Lady Rong’s Memories

The recollection of memories of the memories Heng Hui and herself causing mischief in their younger years. They were close with each other that they acted like sisters, "Wei Ling! Hurry before the Donkey Rolls (驴打滚) run out!" Heng Hui called back to Wei Ling pacing back and forth anxiously. Wei Ling hurried to Heng Hui's side, despite being shoved to the side by many other people who were in the rush to get the limited Donkey Rolls made at the famous bakery. As they rushed to get in line, a young man bumped into them causing the three of them to fall onto the ground.

Heng Hui helped Wei Ling up from the ground, dusting off any dirt from their skirts. "Sorry, I just caught in the excitement of the crowd." The young man apologised, dusting off his clothes whilst readjusting his weapon at his waist. Heng Hui quickly rushed inside the shop to get her hands on the Donkey Rolls that were on sale, while Wei Ling sat onto a random bench that was vacant. "Your friends really want that dessert." The young man tried to converse with Wei Ling.

"She has been wanting to her hands on them, " Wei Ling replied. A chilly breeze blew causing Wei Ling's hair to fan out, displaying her long luscious black hair that was clearly well taken care of. Wei Ling's hair evidently blew into the young man's face which she immediately took back in her hands, braiding it to prevent it from getting in anyone face. "I'm sorry, my hair is very long so it tends to get into people's face quite often especially on windy days like today." Wei Ling apologises to the young man for her hair getting into his face.

The young man lightly chuckled, "Your hair is very beautiful," complimenting Wei Ling's hair which made her incredibly happy.

"Thank you." Wei Ling thanked the young man as she hid her face in her massive bundle of hair, blushing.

Heng Hui came out of the shop with two packages, proudly smiling at her accomplishment. "Ta-da! I have accomplished my mission on getting the Donkey Rolls." Heng Hui opened one of the boxes to reveal six pieces of Donkey that were rolled in soybean flour. Heng Hui took one of the Donkey Rolls into her hands feeling the remaining warmth of the dessert, taking a hearty bite out of the sticky dessert and tasting the slightly sweet but earthy red bean filling. The soybean flour covered the surface of Heng Hui moist lips as the flour easily were blown away by the wind. "Wei Ling! Eat one! It tastes so good," Heng Hui happily ate the remaining of the Donkey Roll in her hand in such gusto that Wei Ling took a roll out from the box to eat one.

Both girls were delighted to eat the dessert crafted from the famous baker that only makes about ten boxes per day. Wei Ling has forgotten about the young man but when she turned to the seat next to her. He had completely disappeared from the bench.

Another breeze blew through the street which Wei Ling had to hold down her hair from whipping people in the face, "Heng Hui, it is getting really windy." Wei Ling pulled at Heng Hui's sleeve, dragging her to the Blossoming Fragrance tea house to rest before heading home.

"Lady Chen! Lady Yin! The usual spot?" An employee politely suggested with a smile. Which Heng Hui naturally nodded enthusiastically as the both of them walked up the stairs to continue into the upper floors.

Upon sitting on their usual spot that was overseeing the capital where flowering trees began blooming. The same servant came into the room to serve tea with the dessert that they had bought. "Thank you." Wei Ling appreciated the hard work of the workers. The employee returns the appreciation with a smile before return back to work.

"Wei Ling, have you received any marriage offers from anyone?" Heng Hui giggled mischief while eating a donkey roll happily.

Wei Ling shook her head, "No, my parents are still looking for a match but everyone in the city either doesn't suit my parents' requirements or don't have a good reputation." Wei Ling sighing heavily

Heng Hui huffed in annoyance, "That's not right! Someone must at least admire you!" Trying to comfort Wei Ling from the lack of marriage offers, "Plus, you would be a good wife."

Wei Ling appreciated the sentiment but it could not overwhelm the crushing pressure of the passing marriageable age especially now that she was 19 turning 20. Heng Hui grabbed a piece of donkey roll and began stuffing it in Wei Ling's mouth, "Stop! Let's not talk about this!" Heng Hui tried to distract Wei Ling from getting depressed.

"How's the preparation for the wedding between Lin Yanjun and you?" Wei Ling reverts the attention the Heng Hui once again as she didn't want to think about her lack of marriage proposals. Heng Hui began blushing when Lin Yanjun was mentioned, "You only have two weeks before the wedding." Wei Ling was now getting worried about the preparation for Heng Hui's wedding.

Heng Hui smiled as a piece of parchment placed on the table, a drawing of a traditional wedding dress with added details that made it unique. Added embellishments such as a piece of fabric designed with Phoenix feathers which would drape from her shoulder cascading down her back, creating an illusion of Phoenix wings if worn. Heng Hui brought out more paper with various other designs that would emulate feathers, leaves and even waves, "When Yanjun proposed to me, I immediately started to design my dress." Heng Hui shuffled the orders of the designs of dress from the oldest to the newest and the final, "I wanted my dress to be unique, but as you can see some of the design were a bit too adventurous."

Wei Ling took the designs into her hands, "At least you toned down on the designs and only decided on the details with Phoenix wings." Wei Ling picked up the designs seeing all the detail and imagination that was put into them. The designs varied differently from each other from designs implementing flowers, features of animals and water movements. "With your skills, you could become a well-known seamstress or designer." Wei Ling shuffled back the papers together handing it back to Heng Hui.

"You know I can't," Heng Hui placed the stack of papers aside and continued to eat the remaining Donkey Rolls, "If I wasn't born as a daughter of the Chen family... I would pursue my dream of being a seamstress." A moment of silence between the girls made them consider their status as high-ranking nobles. As soon as they finished eating the donkey rolls, Wei Ling and Heng Hui decided to return back to their respective homes.

"Share this with your family," Heng Hui placed the last box of the Donkey Roll into Wei Ling's hand, hugging Wei Ling like a sister, "Will you come to my wedding?" Heng Hui held Wei Ling's hands into her own.

Wei Ling smiled, "Of course! I'm coming! What sort of friend doesn't attend their best friend's wedding?" Giggling as she turned to the carriage, returning back home.


Wei Ling rushingly entered the designated room at the Blossoming Fragrance teahouse, Heng Hui had sent an emergency message. Something that was rarely used, almost never. Once Wei Ling entered the room, she met with her best friend's eyes which were lifeless "Heng Hui! What's wrong?" Wei Ling rushed over holding onto Heng Hui's hand, softly shaking her shoulder to snap her out of her daze. Wei Ling repeatedly shook Heng Hui's shoulder trying to get an answer out.

"Wei Ling... I'm marrying the fifth young master of the Tang family." Heng Hui finally spoke but it was in a very heartbroken tone.

"The fifth son of the Tang family?" Wei Ling exclaimed in shocked clearly confused with the sudden change of the groom, "But, what about Lin Yanjun? What happened to him?" Wei Ling asked but that was the trigger that set off Heng Hui to wail. Her wails were heart-wrenching, it was almost too painful to listen to.

"My mother... threatened... to kill him and his family," Heng Hui rubbed away the tears but it caused her eyes began turning red, "If I don't marry the fifth young master." Heng Hui continued to sob.

"What! Your mother threatened to kill Yanjun if you don't marry the fifth young master!" Wei Ling was shocked by the vicious nature of Heng Hui's mother, "How about your father? Have you told him about this?" Wei Ling tried to search for alternatives to help Heng Hui escape from this arranged marriage, but Heng Hui shook her head. Nevertheless, Wei Ling gave her handkerchief to let Heng Hui dry her tears and blow her nose.

"My father has been on a business trip for 3 months." Heng Hui blew into the handkerchief, leaving a trail of snot onto the handkerchief, "Sorry."

Wei Ling sat next to Heng Hui, "It's okay." Wei Ling rubbed Heng Hui's arm to calm her, "So, your father doesn't even know you were going to marry Yanjun?" Wei Ling sighed heavily at the complicated situation that had to befall Heng Hui.

After the preparation for the wedding, Wei Ling arrived in the room that Heng Hui was being prepared by many maids. Dressed in a traditional red wedding dress with a beautiful embroidered red veil that covered her head, however, the dress that Heng Hui wore was not the one that she had designed it was the most mainstream design for a wedding dress. "Wei Ling! You're here!" Heng Hui smiled but her eyes convey a sadness that many young noblewomen could relate with. Society designated women to be a tool to their families as a way to elevate and establish power, even at the expense of their daughter's life and happiness.

"Heng Hui... Remember I will always be your friend." Wei Ling held onto Heng Hui's hands firmly, "No matter what happens, you can always come to me for help." Wei Ling reassurance Heng Hui to ask for help when things go downhill.

"Wei Ling..." Heng Hui's lips quivered as tears threatened to fall but she eventually held them back. Suddenly, Heng Hui stood up to open a cupboard grabbing a package and handed it to Wei Ling, "In the future, if you meet one of my daughters. Will you give this to them?"

Wei Ling confused took the package and looked inside to see the same wedding dress that Heng Hui had designed. "This is your wedding dress though," Wei Ling tried to return the dress back but Heng Hui rejected it, a part of her past self, "Why? Why won't you wear the dress you designed, created and put your soul into?"

"Because I put my heart and soul into it," Heng Hui argued back, her voice cracked as tears began falling, "It's was meant to be worn when I would marry someone that I loved, but I'm marrying someone I don't love." Heng Hui cried as her legs buckled beneath her causing her to lay on the ground pitifully.

The maids in the room tried to help Heng Hui up to her feet, but to no avail, they couldn't lift the lifeless Heng Hui. "Heng Hui! Are you done preparing? For god sakes!" Heng Hui's mother saw that Heng Hui was on the ground, she began clicking her tongue in annoyance, "You useless girl! All you do is go out with your friends, drawing these silly dresses and eat until your belly is so big." The mother began berating the lifeless Heng Hui.

Eventually, Heng Hui stood and entered the red sedan for the marriage ceremony followed close by Wei Ling who was scared to lose the fiery spirited and free-willed person that she grew up with, only to leave behind a husk.


After the wedding, Wei Ling was still unmarried and it was likely that she wouldn't get married due to her old age. Being late in age and unmarried, Wei Ling felt inadequate to other women who were more skilled than her or had heaven-defying beauty. In society's beauty ranking, Wei Ling would be considered slightly above average beauty. The only distinguishing factor that separated her from others was her soft glossy hair that glistened in the sunlight.

Many female members of Yin household possessed the same features that identified them as members of the Yin family. But, Wei Ling seemed to be the only one with hair that was of the superior lustre out of all the members.

Wei Ling entered the famous bakery that Heng Hui and herself use to visit frequently, browsing through the extensive variety of dessert displayed in the shop. "Lady Yin! It has been a while!" A worker of the shop, Chenyi waved over Wei Ling, who went to look at the newly baked sweets, "Do you want your usual?" Chenyi took a pair of chopsticks ready to pick out the sweets.

Wei Ling pointed at the twisted sugar doughnut (麻花), and Chenyi picked 4 of them and packaged them in a paper bag to make it easier to eat on the go. Wei Ling paid the price for the snacks and decided to browse through the street to kill some time since there was nothing much to do back home.

Wei Ling being unaware of her surroundings bumped into a person, causing her to fall backwards. But, before she could hurt herself, a pair of hands caught her. The same man that complimented her hair, was now embracing her in his arms, "Lady Yin are you alright?" The man inquired to check whether Wei Ling was okay.

Wei Ling quickly snapped out of her daze and distanced herself from him, "I'm alright," Wei Ling apologised, she was embarrassed to be facing such a situation where Heng Hui was not present to help her, "I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention." Wei Ling scurried away like a mouse.


"Wei Sheng! How is it possible that you are able to scare away a little beauty?" Wei Sheng's Lieutenant, Ling Ye, wrapped his arm around Wei Sheng's neck laughed heartily at the scene, "Is it because of your scary face?"

Many of Wei Sheng's subordinates caught up to the two men, only to find out from the lieutenant, that their general had a particular interest in a specific beauty. "The general's spring years has finally been awakened." They all shouted finally happy to see that their general was interested in the opposite sex, "Lieutenant! Do you even know who is the woman that the general is fond of?" A soldier cheered cheekily as many of the others began cheering along like young boys.

"Do you want to go back to the barracks to re-train?" Wei Sheng threatened which proved to be very effective in shutting up the noisy soldiers.

"Wei Sheng! Don't need to be shy!" Ling Ye boasted loudly, "If you are fond of that lady, go ahead and court her, get her hand in marriage because from the rumours I have heard about Lady Yin was that she hasn't been getting many marriage proposals." Ling Ye encouraged Wei Sheng to pursue Lady Yin.

Wei Sheng returned back to his home where his grandmother greeted him, "Child, you grown so big and old." She scolded him about his lack of thoughts about marriage, "You're already 25, no interest in women, no wife, no great-grandchildren for me to spoil! Are you gay? Why are denying me of these things?" Wei Sheng knew of the scolding that would happen, his grandmother was expecting children from him.

"Grandmother... I was here to ask you," Wei Sheng was about to ask his grandmother to make arrangements to propose marriage to Lady Yin, but his grandmother interrupted.

"If you're gay! At least produce a grandchild so the Rong's military bloodline can continue!" His grandmother continues to scold him, "And then you can pursue any man you want!"

"Grandmother! I'm not gay! I was going to ask you to make arrangements for a marriage proposal to the Yin household." Wei Sheng exclaimed, who was tired of the constant nagging of his grandmother about continuing the bloodline.

"Oh! You are interested in someone from the Yin family? Is it the eldest lady of the Yin family, Yin Wei Ling?" His grandmother was surprised to hear that Wei Sheng was interested in someone especially one from a prominent family. Wei Sheng nodded his head, as even though he was a courageous general on the battlefield, he was a hopeless man towards anything romantic. "When did you have an interest in that young lady?"

"3 years ago." Wei Sheng bluntly answered which received a slap on his forehead by his grandmother, "Grandmother why did you slap me?" Wei Sheng felt wronged by his grandmother.

"You stupid boy! I could have gotten 3 great-grandchildren by now!" His grandmother scolded him yet again but she sighed heavily, "That child has been waiting for a marriage proposal for years yet none have come, you know what that can do to a woman's self-esteem."

Over the next few days, Wei Sheng and his grandmother prepared to visit the Yin family to propose marriage. The Yin is a respectable scholar family, known for raising intelligent scholars for generations also all as well-respectable ladies with good temperaments. Wei Sheng and his grandmother had already notified the Yin family about their arrival, "Sorry, for arriving at your house at such short notice." Wei Sheng apologised to the head of the Yin family, but the family was very fortunate that the country's general was willing to marriage to their beloved Wei Ling.

"No! It's fine but before you even think about marriage my daughter," Wei Ling's father, Yin Li Mu, smiled, but it was the smile that hid motives to pursue the best outcome even if it is through the means that are not desirable, "I had to investigate your intentions in marrying my daughter. I hope you don't mind." Yin Li Mu smiled widely which caused the members of the Yin family to shiver, however, Wei Sheng remained valiant towards Li Mu's intimidation.

Wei Sheng smiled back, "I don't mind." Wei Sheng shifted his position to remain dominant in the situation.

Li Mu was surprised by Wei Sheng sheer willpower, "To be honest, I'm surprised... Most of the men who came with intentions to marry into the family... Ran away," Li Mu remained passive in the situation but still could easily grasp full control of the situation.

"You are still a fox even after all these years Li Mu," Wei Sheng's grandmother commented.

"Madam Rong, I take pleasure in whatever entertainment I can take part in." Li Mu grinned, accepting the compliment like a piece of candy.

"But, Li Mu, I can guarantee my sincerity about marrying about your daughter, Wei Ling." Wei Sheng reassured Li Mu about his honest intentions about marriage.

"Young master, I know of your sincerity but I just want to know why wait for so long to marry my daughter?" Li Mu gave off a slight hostile air which Wei Sheng was all too familiar with.

"That year, I was just a low ranking soldier. I believed I would not be a good match with Wei Ling, " Wei Sheng let out a heavy breath that was filled with remorse, "War could easily take my life and I didn't want Wei Ling to live a life full of hardship."

"So instead you let her go," Li Mu previously thought about Wei Sheng as one of the main candidates for Wei Ling, but his ranking was low, so he was placed of least importance, "To marry a high ranking official and live a life of comfort." Li Mu was now very willing to pair his daughter with Wei Sheng but as a father, he couldn't bear letting go of his only beloved daughter.

"Now that I am a general of my family's army," Wei Sheng was determined to get the approval of Li Mu, "I wish to get your approval to have Wei Ling's hand in marriage." Wei Sheng stood from his chair and kowtowed on the floor.

Li Mu couldn't help but be moved by Wei Sheng determination and sincerity. This made Li Mu want to make Wei Sheng his son-in-law, but it was his daughter's choice whether she wanted to marry Wei Sheng. "Wei Ling, come out." Li Mu has noticed Wei Ling and his other children eavesdropping on the conversation.

Wei Ling was shocked when her father called her out which caused her to fall out of her hiding place. Wei Sheng rushes over to Wei Ling to help her up. Wei Ling heart fluttered at Wei Sheng's tender actions towards her. "Wei Ling come here," Li Mu called to Wei Ling, which she complied to, "Just remember you don't have to feel pressured in accepting the marriage proposal." Li Mu did not feel that it was right that women should be tools for power.

Wei Ling fidgeted nervously as people from her family and Wei Sheng's stared at her. In the past, Wei Ling has feelings for Wei Sheng but being a shy individual, she never voices her feelings and decided to give up. But, all those lingering feelings came flooding back. Wei Sheng walked you to Wei Ling and held her hands, smiling, "I hope you will accept my marriage proposal for you." Wei Sheng was blushing as he asked Wei Ling to accept him.

"Would it okay if we become fiancés first?" Wei Ling firmed her resolute and decided this was the best solution. Wei Sheng nodded vigorously at her acceptance of him, picking her up and spinning her around.

After a few months, Wei Ling and Wei Sheng developed their relationship and Wei Sheng's grandmother was excited for the future great-grandchildren that would soon come. Eventually, they were preparing for the wedding. Wei Ling has sent an invitation to Heng Hui but she got no response, this disheartened Wei Ling as she wanted Heng Hui to be at her wedding. But, on the wedding day, Heng Hui sent her a congratulations letter with a gift of an aromatic dew that was made out of Hibiscus.

Even though Heng Hui was physically at her wedding, Wei Ling felt that Heng Hui presence was still attending the wedding.