrounded them. The mere sight of those men dressed in black caused Fangsu's blood to drain from her body, a cold sweat covered her body, her breathing started to get more shallow as time passed, her line of sight began to narrow and her hearing began dulling. Memories of her dead family members crushed her mentally. Fangsu's weak legs gave out on her, making her an easy target.

"Fangsu!" Fangsu's grandpa called out for Fangsu, trying to awake her from her clouded conscious only to be in vain. Trying to defend himself and his granddaughter who was unable to move was extremely difficult. Seeing that he would be quickly oppressed if this continued any longer, summoning his Qilin who defended Fangsu while he would fight the men in black.

The men dressed in black we're amazed to see a mythical Qilin that was often said to be hidden in the underworld.

"It's a Qilin!"

"We can get more money profiting off that Qilin, "

"Screw this job, "

Barrages of weapons flew towards the elderly man, who solidifies his resolute. A ferocious aura exploded from his aged body, but with his age came great power. Infusing Qi into his fist, he spun around on his heel avoiding the blunt majority of the attacks. Countering with his fist causing the man to stumble backwards. With a swift kick to the chest, he slammed one into the wall. The other men who startled to see an old man able to fend against a high-trained fighter, "Who employed you?" the elderly barked at the group of men. Seeing that the old man was someone to trifle with, they decided it was best to go for the young girl who defenseless. They simultaneously charged at the girl who was protected by the elder's Qilin. However, they never knew the scale of power that the Qilin possess, unknowingly signing their own warrant of death.

The Qilin subdued the group of men quickly and efficiently. Fangsu who was on the ground, immobile, her eyes were clouded with fear and her body was stiff. Fangsu's grandpa shook Fangsu by the shoulder to wake her up, which Fangsu finally regain consciousness, "What happened?" her voice trembled with fear.

Her grandpa took his outer robe, covering her body and prevent her from seeing the sight of dead bodies. He carefully seated Fangsu on his Qilin, "Just go home and rest, " His sight landed on the lone man who was leaning on the wall, "I still have something to deal with." He let the Qilin rush back to the house so Fangsu could rest.

The elder walked over to the man who woke up in excruciating pain, seeing the old man walking in his direction. The man tried to scramble off but the pain in his chest, likely a fracture in his rib pierced his lungs causing him to stop in his movement to prevent any more pain. "Shit! No one tells me that this old man could fight back!"

The elderly looked down at the injured man leaning on the wall for support, "The name is Chen Hong, "

Chen Hong crouched to the man's level, "I will ask you again, " the menacing glare that Chen Hong gave off showed the distance between their strengths, "Who is it that employed you?" questioning the injured the man.

The man shook his head side to side furiously, trembling in fear, "I can't tell you! I can't tell you! I can't tell you!" the man continuous trembled saying the words 'I can't tell you' as if it were a chant. Chen Hong furrowed his brow in seriousness, only a person with extremely powerful status can cause such an extremely trained fighter to tremble in fear. Chen Hong placed his hand on the man's shoulder, "You just have to tell me, and I can let you join your brothers without any pain, " The elder promised. Even if this man were to go into hiding, he would still be killed.

The man hung his head low, " I was sent by Hsu Li H-, " however before he could say the full name he spewed out a black substance with numerous Gu poison bugs exploded from his stomach, with all his organs mutilated from being eaten. Even though the man was killed, Chen Hong had a suspicion of who sent these men.

"To think that my family would still be targeted even after two decades," Chen Hong wrapped the bodies of those men and buried them in the forest so that wouldn't be disturbed.


Fangsu leaned on her grandpa's Qilin as they escaped, her body shifted to the movement of the Qilin. The sight of the estate with flowering blossoms gave a sense of security and safety for Fangsu. Fangsu entered the estate to where all the plants seem to give off an ethereal glow, she leaned against the trunk of the trees. Cicadas sung a lullaby through the night as Fangsu waited for her grandpa, feeling lonely, Fangsu summoned Bai Xue.

Bai Xue circled around Fangsu and supported her back, keeping her warm from the cold night breeze. Fangsu stroked the pristine white scales on Bai Xue's back, feeling every single scale run underneath her fingertips which gave her mind a bit of peace. "Bai Xue, do you think grandpa will return tonight?" Fangsu asked Bai Xue who cocked its head to the side.

Tian trotted over to Fangsu, nudging his face trying to calm Fangsu. "Tian... I don't know what I would do if I'm by myself, " Fangsu held onto Tian as tears rolled down her cheeks, "I'm scared of being alone, " Fangsu confessed to Tian who she knew wouldn't tell anyone about any of the secrets she shared with him.

Little did Fangsu know that her grandpa stood a few meters away, hidden by the trees as he listened to Fangsu. He hesitated to move forward to comfort his granddaughter, however, he walked over to Fangsu and hugging her.

"Fangsu I promise you, " Her grandpa held onto the petite Fangsu who only reached his chest, "I will not leave you alone." trying to soothe the trembling Fangsu.

Her grandpa picked her up from her knees, supporting her on his arm, "Child you have grown so much, " Groaning from his aging body.

"Grandpa doesn't carry me like a child! I'm too old to be carried like this!" Fangsu wiping the remaining tears on her face away.

As her grandpa walked down the hallways of the state, "I still remember you were still so little, you were so little you barely fit the size of my arm." he reminisced about the old-times when she was still a baby. Eventually, they reached her room and he tucked her in like when she was still a toddler.

Before her grandpa left, Fangsu held onto her grandpa's hand, afraid that he would also disappear. Her grandpa firmly held onto Fangsu's hand until she fell asleep, he left to grab a nightmare warding lantern that gave off a soft beige glow, hanging it above Fangsu. A nightmare warding lantern was an item that is mainly used to assist people during the heart demon ritual to calm the cultivator and on rare occasions, it is used for people who have troubles with calming their minds. Seeing Fangsu's chest rise up and down rhythmically, she would sleep at ease.


Ivory silk curtain blew in the wind, letting only the slightest breeze to settle in the room. Flower petals flew into the room, resting themselves on Fangsu and the bed, the sight was otherworldly picturesque. Sunlight rays penetrated through the sheer silk curtains. Bai Xue nudged Fangsu awake from her deep slumber, something that was not a frequent occurrence. "Bai Xue let me sleep a little more," Fangsu putting the blanket above her head to block out the bright sunlight rays.

Bai Xue being defiant pulled at the blankets leaving Fangsu to bask in the sunlight. "Am I forgetting something today?" questioning herself.

"Fangsu are you ready yet?" Her grandpa adjusted his hair while calling out.

"Ready for what?" Fangsu replied.

"Ready to visit the person I mentioned before?" Her grandpa reminded Fangsu.

Fangsu rushes out of her bed, hurriedly dressing in a modest green hanfu with embroidery of ginkgoes that would be sway from the movement of her steps making it seem like there were trailing behind her. Quickly she rushed to wash her face and put some of her aromatic dew on her face as a toner and her homemade rose cream as moisture. After applying products, her face glowed luminously and her cheeks were dusted pink. Having very little time she decided to forgo trying to apply cosmetics as it would be time-consuming since she wasn't very experienced.

However, since she wasn't familiar with the person she was going to visit she decided to bring a gift. Rummaging through her stacks of aromatic dews, she found an aromatic dew and a facial cream; placing into a cloth. Fangsu rushed out of the estate, but before she could mount Tian, a red carriage decorated with golden ornaments with motifs of phoenixes and dragons awaited outside the estate. A servant escorted Fangsu into the carriage where her grandpa was already sitting in.

Once Fangsu was settled in the carriage, which started moving towards the palace. "Grandpa, exactly who are we meeting?" Fangsu asked, seriously thinking why she had asked that question to identify the person she was soon going to meet.

"An old friend of mine, " Her grandpa vaguely responded back to Fangsu's question.

Fangsu let out a breath, "I mean what is this person's identity?" clarifying the question.

"The empress dowager." her grandpa finally answered the question Fangsu had been asking. Fangsu was bewildered, her grandpa was associated with someone of such high power. The carriage came to a stop and they exited the carriage. Fangsu quietly followed her grandpa into the palace, when they arrived at the doors of the palace which towered over them. Two imperial guards dressed in golden-colour armour blocked the entrance and Fangsu was nervous, looking at her grandfather who had no reaction to the guard's actions. Her grandpa held the same emerald green jade from when they entered the capital. Showing the identification jade to the imperial guards, who allowed both Fangsu and her grandpa into the palace.

Servants, maids and ministers bustled around the palace doing their duties whether it was cleaning, replacing or archiving records of information. Fangsu closely followed her grandpa, not want the incident from the teahouse to happen here in the palace where she could be severely punished for acting the wrong way.

As they walked towards the direction to what Fangsu presumed was the empress dowager's own palace. Servants opened the door, which showcased the wide courtyard with extravagant decor, like the four gentlemen plants; plum trees, a bamboo grove, a garden full of orchids and chrysanthemums. There was also a water pavilion to view the lotuses.

A white-haired woman dress in extravagant clothes sat at a water pavilion, elegantly drinking tea which had a calming scent which Fangsu who identify as a Pu'er tea which is known for its laborious fermentation process and its expensiveness.

"Greetings Your Majesty," both Fangsu and her grandpa properly greeted the Empress Dowager, the previous queen mother of the country. The empress Dowager motioned for the both of them to rise, finishing off the cup of tea she had.

"Chen Hong, it has been a long time." The empress monotonously questions, the atmosphere instantly turned rigid. Her eyes stared at the two individuals especially at the young girl who seems to be fidgeting, nervous from the unfamiliar situation. "Child come here, " gesturing the young girl to come forward to her. Fangsu approached the Empress Dowager cautious as she was afraid to make a wrong move that could come with severe consequences, the Dowager pulled Fangsu to a seat next to her, caressing her face. "You look like your parents, "

"My parents? Really?" Fangsu smiled gently but it somehow the movement seemed very stiff. "I don't feel like I have anything in common with my parents." Fangsu honestly answered.

"You have your father's calm personality and your mother's face," The dowager smiled happily while pinching Fangsu's soft cheeks, "The last time I saw you was when you were still a baby."

Fangsu listened to the empress dowager's talks only answering when it was required. The empress enjoyed the company of the young Fangsu, completely forgetting about the old man who was sipping on the tea that was offered to him by the servants. "Fangsu where is the rest of the family? Why are you the only one here?" The Empress Dowager asked.

Both Fangsu and her grandpa kept quiet, not even a single utter could be heard. "Nuan Ning," Chen Zhong tried to speak however the words failed to form.

"Did something happen to them?" The empress worriedly asked.

Fangsh held onto the Empress Dowager's hand firmly, "After my sister and I turned 10 our father left us to deal with his family situation but that was 6 years ago, " Fangsu hands began trembling in nervousness, "My mother raised us, three daughters, by herself." Fangsu explained the family situation but didn't reveal the truth.

"Ah! So you Mother is sick and your two other sisters are helping around the house," the Empress Dowager misunderstood the situation thinking that Fangsu's mother was tired, being helped by the other two sisters and Fangsu had to come with her grandpa for business instead of her mother.

"Nuan Ning, please stop assuming such a situation." Fangsu's grandpa sighed heavily pinching the area in between his eyebrows, he explained the actual situation from the beginning continuing on from Fangsu's words. The near-annihilation of the Chen clan, to the move to the estate in the capital and the investigation to find out any information linking to the perpetrator that is targeting them. The empress dowager attentively listened to the entire story and furrowed her brow, "This is a predicament especially since Fangsu is now the only heir to the Chen family." The empress dowager waved her hand for a senior attendant to attend to her. Quietly whispering in the senior attendant's ear, who quickly rushed out of the room.

After some time, the senior attendant returned with a small box made from Wumu wood, it's black exterior emphasis the golden lock that seals the contents. The senior attendant hand the box to the empress dowager who held the box with such tenderness it was as if the box were a child. "Fangsu I was previously from a blacksmith family, my skill was highly regarded by people but since I married in the royal family." sighing with heaviness she took a tiny key unlocking the lock however not opening the cover, "I was determined to make the best possible weapon before I would be confined here."

The empress dowager opened the box, taking out a sheathed dagger with an ornamental strap hanging at the end, "This item. I will hand over to you, it will be the best possible protection that I can offer you." handing into Fangsu's hand which was trembling, who quickly handed it back.

"Your Majesty I am unworthy to possess such an item." Fangsu kowtowed to the floor, refusing the weapon.

But, the Empress Dowager quickly placed the dagger in Fangsu's hand, enclosing with her own hand. "Take it, I no longer have a use for it." The Empress Dowager pointed to the ornamental strap, which when twisted a paintbrush would reveal itself. "The paintbrush can be used to draw any spell in the air, however, you have to use a medium to create the spell whether it be this paint or your blood." Handing over a few containers of paint that glowed similarly to Dawn's Breath.

Fangsu returned the paintbrush in its compartment and packing the paints into her bag. "My gift is not as grand as yours but I hope this will please you." Fangsu took her gift; the aromatic dew and the facial cream, "This aromatic dew is made from chrysanthemum and this facial cream is made from roses." opening the containers to allow the aroma slowly waft into the air.

The Empress Dowager graciously accepted the gift, which made her luminously happy to receive the gift that Fangsu had given her. The doors open to reveal the young men entering, one of them was familiar to Fangsu, however, the other she didn't recognise. "Li Qiang! You're here!" Li Qiang turned to his grandmother who called for him. The empress dowager introduced Fangsu and her grandpa, "Meet the Gardener, Chen Hong and his granddaughter Chen Fangsu."