[In morning]
[Liu shuyin and Zheng mo wakes up and getting ready for the school. After being get ready for the school they go to their way to the school and in middle of the way they meet Mrs. Jiao].
Good morning Mrs. Jiao.
Good morning Mrs. Jiao.
Oh! it's you guys good morning good morning [looking at their face] aiyya! what happened to your face Liu shuyin.
It's nothing they are just a small scratches.
By looking at your wounds it doesn't seems that they are just small scratches.
Don't worry Mrs. Jiao it is nothing for this bull.
Even doctors said if he get hitted by hundreds of bullet he will gonna survive.
[In low voice] Hey! aren't you saying too much?
Okay! as long as you are fine there is nothing to be worried about.
Okay! Mrs. Jiao see you after the school.
Bye then.
[After talking with Mrs Jiao both goes to school].
[In school]
[Students and teachers are talking about the incident that happened in the shopping center].
Are you okay Xing'er?
I heard that Liu shuyin saves you.
What? Are you talking about that weird guy?
What is he doing there?
He must be following you Xing'er.
You are just over thinking.
I at not over thinking he must be full you otherwise such a poor guy what he was doing there?
He is with Zheng mo.
I knew it that type of poor people are always in rich people money.
[In heavy voice] Shut up! Don't talk like that I don't care if he following me or not I know one thing he is the guy who save my life. [Goes from there].
What made her so angry?
I think she don't like the way you saying bad things to him.
She just doesn't know that what kind of people are like him?
Hmm yes, you are right. By the way why we cares?
Yes, let's go.
[Both goes from there].
[In boys toilet].
[Zheng mo is washing his hands then on that time some boys come in and they are talking about the last day incident].
Hey, you know that nerd was following school goddess yesterday.
You also heard of it.
So you also.
Yes. I think he is on something.
Right? Hey, could it be he is also involved in planting the bomb in shopping center?
[After hearing this Zheng mo came behind them and beat those kids and put them into latrine and goes from there].
[Liu shuyin is on the roof facing his face towards the ground and some kind of sobbing sounds came from him then there Mr Lei feng come there and goes near him but stopped after listening the sobbed sound come from him. Mr Lei feng thought that because of the students making rumours about him it makes him sad and calls him from the behind].
Liu shuyin are you okay?
[Liu shuyin turns his face with his mouth full of food].
O! ib du Mixer dee fend [it's you Mr Lei feng].
Gulps! what are you doing up there?
I just come to see you.
[Goes near him]
I heard the news of yesterday are you okay?
What will gonna happened to me?
Hmm, nothing [I think he didn't heard what others are talking about him]. By the way did you heard what others are talking about you.
No. I never listen to them and I don't care whatever they talk about me. They are people who just talk about others except looking at themselves and their conditions they just seeing fun on others condition[Sobbed].
Why are eyes full of tears?
Oh! that that is because I am eating Sesame chicken. It is so much spicy.
[Note: Sesame chicken is a kind of spicy food which is famous in China for its spiciness].
By looking at you it seems that you like this so much.
Hmm! by looking at you I don't think so you are here to only see me.
No. I just came here to do my own personal work [taking out cigarrete from his pocket and lightened it up].
Teacher you are saying that others are talking about me.
So you didn't heard that right?
No. I am just busy on my own work.
[Mr Lei feng telling about what others were talking about him].
[In hospital]
[Chuck is sleeping beside Lan Lan and Lan Lan gets awake and found that she doesn't know what place is this and see Chuck is lying his head beside her then Lan Lan calls him].
[By hearing Lan Lan sound Chucks awake and sees Lan Lan and hugs her].
What happened to you brother? And where are we? Ouch! my head it hurts so much.
[Chucks releases her].
Don't force yourself lay down and rest a bit.
But I am tired of lying down on head.
Okay! don't worry brother will gonna find out a way to take out of you here. Now lay down for a bit.
Hmmm. [smiles].
[Chucks came out from the room and sees a nurse and ask her]
Is there any way to take out a patient outside.
Yes, you can use wheel chair to take out patient in the garden to relax.
Where I will gonna find out that?
It is in patient room.
Thank you.
Welcome. [Goes from there].
[Chucks goes inside the room and find the wheel chair and taken it out and goes near Lan Lan and put her up and put her down in wheel chair and taken her out in garden].
It feels good to be come out of here in open space.
Yes, Lan Lan can I ask you something?
Do you think that your brother is a bad person?
Are you afraid after that incident?
No. as long as I am with you I am not afraid of anything [give a sweet smile to him].
[He also give back her a smile].
[Thinking: Don't worry Lan Lan I will gonna find out that person and avenge you from them of your condition and those 500000 RMB]