

[This was just in, the game developer for Virtue Corporation has announced of a new game that is in development. The game will be known as Aglenem and is entirely different from any game in the Virtual Reality market right now. Mr. Klen, the developer, stated that this game would be the only one of its kind. Using the critical feature of [Forte], everyone will now be able to call themselves unique. Want to be a magician with an immortal body? Now you can if you gain an [Endurance Type Forte]. Want to be a glass cannon warrior? Now you can if you obtain a [Strength Type Forte]. Other then the unique aspect of this game nothing else has been shared to the audience other than its release date.

There has been a release date scheduled for two years from now. Anything else you would like to say to the awaiting gamers wanting to play your game, Mr. Klen?]

From the screen, a middle-aged man with dark blue flowing hair looked at the camera. He had dark circles hanging under his glasses, but if you looked closely at him, you would see a twinkle in his eyes. A smile slowly crept up upon his face. A loud and deep voice came out of his mouth as he spoke.

[There have been 1000 people picked from a lottery using our system to try fro the beta testing. If were chosen you will have two choices you can decide upon. The first choice is you decline, and we will give your spot to another player. The second choice is you have accepted our invitation, and you will come with us to our secret facility for us to test the system for two months. This is a voluntary choice from you the player we will not force you, but if you can't accept our conditions, then there is no choice from us other than to remove your invitation. Thank you for your time, and I hope your decision will change your future.]

The developer proceeded to turn around and walk back into the building. The reporters tried to rush up after him to ask more questions, but a fleet of men in black tactical suits appeared from nowhere and blocked the door. Seeing that they couldn't get any more out of the Virtue Corporations, the camera went back towards the reporter.

[So there you go, you heard it here first on Gigis Gaming Entertainment. Good luck out there for those 1000 participating players being chosen to embark on this journey. Gigis Gaming signing off.]

From across the television, a shadow of a small mound sanctioned itself on the couch. A bag of chips leaned to the side of the heap. Every few seconds, you could see a hand reaching down and pulling a chip out of the pocket. All of a sudden, the hand grabbed the bag as a whole and lifted it towards the top of the mound. Flipping the bag over, a small cascade of chips rained down from the remainder of the pack. The sound of munches rang across the room with a blech to follow after it.

"A choice is it? Funny, not like anyone would deny participating in any of the Virtue Corps. experiments."

The mound than slowly removed itself from the throne of chips on the couch and lightly stretched itself. Looking at the mound, people would notice the outline of a human male. Except the human male is extended towards the very limits of what would be defined as a human. The sunlight peered through the window sills. If anyone were to look through the window, all they would see is 1.85 meters worth of poor self-control, someone so weak-willed as they allow themselves to become disfigured. Ozzy would consider them wrong, though, and he carried his fat like it was his pride. He prided himself for his significant stature, peering over everyone. His motto was (the fatter you are, the more you can roll?). Ozzy was an odd guy always cheery and always took the blame even though it wasn't his fault. This kept his bullying down to a minimum and allowed him to make some friends, albeit not much of them what no one noticed though was the loneliness that peered from his eyes. With his parents overseas and being the only child, he was the only one who ever roamed around his apartment.

After Ozzy finished stretching, he walked over towards the bathroom to clean himself before school started. Looking into the mirror, a chubby young man stared back at him. His black hair draped over his head like a bowl. Big round glasses hung on his face like a magnet. Baby fat still stuck on his cheeks like the laughing buddha's. His belly protruded out like a sore thumb. Ozzy looked back at the mirror, and a small smile slipped out of his mouth.

"Another day, another roll! Hehe now with the new game coming out if I were to get chosen maybe all the girls will finally look at me. HAHAHAHAHA!" Laughing himself into delusion, Ozzy started to clean himself up and walk to school.

With a toast in his mouth, he slowly walked towards the school rethinking over what he saw this morning.

'A unique game for everyone who plays it, huh. With this statement, it will blow all other games in the market right out of the water. Everyone strives to become the main character inside any game, so this will become a hot hit instantly. With a two year gap, it will allow for speculations of the games to blow up more, the hype of the game will break the market of games! I hope this game doesn't flop like 'N* M*n S*y' it would be a shame. Still can't believe I got fooled into buying it TSK.'

While thoughts ran through Ozzy's mind, A shadow rushed out from the ally in front of him.

"AHHHHH!" a sudden collision jolted Ozzy out of his thoughts.

If any onlookers were to see what had happened though it would look more like someone bouncing back from a trampoline, except sideways, looking down, Ozzy noticed a slightly tanned girl with short dark purple hair sprawling on the ground. She had an athletic build and tempered legs. She had saccharine sweet lips. They looked blossom soft. On her body was a trendy shirt of the latest fashion and a black skirt.

"Ho, those are some great legs you got there." a whisper came out of Ozzy's mouth.

Awakening from her trance, she blushed and screamed back.

"HEY STOP LOOKING AT MY LEGS!" Finally realizing the shadow that was cast over her, she looked up to see Ozzy lumbering over her like a giant. "AHHH MONSTER!"

"Hey, that's rude. I'm just a bit chubby!" Ozzy shouted back, instinctively.

Realizing that its a human standing over her, she blushed at her mistake and shouted back at him.

"Stop looking at my legs and help me up!" Taking a short pause, she added, "please."

Looking down at her, Ozzy realized that she was still on the ground.

'Hmph being the gentleman that I am I should probably help her up, I'll forgive her for calling me fat for this time. Plus her reactions are funny' With a smirk on his face he reached down to help pull her up.

"Thank you for your help. I'm sorry I ran into you earlier. I thought I was going to be late for the first day of class, so I was running without paying attention. My name is Sophia Rain, by the way, what's yours."

Ozzy looked over and realized that she was carrying a bag of school supplies and books. Quickly realizing that she was asking a question, he replied.

"The name is Oliver, Oliver Nolk. You can call me Ozzy though, everyone calls me that. Quick question why the rush?"

"I go to Eureka Academy, well I just transferred into it actually," Sophia responded, "What about you what school do you go to?"

Ozzy gave her a quizzical look as if to ask if she was joking. Realizing that she was looking completely serious, he responded.

"You know that on Eureka Island there's only one school and that's the Eureka Academy, right?"

Blushing even harder than before Emily quickly realized her mistake.

"S-so why are you not rushing to class? Won't you be late too?" Sophia tried to defend herself.

Giving her another quizzical look Ozzy responded, "You know campus doesn't open until nine right, it's only eight right now. This is still early."

Realizing that she doesn't know the time, she quickly took out her phone to check. "AH, it is only 8 am!"

Laughing at her antics, Ozzy called out to her before proceeding to walk towards the campus. "Welp I'm gonna head off, see ya ."

"Hey wait, take me with you!" A shout chased after him.

Looking back, Ozzy saw Sophia fix her outfit and bag quick and walked towards him. Giving her yet a third quizzical look as if to see if there is anything wrong with her head, he asked, "Huh, you're coming with me?"

Irritated at the quizzical looks, he keeps giving her she yelled back at him, "What am I not pretty enough for you to hang around with!"

"Contrary to that, I think that I'm too ugly to hang with you. you even called me as a monster and didn't want to be around me anymore." Ozzy gave her a weak smile back. "I don't want to ruin your reputation at school before it started."

Realizing what she said earlier, she looked sad, but then shook herself out of it and said to him.

"Whomever I want to be friends with I will have the final decision, stop being a worrywart. Anyways like you said you're only chubby, come walk with me to school."

With a smile on her face, she walked towards him a slapped him on the shoulder.

"Come, let's go."

Looking at her back, a small smile crept on his face.

"Haha interesting, alright let's head off to the campus."

With that, Ozzy started to walk next to her and talk to her about all the small stuff. Racking his brain, he kept trying to keep his friend entertained. Slowly he started stumbling on his words and looked flustered on what to say next.

Seeing Ozzy in this state, Sophia started laughing uncontrollably. Whipping of the small tear in her eye she looked over to the flustered Ozzy.

"You don't have to keep finding random topics on clothing and the weather. I know you don't know that much about makeup, so don't even try. Tell me more about yourself and what you like. It's more interesting in getting to know your friends."

Realizing his blunder, he blushed once more. Quickly calming himself down, he teased back at her.

"Not every day I walk alongside a beautiful girl and get to talk to her." He quickly smiled teasingly, "Well if the beautiful girl must know I like to read Web Novels and play RPG games. I'm currently waiting for the new game that is being released by Virtue Corporations, Aglenem."

Blushing at his first response, she hit him back on the shoulder.

"S-stop teasing me you don't have to say beautiful twice!" Quickly calming herself down she responded to his next statement, "Ah, I've heard of Aglenem too. Have you applied for the new Beta lottery?"

Without missing a beat, Ozzy responded, "Of course, as a game addict like myself, I would never forgive myself if I were to miss an application."

Laughing at his seriousness, she tried to hide her giggle and spoke back. "Yea I applied too, let's hope that we both get it. If we both get it now, I would have a friend to play it with."

Looking at her smiling face, a jolt quickly passed his heart. Thinking to himself quick, he thought she looked charming right there.

'Calm yourself, Ozzy, since when did you last talk to a girl. Why is your heart racing for a girl you just met today? You hardly know her.'

Not realizing that he was slowly approaching school Ozzy just kept focusing on the thoughts occupying his mind. Suddenly a shout came out of nowhere and woke Ozzy up from the fantasy at hand. It jolted him back towards reality in front of him.

"Hey, Fatty Oz you're finally here. Oh, what is this you brought a cute girl? Have you finally betrayed me for someone else, my heart is broken."

In front of Ozzy, a young man with blond hair and a healthy body pretended to collapse. He put a hand over his face and pretended to look like a heartbroken widow. Slowly a mischevious smirk appeared on his face.

"Hey knock it off don't make it seem to everyone that I'm gay!" Ozzy quickly rebutted the guy on the floor.

"Pft, what is this hahaha." Holding her stomach, Sophia started laughing uncontrollably. "You guys make a great comedic duo."

"Hello, a pretty lady, my name is Jared Rook. I am single and have a healthy body. Don't let appearances fool you. I am a great guy that will take care of all a girl ever needs." Jared shamelessly introduced himself.

Still laughing uncontrollably, she patted him on the shoulder and said, "Great to hear, maybe in the future, someone will love you."

Hearing that Jared let out a laugh and walked back to Ozzy.

"Class is starting soon, and I heard there is a significant announcement that we can't miss."

Acknowledging what Jared said, Ozzy turned around and told Sophia to follow them towards the class. With the there walking down the hall laughing and chatting, onlookers would think that they were childhood friends. Finally reaching the class, everyone sat down to wait for the teacher. After a good 5 minutes, the teacher then proceeded to walk into the course.

"Alright students settle down I have two announcements to tell the class today" the teacher gave a quick pause looking at the class before proceeding, "The first announcement is that we have a new transfer student here today. Her name is Sophia Rain, and she will be with us starting from today."

Pointing at the back of the classroom, the teacher told Sophia to stand up and introduce herself. After that was done, she proceeded to show the students the other announcement.

"The second announcement is that the Virtue Corporation has chosen all Freshman in the college division of Eureka Academy as the players for Beta testing. A full 200 of you have been chosen to play Aglenem. Anyone who chooses to opt-out of the invitation then tells me now."

The classroom was quiet, a pin could drop down onto the ground, and everyone would hear it. All of a sudden, a clamor rang across the class. Students were pilling onto of each other to get their voice out.

"No way we got chosen to play Aglenem. This is great!"

"Its a miracle whoever gives this up is a fool!"

"Teacher, when will we get to go test!"

The class couldn't stop being excited — tables shuffling and chairs rumbling across the classroom. In the back, Ozzy looked dumfounded at the teacher. The only one thought that ran through his mind at the moment.

'No way I can play Aglenem, I can become the Main Character I envisioned.'

Turning over to take a quick look at Sophia, Ozzy thought quietly inside his heart.

'If I can change myself, maybe I can get her acknowledgment for me!'

Unbeknown of him the moment he was looking at Sophia, a girl to the left corner of him was also staring intently at him.