Folklore Dance

Fangsu had used many of her original concoctions on Sim Siu's face, "Skinny Duck? What is that?" Fangsu plastered a thick white paste-like mixture without any care, "It smells funny," The yeasty smell from the paste was very potent, causing Sim Siu to scrunched her face as she held her breath.

Fangsu began humming as she began working her magic on Sim Siu, "The fermented rice from when you make rice wine," Smearing the thick paste down to Sim Siu's neck, "If you want to make your skin look good you absolutely have to bring the product down to your neck because the first signs of ageing happen on the neck first," Fangsu stressing the importance of using any skincare product in any regime to be utilised to its full potential.

After cleaning off the fermented rice mask from Sim Siu's face, "What now?" Pouring after the unpleasant smell of the fermented rice that was previously on her face. Fangsu handed a ceramic bottle to Sim Siu who sniffed the content to be pleasantly surprised by the strong floral scent within the bottle, "What is this? It smells so good?" Pouring the water substance on her hand, revealing a pinkish-red liquid.

Fangsu hurriedly took the bottle from Sim Siu's hands, "It's rose water and it's good for skin," She quickly patted the product so that it could be absorbed into the skin, "We must hurry! We don't have time!" The girls hurriedly entered the room to do preparation on Sim Siu's hair, makeup and clothing. However, the girls who were doing makeup were in awe because of the brilliance of the dewy skin and how the makeup was easily being applied to such beautiful skin. Slowly but surely, Sim Siu began transforming into a beautiful maiden fit to be a fairy of paradise.

After the transformation, all of them dawned over the beautiful Sim Siu while Fangsu was relishing over the fact that she had done something to help with tonight. After clearing up her things back into her luggage, shadows began looming over her figure, "What are you doing?" The girls surrounding her frightened her to a great extent that she began taking steps away from them, "No!" Fearing social interactions in mass gatherings Fangsu fled from the tent, running from the potential terrifying predicament. However, due to Fangsu's limited stamina and the girl's trained endurance results for the capture of the skinny duck who could only swing her legs like a helpless duck.

The corner of Sim Siu's lips lifted upwards as an evil grin graced the paradise fairy face, "You are our esteemed guest, " Gracefully standing up to allow for Fangsu to be seated on the chair, "You only experience this once in a lifetime type of celebration only once in your life," The sweet smile that was etched on Sim Siu's face completely contradict her tone towards Fangsu who could only be helplessly dolled up.

After Fangsu was dressed into traditional garments that were a snow-white colour with intricate embroidery of animals and plants but she was adorned with colourful accessories which were emphasised by the more muted colours of the traditional garments. For her hair, her ash grey hair was braided into various twists and turns giving some dimension to her hair but it was much more simple compared to the intricate hairstyle that Sim Siu's. Which was decorated with various ribbons that were intertwined with her braids but also a headdress was perfectly perched at her hairline as her hair cascaded at her side like a beautiful waterfall. The servants quickly pushed both Fangsu and Sim Siu out of the tent to participate at the banquet, "Skinny Duck, just stay by Sim Siu's side and you will be ok," They seated Fangsu next to Sim Siu's side at a table that laid on the ground on top of an embroidered mat. Donning her mask which gave Fangsu a sense of relief.

Running her hand against the embroidered mat, feeling the bumpiness of the grain of the thread that was woven into the mat. The lovingly crafted mat held the warmth of the weaver, a pale silhouette roamed across the mat tenderly rubbing the mat before noticing Fangsu's gaze. Pointing at her. "You see me," The spirit began approaching the ashen grey hair girl to find out that Fangsu was just spacing out, releasing a dejected breath. However, three spirits grabbed the spirit; Dai-Tai, Ming Yue and Xiao Ling took the dejected spirit away.

Sim Siu placed a hand on Fangsu's shoulder, "Did you see the floating aura over there?" Startling Fangsu with her sudden touch, "But, those colours aren't normal here," sim Siu was surprised by the spirits that were not typical of the region.

Fangsu was stunned to know Sim Siu could see spirit though it wasn't as defined as her own ability, "You can see them?" She had never known many people who could see into the spiritual world.

Sim Siu nodded, however, before she could answer, an ensemble of horses entered within the territory where the settlement established themselves. Leaders from various different settlements were greeted by the chieftain who gave a warm welcome as he was hosting the marriage selection event. Followed behind by each leader were an array of young individuals who were impeccably dressed for this event hoping to have a marriage proposal by the end of the event. Sim Siu also went to greet the attendees since she was the chieftain's daughter but she quickly gestured to Fangsu to follow her knowing that Fangsu could be a lost duck within the swarming attendees.

Keeping close to Sim Siu, Fangsu stood behind her to be shielded from people. She had never been too great with large crowds of people and it was overwhelming despite the event being in the open. After the seemingly endless greetings of the attendees, another group of people entered the territory. An entourage of magnificence graced the attendees with wondrous splendid that could put any of the previous attendees to shame. Sim Siu frowned at the expensive entourage seeing that it was just too blinding for her liking, "Skinny Duck, stay far away from those people," Taking Fangsu's hand and dragging her to their assigned seat.

But she suddenly realised that when she was holding Fangsu's hands, "My hands are much smaller than yours," They were indeed very small compared to hers which were already smaller compared to the other members within the settlement.

Sim Siu began measuring her hand against Fangsu to find that her hands could only reach about the first joint of her fingers, "Oh my! Your hands are so small!" Playing with Fangsu's hand in between her own hands, "What can you do with your hands?" Teasing the petite girl with her cute small hands.

As the girls began chatting between themselves, a booming sound of a gong erupted causing everyone to cease their chattering and the introduction ceremony began. "Leaders of the Sky, Moon, Sun, Mountains, Valleys, Rivers, Snow, Clouds, Mist and Forest Settlements greet the Elders of the Council of Five," The Ten leaders of each settlement greeted the five elders that entered the venue each dressed in their own respective traditional garments. The appetisers were brought out to appease the hunger of the many members of the other settlement who had to endure the long travel.


The elder began scanning the venue for potential matches, however, a single figure donned in traditional garb that was white like the snow with hair that was greyish in colour struck out from the many who bore the typical black hair with colourful garments. The eldest of the five elders whispered to the others, "I do not recall that girl in past ceremonies," Despite her being advanced in age her eagle eyes settled on the grey hair girl who sat behind the Mountain Settlement chieftain's youngest daughter.

The other elders turned to look at the girl, "She is probably a recent new addition to the Mountain's chieftain daughter retainers," One of the elders dismissed the new addition of the mountain settlement.

Another elder sighed exhaustedly, "It could be just a traveller," clearly not bothered for such grandiose events such as these, "Recently, there has been an increase of merchants and thriller seekers travelling to these parts," He began pouring a milky liquid into a copper bowl slowly sipping the alcoholic beverage as it began warming him from the inside out. Seeing that there was logic within his word the elders began to shift their focus on the festive.


After the finished plates where the appetisers once were laid on were bare. The attending servants took the plates seats as the beginning of the matchmaking ceremony began. The first event was where anyone regardless of gender were to compete against each other to show their dancing, singing, instrumental or embroidery skills to be judged by the elders. Many of the performances were of old traditions and folklore. Fangsu marvelled over the splendid performance displayed by the performers, however, Sim Siu was fidgety in her spot as her turn was soon approaching. She was going to perform a dance, however, her whip was still being repaired due to the leather snapping from continuous use for herding.

Fangsu felt a tug at her sleeve, "What is wrong?" She was stunned to see the bright and confident Sim Siu so shaken up with a pale complexion. Concern began riddling up inside her seeing that Sim Siu was troubled.

Sim Siu's complexion began paling as one of the performances had ended signifying another performance from Sun settlement up to the stage, "Skinny Duck do you have any whips or something of the sort?" Frantically she gripped onto Fangsu's sleeve as desperation was sinking deeper into her stomach making her quite queasy.

Fangsu nodded as she shuffled next to the chieftain asking if she could get something from her luggage which he approved. Scrambling to her feet, Fangsu quickly but as elegantly as possible rushed to her tent. As she was out of sight from anyone's view she sprinted as her life depended on it. Her clothes were neatly folded at the side where her jade ring was safely placed on top of the pile. Fangsu felt the cool sensation as she slid the ring on her thumb quickly summoning out her sword whip which she hadn't had much use for. As she was about to return to Sim Siu a black shadow rushed at her face which was accompanied by a gust of wind.

The warm sunlight beamed on Fangsu's glistened skin from the slight perspiration from running. Her mask was gone. The black shadow was just an eagle that perched itself on a man's leather guarded arm with her mask broken in half; one on the ground while the other was held in the hand of the man. His piercing glare was directed at her, seemingly seeing her as a threat, however, Fangsu returned her own glare back at the man before running back to the venue.

Fortunately, when Fangsu had arrived at the venue Sim Siu was about to perform. Fangsu quickly told Sim Siu to be careful using the sword whip which stunned Sim Siu who was surprised that Skinny Duck possessed a sword whip. Despite her surprise, she took the sword whip from Fangsu's hand and began to perform her dance.

Sim Siu took her spot at the corner of the stage awaiting the energetic melody when she took the pleats of her skirt into her hands spinning dramatically using the skirt to full effect as it spun around her. Her energetic movements represented her bright personality. The performance was hypnotic as it drew in the audience but as the melody rose in anticipation it took a dive into a slower melodic rhythm, slowly Sim Siu adjusted to the music to a slower but more graceful movement displaying her femininity with the more intricate dance movements. But, soon the music turned back to an energetic tone returning Sim Siu's movement to be more dynamic; calming as a pond but also piercing a tidal wave. Her movement became more ferocious and piercing with wide energetic steps, powerful spins giving more accent to shoulder movements. Pulling out the sword whip from the sheath, whirling the blade around her. When redirecting the sword whip, the blade created a ripping sound in the air further emphasising the impact of the performance. To finish off, Sim Siu spun continuously eventually gracefully falling to a kneel as she breathed heavily from the energy taxing dance.

Fangsu quickly rushed to the drained Sim Siu, dabbing any sweat that could ruin the makeup which it did. Taking a wet cloth, Fangsu wiped off the makeup from Sim Siu's face. Thankfully because of Fangsu's skincare regime, Sim Siu's skin was still beautifully dewy and fresh underneath the makeup. Sim Siu's eyes glittered in joy as she ran from Fangsu, "Big Brother! You're finally home!" Jumping into the arm of someone who Fangsu was very familiar with, "Skinny Duck! Meet my brother! Ang Siu!" The person who glared at her with a hawk that swept her mask away from her and broke it in half.

Fangsu turned her palm upwards, "I want my mask that you broke," holding it out in front of the man. The man politely handed back her broken mask while also handing her some sort wrapper that hid a small treat as if trying to apologize, "Thank you," Fangsu returned the offered candy with a smile of her own to show her gratitude. Her small lips curved into a sweet smile that dazzled the man and Sim Siu.

Sim Siu pulled Fangsu to her person, "Skinny Duck you are so cute!" Hugging her shoulder and placing her chin on Fangsu's head, "You are just like a cute little duck!" Dragging her to their assigned seat next to the chieftain. An unnoticed strand of hair had fallen from Fangsu's hair and a hand gently took that strand of hair and tucked it back into her loose braid that was barely holding its shape. Fangsu smiled as she nodded her head expressing her gratitude once again.

An announcer came with a gong announcing the next event which was a hunting competition where both genders could participate in. Most of the participants were male since most women tend to lean to household skills and feminine art but there are a few exceptions in some of the settlements women are encouraged to learn horseback riding and hunting. The mountain settlement is one of those settlements. Sim Siu excitedly jumped up from her seat as she went to change with a bow and a quiver filled with arrows equipped.

The chieftain chuckled at his daughter's eagerness to join the hunting competition despite the majority of daughters staying behind, "Young girl, aren't you going to join?" He referred to the quiet Fangsu who pointed at herself.

Chuckling as she stretched her muscles, "I can't hunt," The competition was about hunting but she could not, "I never learnt to hunt because I was always sick since young," It was simply a skill that she was never taught let alone trying to learn.

The chieftain nodded, "No worries! If you can't hunt then have Ang hunt for you," Pointing to his unexpecting son who was eating the snacks that were provided, "You have your horse! Why not let him exercise for a bit? Isn't it a bit boring sitting here?" His warm grin encouraged Fangsu's urge to ride Tian. Feeling the rushing wind flow in her hair. Screaming out in the open field for the hell of it. Hearing the thudding of Tian's hooves against the ground.

Tempted by the offer, however, Fangsu declined as she simply wasn't that close with Ang Siu since she just met him today, "I wouldn't want to bother Ang Siu to hunt for me," Placing her hands in front of herself to dissuade the chieftain.

Ang Sui stood up and walked to the archery stand to pick out a suitable bow, "Go get your horse," Testing the bowstring with his finger while judging Fangsu's build, "I will be waiting for you at the starting line," Ang Siu walked off to presumably get his horse.

Fangsu nodded as she quickly changed into the clothes given to her by Sim Siu's retainers. It was simple clothing suitable for horseback riding. Inner black garments loosely hung on her frame as she layered an embroidered coat with fur woven on the edges of the coat, however, the fit was a bit tight around the chest area. Leather boots that were obviously too large for her own, Fangsu resorted to wearing her own. She rubbed the jade ring that hung loosely around her thumb knowing that all her gear was within this tiny ring. Summoning out her sheathed dagger, hanging it at her back.

Fangsu exited the tent to the open fields which were the opposite side of where the venue occupied. The open field that she entered the mountain settlement from. Placing her forefinger and her thumb at her mouth, Fangsu blew hard. A sharp piercing whistle echoed through the open field. The sharp projecting whistle rang throughout the open field as Fangsu patiently waited. Gallops and neighing of horses responded to Fangsu's whistle, "Friend, can you make me fly for today?" Tian huffed in response as he circled around Fangsu along with the rest of the herd.