Temple Visit

Fangsu was obviously shocked to see demons in a brothel, "Umm… I think you have gotten the wrong person, " Completely flustered by the situation, Fangsu could only stumble with her words as the demon woman frustratingly pulled her hair accidentally mistaken Fangsu for the replacement musician in the midst of the hectic fray for a musician replacement.

However, the demon woman took Fangsu's hand, "Do you have any musical abilities?" The demon was desperate for help from anyone to perform, "I'm willing to pay you if you can perform just for tonight, " Begging for the slight hope that Fangsu could have any musical abilities collapsing in the process and she trembled.

Fangsu held the woman, "I can sing just for tonight, " Making the woman stand up from her pitiful state, "You don't need to pay me, " Looking at the reaction of the woman at the urgency of the performance cause Fangsu to speculate that some operation in the brothel house was shady. Normally, demons are a prideful race who are much stronger than humans would have killed themselves instead of being forced under the hand if a human yet a demon woman stood before her and etched on the inner part of her waist, a red spider lily, a mark of prostitution. The demon woman cried tears as she led Fangsu backstage which was hidden by a curtain. The demon woman made Fangsu wear a costume that was quite beautiful but it was something Fangsu wouldn't normally wear.

Wearing an indigo long sleeve undergarments and donning a white hanfu that had a slight luminous sheen accompanied by silvery embroidery, layered violet accents fabric which were attached on the sleeves created a flowy silhouette. Blue Firefly Ribbons were also incorporated throughout the hanfu. The cuffs resembled a wing of a butterfly as it draped to the floor. Overall, The upper parts of the hanfu exposed her shoulders whilst the skirt which reached to her mid-thigh, revealed her legs. This was quite too revealing for Fangsu but to the girls working at the brothel, it was quite a normal amount of exposure. Nevertheless, Fangsu wore a cat mask to hide her identity as the woman tied her hair into a hairstyle to emulate that of a fairy. Preparations were done but Fangsu was not regretting her decision and wanted to run away.

The demon woman went on the stage with a smile, "Be quieten down for our last performance tonight!" Giving a smile to the audience before leaving the stage.

Thankfully the stage was covered by a sheer curtain which made it difficult for a person to clearly see the performer. There was a thin layer of water on the stage as Fangsu walked on the stage. Each step she took caused a ripple effect along the surface of the water. Positioning herself at the centre of the stage, Fangsu started twirling as the Blue Firefly Ribbons glowed beautifully in the dark. Her lips parted to sing.

A symphony of a thousand blades

As night falls on the other shore

A dark wind blows over me

Even in the corners of the palace

Is wind carrying uncertainty

Feather of Aeons

Uttering a fleeting prayer

Wings bound and imprisoned

Fly to an unknown end that surpasses time

Rainbow coloured wings

Immersed in heaven's flames on a bloodstained road

Uttering a fleeting prayer

Wings bound and imprisoned

Fly to an unknown end that surpasses time

In a fleeting prayer

Embracing fate on the guardians road

[Feathers of Aeons : Honkai Impact 3]

Wen Cheng and Zhao Hui who were in the audience recognised the performer's voice. They both looked at each other in shock but mostly just confusion. Wen Cheng was obviously worried since Fangsu had been recently getting involved in weird situations like these.

As the performance ended, Fangsu changed back into the clothes she hid in one of the rooms. The demon woman was indebted, "If you want to repay me," Fangsu who replaced the cat mask for her own mask, "Come to Blossoming Fragrance and call for the Little Boss whenever the time suits you," It was now dawn, wanting to return home Fangsu exited the brothel to see two familiar figures waiting outside, Wen Cheng and Zhao Hui. Seeing them two staring down at her, Fangsu stiffened in shock.

So, Fangsu took off running in the direction to her home. Both men gave chase and used their Qi to quickly catch up to Fangsu. But, Fangsu managed to surprisingly slip away from their hands, "Chen Fangsu! You better explain yourself," Wen Cheng menacingly called out to the evasive Fangsu who ignored him and continued to run away, "You grandpa is going to kill me knowing that I suggest that the black market was a good place!" Wen Cheng continued to attempt to catch Fangsu but she alway managed to evade his reach.

Fangsu stopped in her tracks, "I didn't go to the black market," She managed to evade the two for so long that her stamina had completely drained, "I went to an auction and I found something valuable to me," She sat on the rooftop of a random house to regain some energy back as the two paused their pursue to sit down with her.

Pulling out three spirit spheres that she just purchased from her robes. When Wen Cheng grabbed one of the spirit spheres to see, "There is another you in here!" He saw another copy of Fangsu inside of it, pursing his lips, "Is this your sister?" Wen Cheng lowered his voice as he was the only person outside of her family to know of the truth.

Fangsu nodded as she gently held the spirit spheres, scared that she would break them even though the material of the spirit sphere was extremely tough and wouldn't break just from being dropped, "Anyway, I have to return home now," Seeing the sunrise in the horizon was quite breathing taking, Fangsu never realised how blind she was to her surroundings, "Thanks for the money! Big Brother!" Standing on her feet, Fangsu dusted the dirt from her clothes.

Wen Cheng clicked his tongue as Fangsu's cheekiness, "That cheeky girl," But, he was quite happy for Fangsu to be reunited with her family members, "She must be extremely happy to be reunited with her family," But for them to be struck in a spirit sphere and without a body wouldn't be considered a true reunion.

Zhao Hui could only think how a spirit's one and only goal was to have a physical body and there were multiple methods to create bodies for spirit, "She is going to be in for a lot of work," However, the most stable method was the most bothersome. Zhao Hui laid down on the rooftop letting the gradual light to beam on his body warming him up from the cold that remained on his skin.


As Fangsu entered the barrier, her grandpa, Yun Nan and Xiao Ming all stood at the front entrance, "I did write that I had some business like promised," She flinched at the oppressive aura that surrounded them.

Her grandpa had his arms crossed until he walked towards Fangsu's position, looming over her petite figure. His arms engulfing Fangsu who was shocked, "I'm just glad you are safe," More arms engulfed Fangsu as Yun Nan and Xiao Ming hugged Fangsu relieved that she was safe from her night's adventure, "You came back so late! I got so worried!" Her grandpa began sobbing as he continued to embrace Fangsu. Fangsu felt guilty for letting her grandpa feel that way and causing him to worry all the time.

Fangsu wrapped her arms around her grandpa, Xiao Ming and Yun Nan knowing that she had caused a massive amount of stress waiting for her. Fangsu pulled out three spirit spheres, holding them gently like they were fragile as glass. Holding them up to his line of sight which stunned her grandpa, "Let's welcome them back home," Fangsu smiled but her vision started to falter and vermillion coloured liquid came pouring out of Fangsu's nose. As Fangsu felt a warm liquid flowing down her philtrum as she wrapped it with her sleeve. It stained her sleeve, "Oh.. I'm bleeding," Fangsu was surprised by the blood and her legs buckled underneath her weight as she tumbled to the floor but as always her grandpa always caught her before she hit the ground. Everyone crowded around Fangsu as she remained unconscious as she continued to bleed.

Xiao Ming could only helplessly do nothing as the adults crowded around the unconscious Fangsu, "Big Sister is going to be ok, right?" His small hands trembled as he clung onto Fangsu's bloodied sleeve which left his hands bloody, "Yun Nan Jie, will Big Sister survive this time?" His numerous questions made Yun Nan unable to answer his simple question. She gritted her teeth, the fact that Fangsu was still alive for this long was already a miracle. She was unsure whether Fangsu would survive at all now.

Fangsu's grandpa placed a hand on Xiao Ming's head, "Your Big Sister, Yun Nan and I will need to go somewhere," He quickly arranged Da Fu and Bao Ming to care for Xiao Ming whilst the trio would leave the capital. Yun Nan quickly summoned a flying carriage from her spatial ring, gently placing Fangsu into the carriage before flying off with Fangsu's grandpa.


Chen Ming awaited for his family's return every day without failure. This time he requested for Da Fu to take him to a temple to pray for his Big Sister's recovery. As they arrived at the bottom of the temple steps which lead up a mountainous height, Chen Ming climbed the stairs with ease due to his cultivation. Upon reaching the massive gates which lead to the temple, Chen Ming was quite intimidated by the temple as he didn't know the etiquette of visiting a temple. Da Fu soon behind him as she instructed Chen Ming about the proper etiquette upon the duration of their stay at the temple.

A monk soon came to attend to them, leading them to private rooms for both of them. Chen Ming followed a monk into a common prayer room where he followed the monk's demonstration on how to pray. Internally in his mind, he earnestly prayed for his Big Sister to safely return and to see her in good health. But in reality, he somewhat knew of his Big Sister's health complications. But, even if a small payer could help with his Big Sister's recovery it would be beneficial. As he exited the praying room after he was finished praying, his legs were numb to the point he began wobbling side to side. A hand grabbed his forearm, stabilising him to an upright position, "Thank you for helping me," Chen Ming thanked the person who helped him. It was a young boy who was roughly his age, "May I ask for the Young Master's name?" Dressed in clothing made from expensive material which was typical for a noble to wear, his shiny black hair was in a topknot which was held into place by a silver hairpin and his sharp expression was emphasised by his black orb-like eyes which scanned Chen Ming up and down.

The boy nodded as he checked that Chen Ming was able to stand on his own two feet, "My name is Hsu Li Mo," The boy who introduced him was a royal member. Chen Ming began stumbling as he was about to bow, "There is no need for formalities in a place of worship," The boy stopped him from bowing as he straightened Chen Ming up.

Chen Ming then realised that he hadn't introduced him yet he asked royalty to introduce themselves first, "My name is Chen Ming!" His body stiffened as he introduced himself to Li Mo who laughed at Chen Ming's clumsy introduction, "Your Highness, I am sorry for not recognising you!" Apologising to Li Mo who seemed quite fine with not being recognised by Chen Ming.

"Li Mo Ge!" A cute girlish voice called out to Li Mo. Once Chen Ming went to look at the person who called out for Li Mo, stunned by the cute girl. Her braided hair was wrapped in two buns which was tied by a red ribbon. The young girl was dressed in an osmanthus coloured jacket, an embroidered white skirt, and a golden satin cloak that had red peonies embroidered on the cloak, "Grandma is waiting for you!" She turned to Chen Ming and immediately bowed before dragging Li Mo with her to another courtyard.

Chen Ming was quite stunned by the interaction he just experienced with royalty. Li Mo seemed like an easygoing person but Chen Ming dismissed the idea that he would meet him again. But, the next day Chen Ming met Li Mo with the same girl and an elderly woman who presumably was the grandmother who was likely to be the Empress Dowager. Li Mo waved at Chen Ming who nodded his head as he acknowledged Li Mo and proceeded to pray. As Da Fu and Chen Ming went to sit themselves to pray, the elderly woman had seated herself next to Chen Ming who bowed at her before resuming his praying session.

As the praying session concluded. Whilst, Da Fu left Chen Ming to relieve herself in the bathrooms. As Chen saw Li Mo approaching him, "Greetings your highnesses," Chen Ming who gave a polite bow as he paid respects to the royal members.

The elderly giggled as he smiled at Chen Ming who was quite the polite boy who must have received a good upbringing, "There is no need for such formalities at a place of worship," The elderly woman had quite a friendly disposition despite their massive gap in their social status, "What are your reasons for visiting the temple?" The elderly woman harmlessly asked a question.

Chen Ming gave a strained smile, "I'm praying for the recovery of my sickly sister," He briefly answered the elderly woman who was quite extremely observant and immediately retracted herself from asking any more sensitive questions.

The elderly woman nodded as she heard Chen Ming's answer, "I'm in a similar situation myself as a friend of mine and his granddaughter have disappeared from the capital," Placing a hand on her cheek as worry was expressed on her face, "His granddaughter has always had frail health since young," Her words exactly described his Big Sister and Grandpa situation as they left the capital to do something to help with Fangsu's frail health.

Chen Ming gulped, "Is the girl you are mentioning called Chen Fangsu?" Warily asking the elderly woman, Li Mo and the young girl whose eyes widened in shocked as they grabbed Chen Ming's hand. They asked all sorts of questions regarding Fangsu's whereabouts but Chen Ming himself was clueless about his big sister's whereabouts.

Biyu and Li Mo grabbed one of his hands, "How are you related with Fangsu Jie Jie?" They questioned Chen Ming who was quite overwhelmed by the twins. Da Fu returned and was quite shocked to see such a spectacle in front of her eyes. After Chen Ming explained that he was the adopted son of the Chen Family. He left with Da Fu to return back to Blossoming Fragrance.