Lady Meng’s Grandson

Both Lady Meng and the Empress Dowager continue to bicker whose grandson would marry Fangsu, "Fangsu will be my granddaughter in law!" The empress dowager huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms infront of her chest.

Lady Meng pouted her lips, "That's not fair! You're the Empress Dowager!" She crossed her arms infront of her chest before turned her head to the side, "There is no way I can compete with that sort of power and wealth!" Lady Meng was infuriated with the fact that she couldn't compete against the Empress Dowager even if she was this powerful in society. The amount of power she possessed was only second to none underneath the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager laughed at Lady Meng, "You haven't changed at all since we met!" The Emperess laughed again when she saw Lady Meng's jawed dropped open in shock, "Better to close your mouth before you catch flies." The Empress Dowager teased Lady Meng before closing her mouth by pushing her jaw upwards.

"Nuan Ning! You trickster! You were always tricking me!" Lady Meng repeatedly slapped the table, whining in annoyance before turning her back against the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager crackled like a crow, "I can't believe after all these years you still can't learn when you are being tricked." Her laughed coursed through her palace, catching the attention of all the servants. As the women continued to laughed with each other with old time memories, "Didn't you say your grandson was coming back?" The thought reminded Nuan Ning about Lady Meng's grandson who was sent out to the barrack out in the northwest borders. The northwest borders have a vulnerable weak spot that many invaders tried to force their way through, but a few years ago young men were deployed the the north-west to help strengthen the border and ensure the safety of the people. Rumours have been circulating that an certain individual had been rising through the rank at an astonishing speed that it was seen as a threat, however, no one has been able to identify this individual.

Lady Meng lightly chuckled, "Speak of the devil," Lady Meng walked towards a figure that was walking in their direction.

A young man with attractive phoenix eyes, black eyes, jaded skin, and a slim well built body. All in all the young man was handsome and also a martial artist, "Grandmother," The young man bowed in respect to the Empress Dowager before hugging his grandmother who was already advanced in age.

Lady Meng laughed whilst hugging her grandson who was much taller than her now, and she decided to pinch his cheek though there was no baby fat to pinch, "Zhao Hui! you have grown so much taller now! Have you eaten yet?" Lady Meng patted her grandson's back before inspecting his arm, "Ah ya! Your arms are so skinny! Eat properly otherwise you will fade away like a leaf." Her heartwarming words were always unique and made one laughed in hysteria.

Lady Meng's grandson, Zhao Hui, held his grandmother's arm, "Grandmother, don't worry I'm eating properly," he smiled at his tiny grandmother who was trying to care for him every though she was basically living leisurely with the Empress Dowager, "I'm not skinny, I just have muscles." Zhao Hui sat his grandmother on the spare chair that was next to the Empress Dowager who was observing him with eagle eyes. Zhao Hui had already noticed that the Empress Dowager had been observing him since the start. Loud footsteps of another individual caught his attention, another royal member, however Zhao Hui did not know which one. It had been a while since he was in the capital so he did not remember the royal members very well. But, he knew this person very well.

"Let the heaven bless grandmother with long and prosperous life, " It was the Third Prince, Hsu Li Heng, he was handsome by default, however, his personality was very cruel and lust driven. With so many scandals and rumours surrounding the Third Prince, one would think he would have no power, however, there are secret forces supporting the Third Prince that still place him in the line of succession of the throne.

The Empress Dowager created a calm composure that could only the Empress Dowager could achieve, "You have made your greetings, child," The Empress Dowager's tone was detached and cold, "Someone brew me the tea Fangsu gifted today," A servant nearby, bowed and rushed to the kitchen to brew the tea that the Empress Dowager requested for.

"Grandmother who is this Lady you mentioned about?" The Third Prince wryly answered as he stood up, his knew that his grandmother did not favour him but the person named Fangsu had piqued his interest.

The servant had went away to brew the tea had came back with a tray with five cup and the brand new teapot that was embellished with plum blossoms, "Your Majesty, this servant has brewed your tea." The servant poured the freshly brewed Red Robe Oolong Tea into the cups.

As the tea was being pour a sweet aroma, a unique woodsy character and fruity muscatel tones gently wafted into the people's olfactory sense, making one want to have a taste of such a uniquely scented tea. The Empress Dowager took a cup from the tray, lowering her nose to the cup for a better indication of the tea, gently smiling to herself. Lady Meng has also taken a cup for herself, "Ah! This tea smell good!" Lady Meng was a quite clearly was surprised by the scent that was being emitted by tea, "She has outdone herself with this gift." Taking a sip of the tea, it had a robust taste but there was no bitterness which indicated that the tea had been properly brewed.

Well brewed tea could be easily distinguished from the taste alone, especially for regular tea drinkers such as the Empress Dowager and Lady Meng. Tea that was incorrectly brewed would burn and leave a bitter taste on the tongue and cause the drinker to scowl at the taste. However, tea that was brew properly could draw out the potential of the tea's flavour and create a new experience for the drinker.

A servant offered the remaining cups to the two young men who respectfully accepted. As they began drinking the tea, the Third Prince suddenly paused, "This tea... is it Red Robe Oolong Tea?" Asking the Empress Dowager who has a genuinely confused expression.

"Red Robe Oolong Tea? I'm afraid I do not know anything about this tea." The Empress Dowager was curious about the background of the tea.

The Third Prince smirked as he slowly swirled his cup, "I only had a chance to have a taste of this tea before back in the past but it was of inferior quality compared to this," The Third Prince finished off the rest of the cup of tea, "The tea leaves from the Red Robe Oolong Tea bush are wildly grown and haven't been able to be cultivated by human means, and there happens to be only 6 bush still alive. To be able to obtain these tea leaves would have been extremely difficult." He placed the tea cup back in the tray, the person who was able to obtain such a difficult attained tea leaves would have to have special skill.

A delighted squeal could be heard from the water pavilion. Everyone decided to investigate the cause of such enjoyment, but the scene was like sibling interacting with each other. However, the older girl was not related to the royal twins, but she acted like an older sister.

The older girl had taken the royal twin siblings to play on the swing. The princess giggled as she was pushed back and forth on the swing, "Higher! Higher! I want to fly higher!" She squealed delightfully as her royal brother continued to pushed her higher into the air. The young prince laid on the ground exhausted after having to push his royal sister on the swing.

The young princess was still not exhausted from playing on the swing, running up to older girl, wanting to be picked up, "Jie Jie! I want the Magnolia flower, but I can't reach." The younger princess pointed to the magnolia flowers at the top of the tree.

The older girl smiled at young princess, "Ok! Wait for me then!" Placing down the young princess on the ground next to her brother who was sitting upright watching the older girl at the base of the tree.

The older girl contemplated which route to climb the tree, but nevertheless, pulling up her sleeves. She grabbed a lower branch before effortlessly scaling the tree without any trouble. Such actions would have been heavily scorned by society, however, no one criticised her but they were intrigued what the girl would do. Upon reaching the top, she plucked a small branch which had a few flowers on it. After achieving what she need, the older girl easily scaled down the tree to young princess who who was jumping up and down like a bunny.

The young prince ran over to older girl grabbing her sleeve, "How did you climb the tree so easily! Teach me how to climb!" Pleading with bright eyes that older girl felt conflicted whether to teach him how to climb trees.

The girl smoothed out her sleeves before shaking her head, "Sorry, Li Mo, maybe next time." Trying to compensate since the day was soon turning dark. The girl bent down to princess' level handing her the branch of Magnolia flowers, "For you princess," handing the branch to princess who giggled.

The princess took off a Mognolia flower from the branch and placed it on top of her ear, "Jie Jie is the princess!" Giggling happily, as she placed a flower on her own ear. The princess gave the branch to the older girl, who was surprised to receive the branch. The prince who felt left out ran to a osmanthus tree and plucked off a branch that he could reach, gifting it to the older girl.

The older girl smiled, having received a gift from the royal twins. To show her gratitude she smiled, everyone was stunned, her smile it was like a divine deity smiling towards them, it was beautiful. "Do you want to hear a song?" The older girl asked the twins who immediately nodded their head at rapid speed.

The older girl with a magnolia flower took a spot in the middle courtyard with the Magnolia branch at hand as she began to dance while singing.

I can't wait till fireflies in this mountain to glow like firework,

The old Lotuses locates on the middle of the lake have already fallen.

Warm wind from the early summer was late one day,

Look back to your face shape in the early ages,

There was sky in your eyes

In the mountain, we have slept on the water, we have sat face to face

We enjoyed the moonlight and wind together at that time.

We played the Chinese zither places on our knees, we picked flowers, we also counted the number of fireflies.

After change of seasons and days,

Those memories became ordinary events in mortal lives

But I can't bear to forget them when they appear in my dreams

So I take a wisp of heart fire from the world of mortals,

Want to plant the Karma we caused when we met.

Even the destiny have favoured you and I,

We are still separated by the distant.

It is my year that flow to the long long galaxy


How can a dream in hundred years relieve my pain of separating from you.

I prefer becoming a mortal, but not guess of the wonderland.

So I take a wisp of heart fire from the world of mortals all by myself,

So as to plant the Karma we cause when we met.

All the challenges we had in this life,

Is for us to meet in the next life.

For us to meet in the next life.

(Song is from 西瓜Jun : 寒山客)

After the song was finished, the twins clapped joyfully, "Jie Jie! Are you a fairy? Your singing is so pretty!" the royal twins was amazed by the older girl's performance. A set of clap caught small group's attention, it was the Empress Dowager, Lady Meng and two young men who were impressed by the girl's performance.

Both of women held the girl in high regard after witnessing such a heart-moving performance. "Your Majesty, Fangsu is just like her mother isn't she?" Lady Meng inquired to the Empress Dowager who nodded. Zhao Hui had notice that at the mention of mother, the girl instantly had a complex but sorrowful expression on her face.

The girl humbled bowed in respect, "Thank you, but, I can't even compete with my mother." As those words were spoken, the atmosphere went downhill. Zhao Hui immediately noticed an inferior complex behind those words. This girl was someone who wasn't familiar with the norms and was naturally very awkward around people, however, due to the time of the day, the girl had left the palace.


Zhao Hui was intrigued by the girl with seemly ordinary looks, with black hair and deep brown eyes. Being able to gift the Empress Dowager with tea that was difficult to obtain, easily able climb trees, and a performing to a unique song that had never been heard of. His grandmother had been eyeing him who was in deep thought but was fully aware, "Zhao Hui, what do you think about this girl?" His grandmother was trying to matchmaking him with a girl he just saw. "She is very filial, caring and comes from a good family." His grandmother was trying to convince him to pursue the girl that he barely have just seen let alone talk to.

Zhao Hui could only sigh having accepted the fact that his grandmother had not given up trying to set him up with multiple girls to marry. Frankly, Zhao Hui did not have much interest in women let alone marriage, but his grandmother had remained obstinate in finding a wife for Zhao Hui despite countless rejections towards meeting women, "Grandmother, can you not go matchmaking me with girls?" Zhao Hui was exhausted with his grandmother who was bull-headed when it came to family matters, "I have no interest in marriage as of right now." Zhao Hui tried to allude her.

"Meng Zhao Hui! You are 21 this year and still unmarried!" His grandmother fumed angrily as she slapped Zhao Hui's back, "Do you intend to deny me of my great grandchildren?" The words that have sprouted from his grandmother's mouth caused Zhao Hui to choke on his own saliva, "I want to see little ones running around before I pass onto the afterlife with your grandfather!" Zhao Hui had a bit of guilt denying his grandmother but he just marry any woman just for the sake of satisfying his grandmother.

Zhao Hui gently soothed his grandmother by rubbing her back, "Grandmother, I can't just marry any woman." Seating his grandmother back on a chair nearby, "I just looking for that girl." Reminiscing about fond memories of a young girl that he met in the past.

His grandmother gently slapped him on the arm, "Is it that girl with the ash grey hair you met when you were 10?" His grandmother's began sparkling with joy, there was hint of mischief that lay dormant behind her excitement.

Zhao Hui nodded in response, dismissing that mischievous glint in his grandmother eyes.


Zhao Hui used his Qing Gong to manoeuvre through the palace's until he entered the Third Prince's, "Your highness is pacing the floor quite quickly," Zhao Hui spoke in a lazy tone with showed that status of the Third Prince was not significant, "There is no rush in continue plans now." Zhao Hui continued to browse through the luxuries that the Prince would indulge himself, ancient antiques, food, fabric and even women.

The Third Prince fumed angrily having to deal with both the Empress Dowager and the man that stood infront of him, "Zhao Hui! You dare come back!" Pointing his finger at Zhao Hui. Anger was the most dominant emotion that swirled in the Third Prince eyes, but there was some underlying fear in them also.

"Your highness, did you forget who bought you back into the royal succession game?" Zhao Hui threatened quite menacing tone which caused everyone in the room to shiver in fear, including the Third Prince, "I also employed Dai-Tai so that she could sneak into your dear brother's little group, but she was eventually found out because of your hastily actions." Zhao Hui reinforce the power that he held that could overpower a royal's authority.

Someone that had power that exceeded a royal's authority of power would be a threat. Zhao Hui was a threat to the imperial family, but he did excellent work in the removal of his movements and identity. But, the Enpress Dowager could be the only person to be suspecting that he was indeed behind the Third Prince.

The Third Prince tightly clenched his hand, "Zhao Hui! You!" He grinded his teeth because of the irritation that came with his inferiority to someone with power.

Zhao Hui remained silent as he walked to the window. With a single push the window open to view the capital spreading across the vast land, "Your Highness has rashly rushed plans which resulted in the declining of the Chen family and the discovery of Dai-Tai." Releasing a heavy sigh, recruiting a ghost was difficult but to find one that is willing to work with living people without the idea of possession. Only people who were born with the ability or practice a certain would be able to foresee into the unseen realm. Dai-Tai was an powerful ghost that was infamous in the cultivating world.

Being able to somewhat create a physical form without being exterminated by Ghost Hunters, indicates how powerful she was but the only downside was that her body had an abnormality. Dai-Tai requires frequent feeding of ghosts with ranks higher than her to retain her body as her body quickly drains the soul before she can accumulate enough souls to form a physical body, which is counterproductive. Zhao Hui threw a box towards the Third Prince, "What's this?" The Third Prince when to open the box but Zhao Hui quickly closed it.

Zhao Hui rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Are you asking to possessed?" Warning the ignorant Third Prince who was instantly whose face turned red in anger, "Give Dai-Tai half of the soul and make her investigate the Chen Family." Throwing the box to the Third Prince before leaving through the window.