Wu Song saves Fangsu

Wu Song was still inside the habitat unsure what to do in this situation. But, Wu Song summoned his magic item which was a metallic rope which the user can insert their own Qi unto the rope and it could be used as a weapon but also a tool for rescuing. The metallic rope wrapped around Fangsu's waist and pulled her towards him but the leopard chased after Fangsu, leaping to catch its prey. Wu Song crushed the Protection Barrier which released a magical barrier, blocking the leopard's trajectory causing the leopard to slam into the barrier. The impact caused the leopard to fall unconscious as the medicine finally had taken effect and the barrier shattered apart.

Wu Song was shaking Fangsu in an attempt to wake her. Fangsu's hand grabbed Wu Song's shoulder to stop him from shaking her, "You don't need to worry about me." Fangsu walked over to the leopard, ran her hands through the leopard's fur searching for any parasites but there were none, "There is no surface parasite," There would always a reason for something like the frenzy of the leopard to occur. Searching through the artificial habitat which used to emulate the natural foliage in the home of the Black Mirage Leopard.

Fangsu began searching through the foliage, "Get the other caretakers to search the area to found any parasites or plants that might be the cause of the crazed Leopard." The entire caretaker unit searched through the artificial habitat foliage to find any source of a parasite eventually a scream echoed in the habitat. Fangsu rushed over to the source of the scream, pushing apart the huge leaves to create a pathway. Finally, Fangsu reached a clearing where a caretaker had viciously attacked another. The injured caretaker held their bleeding wound in the neck as a chunk of flesh remained to lie on the ground, as it soaks into the earth. Wu Song threw his rope which wrapped itself around the caretaker's waist, quickly handing the injured caretaker to others who were brave enough to stay behind.

The younger but cowardly caretakers had already activated the barrier as they completely shut out the care the injured caretaker needed. An older caretaker, the head caretaker, slammed his fist against the barrier using Qi but it the shock dissipated throughout the barrier, "Remove this barrier at once!" The older man was starting to get stressed as the injured caretaker's complexion was started to turn pale as the blood continued to flow out of the wound site and was in desperate need of the attention of a doctor. The young caretakers were from noble birth and never had to face such a horrendous situation and they were frightened. Basically, they were fearful that if they were to let down the barrier even for a short amount of time the leopard would attack them.

Fangsu, Wu Song and another caretaker were now faced with another affected person with the same symptoms as the Black Mirage Leopard. If a caretaker could be infected like the Leopard then it could be transmitted to another person unknowing, "Wu Song can you try to restrain the caretaker and use this medicine to make them sleep?" Handing the same porcelain bottle into Wu Song's hand who nodded nervously. Fangsu pulled the other caretaker with her, "Hurry we need to find anything that is abnormal," With the weight of the people lives and the strangeness of this incident was starting to affect on Fangsu's mind. As Fangsu was started to get frantic as her hands were pushing the leaves, but a white cluster was on a leaf but as Fangsu continue to stare at them it looked like eggs from an insect. As Fangsu continued to look at the white cluster. At the sight of the insect eggs, Fangsu was disgusted. Despite being disgusted by the sight of insects egg, Fangsu scrapped a few eggs in an airtight glass bottle with a tick.

The caretaker that accompanied Fangsu had an affinity with fire and burned the rest of the insect eggs to prevent anymore incident like this. As Fangsu and the caretaker had figured the source of this incident, they returned to find Wu Song who was huffed out with an unconscious caretaker that was tied up. Exhausted with today's work, Fangsu pulled the unconscious caretaker with the help of the other caretaker and Wu Song to get out of the artificial habitat. But the previously injured caretaker was still not being cared for by a doctor, "Let down the barrier now!" Fangsu's raspy voice startled everyone who heard it, "We already found the cause of the craze and this caretaker need medical attention now," The tone shown how annoyed Fangsu was at the people who worked at the animal caretaker unit.

The caretakers' who were behind the barrier opened the barrier. The elder caretaker bowed toward Fangsu and Wu Song, "Thank you to the both of you," Wu Song was happy to get recognition from the head caretaker, "Would the two of you like to learn under me as apprentices?" The offer was very appealing to Wu Song and he quickly agreed but Fangsu was much more eager to return back to Blossoming Fragrance.

Fangsu returned the bow to show respect, "Sorry, but I will have to decline, the reason for me being here was because I was under the order of the Empress." Fangsu sighed heavily having to deal with a royal problem which, "This might be the reason for the crazed state of the leopard and the caretaker." Fangsu handed the porcelain bottle to the head caretaker who quickly opened the bottle to see the white eggs. The head caretaker had quickly gone to examine the white eggs to find out that it was a parasite that would cause the crazed state of the leopard but the only problem was that it was not a native animal from this part of the state.


Author Notes: This chapter is short but I will update a batter chapter next time I upload