
[Forte: Fatso]

[Welcome to the world of Aglenem]

[Scanning player for Forte]

[Mental and body scan completed, Forte created]

[Forte: Fatso]

[Good luck on your endeavors player]

'Huh, my Forte is called Fatso? What kind of weird Forte is that! Do I roll people overusing my body or something? Wait, how would that work there are some monsters even bigger than me.'

As his thoughts were running wild around inside his head, Ozzy was sucked into the game. The area of white and blue that was in front of him turned utterly black. It was as though a void had swept though devoured everything around Ozzy. Then a spark appeared from the center. It spread like wildfire. Scenes of war and devastation appeared on his right towards his left views of prosperity and tranquility flowed passed him like a river.

In awe at the scenes surrounding him, Ozzy didn't realize that he was slowly sinking towards one of the scenes. A high range mountain materialized below his feet. Floating around him were a various island in different sizes and shapes. Birds flew past him, and the air whistled through his hair. Looking down, a grand continent appeared from below the sea. Taking in everything in front of him, Ozzy was in awe. Just the presentation of the game has made his heart boil. He couldn't wait to get started on the game and find out all the gimmicks of it.

Just as he thought that a screen popped in front of him.

[Welcome to the continent of Aglenem, which beginner town would you like to be designated too.]

A list of names for all of the beginner town appeared before him. Various points on the continent started to glow yellow and shot up like pillars. Realizing that those pillars represent beginner towns Ozzy started to plan out where he would want to be stationed at.

'If we spawn near the mountains most of the time the quest missions are stuff that has to deal with caves. Spawning near plains would have killing monsters the priority for quests. If I take the first, I would have to deal with gathering and insectoids. Lastly, if I take the coast, then that means that I will have to do a fishing quest and errands for the ports. They all have there merits and demerits. For right now I'm leaning more towards the coast for my beginner town. Using the coast, there will be many people going in and out of that place, which makes gathering information easier. This also allows me to get more connections and a stable income of experience. But the mountains are another good place to set up camp. There are various activities and opportunities that I can acquire there.'

As he was thinking about which town he should choose so he could get the most benefit out of, he suddenly had an idea.

'System can you tell me which place would be the best choice for my character?"

[According to the user's necessary information and Forte, the best beginner town for you is Winterhorn in the north.]

Looking down at the map to find Winterhorn, Ozzy realizes that the town is stationed near two completely white mountains. Snow rained down from the mountainside ever so gently, and a cozy town sat at the base of the mountain. It looked as though no matter the storm, the town would always be there to provide a comfortable hearth.

"What is my Forte to make this place the ideal beginner town?" Ozzy was confused about how [Fatso] could be useful in a snowy mountain area.

[Your Forte and status board will be shown to you when you arrive at the town]

Realizing that he had no other clue on what to and didn't want to waste more time, he accepted the proposal. Bright blue lights flashed from below his feet. Taking a glance downwards, he saw his feet slowly disappearing. Pixel by pixel, his body was being consumed by the light. The last thing he heard before he was gone was the mechanical voice from the system.

[You have arrived at the northern mountains, Winterhorn greets you.]

Opening his eyes in a flash, all Ozzy saw around him was the white snow. The sight of tiny crystals slowly cascaded down from the mountain tips on top of him. Enormous pine trees lumbered to the left and right of him. Looking back down in front of him was a gate. On both sides of the gate, we're penguin totems with fire on top of them. On top of the gate was a wooden board holding everything together. 'Winterhorn' was etched delicately upon the Woden board. Peering into the town, Ozzy could see the snow-covered roofs stacking on top of each other. A giant bonfire rested in the middle of the town, a bit behind the campfire was a statue. A gallant man with a shield reflected upon the statue's surface. The odd thing about the figure was the shield he was holding, and there was two shields instead of a sword and shield.

Slowly from the left side of the gate, a big chubby man appeared. A thick overcoat was draped over his body, and a jolly smile was plastered over his face. He looked like any typical jovial merchant with a unique mustache. Seeing Ozzy, the man had a look of surprise and quickly shuffled over.

"Hello, adventurer, What brings you to these neck of the woods. You're a long way from home there."

The man had an odd look on his face. He seemed as though adventures appearing here would be a foolish decision. Giving Ozzy another look, he came to a sudden realization and said no more. Looking at Ozzy with a warmer look now, the man called out with a more caring tone.

"Ah, forgive me, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am the mayor of this town. My name is Darrell. If you need any help, you can call me. Ah, where are my manners, what is your name, oh humble adventurer."

Still, in shock of the man's sudden change in attitude, Ozzy saw a system panel popped up in front of him.

[Enter player name here]

Realizing now that this is it, the start of the game is here. Emotions started swelling inside of him. Quickly typing Ozzy into the entry bar, he was about to hit enter. But then he stopped at the last second and thought to himself again.

'Is this the choice I want? Do I want to be reminded of my weak past?'

With a bold look in his eyes, he hardened himself and deleted his old name. Taking a step back, he took a quick second to come up with a new identity for himself.

'What do I want to be called now — nothing too flashy and nothing too stupid. Since my Forte is Fatso, I'll play with that. How about Fudge. Eh but that makes me sound like a child. How about Fotas? Hey, that doesn't sound too bad let's go with that. Saves me from thinking harder.'

While typing in his name, he responded towards the mayor.

"Mayor Darrell, I am Fotas a wanderer looking for exploration and adventure."

After Fotas ushered those lines, a ding rang out beside his ears. A few system panels than promptly appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations you are now associated with Winterhorn]

[The status board is now open to you, think status inside your head]

[Favorability and Reputation are now open to you]

[Good luck on your adventure, there will be no more help at this point]


[Your Fatso Forte has made Mayor Darrell look at you favorably]

[+100 Rep for Winterhorn]

[+300 Favor for Mayor Darrell]

[Reputation (Winterhorn): 100/300 (Neutral)]

[Favorability (Mayor Darrell): 300/1000 (Friendly)]


Looking at all the notifications popping up, Fotas was even more confused.

'This Forte, what is it? Good thing I can finally look at my status and Forte. STATUS.'


[Name]: Fotas

[Class]: Beginner

[Health Points]: 250

[Mana]: 60


Strength*: 7

Agility*: 4

Constitution*: 15

Intelligence*: 6

[Special Stats]:

Endurance*: 10

Luck*: 5


Ice: 20%

Cold: 20%

[Skills]: None

[Forte]: Fatso*


Glancing at his status board, Fotas realized that he was built like a tank. All HP and nothing else. If we were to use the standard of 10 points in anything being average, then the only thing he did better than other people were taking hits. Quickly gathering himself back from the negative thoughts, he notices the asterisks next to each stat and his Forte. Focusing on the asterisks of each stats, more panels started to appear.


[Strength]: How hard you hit depends on your strength. The average is 10 points.

[Agility]: How fast you run and the dexterity of your body. The average is 10 points.

[Constitution]: Your health is your CON x 10. It also determines how much hits you can take. The average is 10 points.

[Intelligence]: Your mana is your INT x 10. It also determines how fast your mana regeneration and casting speed is. The average is 10 points.

[Endurance]: Everyone unlocks a specialty according to their highest Stat. Since CON is your highest stat, you have awakened Endurance. For every point in Endurance, you gain 10 points in HP and 1 point in defense. Any attacks that hit you would have to first go through your armor then your additional defense points.

[Luck]: Critcal strike, Chance incounters, and completion of any production from lifestyle classes success rates incress dramatically. These are to name some of the few things that luck can change.


Reading through all the stats Fotas couldn't determine if he should be happy or sad. Other then CON and END everything else looks trash.

'Well at least being this tank early on in the game I won't die anytime soon.'

Sighing one last time he turned back towards the last remaining thing on his status board. Fotas focused on his Forte, and the information started pouring out.

'Wow, now this explains why I got all those Favorability. It also makes sense why I'm not cold wearing these lined tunics.'


[Fatso]: Player gains 20% cold and ice resistance due to the fat keeping the warmth in the body. Every time when a fat or chubby person sees the player, they will see you as a friend. Players hunger and thirst levels will rise faster than an average player. Gains the Forte's exclusive skill [Foodie].

[Foodie]: Can analyze any food or ingredient brought to you. Has +1 to any cooking skill the player acquires. Eating any meat cooked from a monster allows you to gain a basic understanding of the monsters anatomy. Can spot monsters health, skill, and weak point when focusing on a monster that the player has consumed before.
