Chapter 6

Percy POV

Before I even opened my eyes I knew today was going to be different to say the least. My muscles were stiff and I felt like someone had just punched me in the gut. But at the same time I felt more hyper than ever. The odd mix of sensations felt amazing and made me feel a little older for some reason.

Hesitantly I opened my eyes and sat up wincing as my back popped. The image of that woman smiling had apparently been burned into my mind which made me smile to. I wasn't sure who she was but I did know two things for sure, first I loved her and second I was going to find her no matter what.

Outside it was raining pretty hard but I left the confines of the tent nevertheless. "Hey Percy-" Nico said as I walked over "-you feeling ok?"

"I'm a little stiff but other than that yeah." I said. Nico nodded and started to fill me in on the skirmish between Tyson and Oceanus' army. Apparently during the last Titan war my father had forges set up in man made reservoirs with easy access to the sea to keep them below Oceanus' radar, but now he was taking special care to get rid of them.

As Nico talked I noticed that he, Reyna, Leo, and Tyson now looked at me with a new form of awe while Tyson's soldiers seemed afraid of me and kept a good 15 foot distance at all times. The cold rain was starting to annoy me so I just willed myself to stay dry "Looks like the rain finally stopped." Leo said after a few minutes.

Not a moment later thunder boomed causing Nico look up "Um Percy are you doing that?"

I turned my head to see what he was looking at "Doing wha-" I started to say until I noticed that it was still raining but whenever it got within a 50 foot radius of me the rain drops would change direction and slide down at an angle almost like it was on glass.

"I think so" I said "just give me a second." I focused on letting the water drop and it did 'so it is me' I thought, after a few minutes of experimenting I found two things. First me shielding the camp from the rain was more of a habit, and second it was easy to do it.

"It is you isn't it?" Nico asked but the way he said it made it more of statement. I nodded "And it's too easy." he added and I nodded again. I've tried to do something like this before but it was beyond me now it was second nature.

I almost laughed at how well me and Nico understood each other 'that's why he's my brother' I thought 'can't forget my sisters though'. I paused after that thought 'sisters, where had I gotten a thought like that. Thalia's the only girl that I thought of like that' deep inside I knew that felt wrong I had another I just couldn't remember.

"So what do we do now?" Leo asked "There card doesn't have any new instructions on it."

"We're going to camp Jupiter." I said "I need to have a word with Hera.".

Thalia POV

"...make sure to sharpen the arrows too." I reminded the other hunters. Artemis has been staying in the medic tent with Zoe ever since we found her two nights ago so I had been doing my best to run the hunters.

"Hey Artemis how's she doing?" I asked walking into the medic tent.

"No change." she replied "I just don't get why she would be here, even if she chose the leave Uranus' realm she should have gone to the underworld not here. And if she's here does that mean Orion is back too."

"I hope not, he was a jerk the first time around." Zoe said.

"Zoe!" Artemis cried pulling Zoe into a tight hug tears streaming down her face.

"I missed you as well Milady but seriously you're crushing me." Zoe croaked after a few minutes, her face turning purple.

"I'm sorry" Artemis said drying her tears "I just can't believe you're back, it feels like I'm dreaming." Zoe smirked and pinched Artemis' arm

"Ow, what was that for" Artemis said rubbing her arm "so you know you're not dreaming." she said.

I laughed while Artemis simply glared at Zoe well tried to, it didn't quite work with the smile tugging at her lips and that's when I noticed something. "Zoe what happened to your accent, it's gone" I said

"I got some help with that up in Uranus' realm." Zoe said.

"Speaking of which why are you back and why are the constellations disappearing?" Artemis asked

"Their not all disappearing it's just mine and Orion's." Zoe said then her expression darkened "as for why I'm here, it's the coming war. Tartarus was planning on rising." Zoe said.

"Seriously?" I asked Zoe nodded.

"What do you say 'was'?" Artemis asked.

"Tartarus wanted to rise but Uranus used up most of his power to stop him." Zoe said "This stopped us from having to face a primordial but sadly Tartarus has grown stronger than Uranus. He still had enough power to forcefully raise some of his most powerful subjects to aid Oceanus."

"Who are we up against?" I asked.

"To be honest I'm not entirely sure." Zoe said with a heavy sigh "Just before I left we confirmed that Pallas the titan of war and Perse titan of destruction were coming along with Kampe and Polybotes, the giant meant to destroy Poseidon. In all the craziness that was going on Orion disappeared, where he went we don't know but Uranus felt troubled enough by it that he sent me back just in case. "

Artemis POV

I'll admit I was panicking a bit at the thought of the oncoming threats but more than anything I fuming that Orion might be back 'I'm going to kill him very slowly' I thought.

"I do have a little bit of good news though." Zoe said "Pontus, Uranus' brother, said he would send help. We really don't know what kind of help but it's something."

"There's also one more thing and it's the reason Uranus sent me." Zoe said a grin tugging at her lips "He said the key to winning this war is Perseus."

"Why would Percy be the key?" Thalia asked.

"Not your Perseus I'm mean Artemis' guardian Perseus.".

I went wide eyed "He's back!" I said.

"Yes." Zoe said smiling hugely "He should be about 17 or 18 right now." I felt like I was about to burst from excitement.

"I gotta go tell the council, be right back." I said before flashing out.

Leo POV 2 days later

We ran into Jason's group on our way to camp Jupiter which was kind of funny because without planning we bought tickets for the same bus. We had a few laugh and caught up on the way to camp and even stopped in new Rome for lunch. Afterwards at Percy's insistence left for Temple hill.

"Just wondering what's the Sentinel's feast?" I asked as we walked out of New rome and grabbed our weapons. I had heard people talking about in town and I was kinda curious.

"It's a big feast we have once every ten years, although I don't really know what it's for." Hazel said.

Jason shook his head "I'm not really surprised you don't know that much about it most people who weren't here for the previous one don't." Jason said. "First off a lot of people think that it's to celebrate the Centurions but that's not entirely correct. The story behind the Sentinel's feast goes way back before Rome and even Troy were built.

You see there was a small tribe that would eventually became the Trojans moving through Greece looking for a place to settle. The were running low on food and water and the men were tired from constantly fighting off wolves and robbers. One night they were attacked by a small group of monsters, the men couldn't fight anymore and the entire tribe was at their mercy." Jason said pausing to build up the suspense.

"As the monsters debated on what to do with the tribe a young boy about 10 years old wearing a silver cloak dropped out of the sky in front of them holding a celestial bronze hunting knife." Jason said.

Silver POV

"Ah chew"

"The kid fought the monsters for three hours straight killing them all. When he the fight was over the people asked the boy why he would fight so hard for somebody he didn't even know and he said. 'Why should that matter, it is the duty of those with power to defend those who can't defend themselves. My parents would never let someone get hurt when if it was in their power to stop it and neither will I. That's what my parents taught me and that's a belief I'm willing give my life for'. The boy then left leaving the people astounded that such a young boy could have that much of a resolve." Jason said.

"I can understand that." I said "I actually want to know who this kids parents were."

Artemis POV

"Ah chew"

"We all do the Trojans spent 80 years trying to find him or his family with no luck." Jason said "Anyway the people were so astounded that when the founded Troy the started the Sentinel's feast in his honor and made it the number one duty of the army to keep the people safe above all else. It became the honor a duty of the rich and powerful to fight in the Army. And when Troy fell that belief was carried on to Rome which is why it focused so much on it's military."

"That's actually kinda cool." Nico said.

"You don't even know the half of it." Reyna said "In latin the closest translation to the word Sentinel is Centurion. They were named after him, the oath they take was based on his words, his beliefs are the very same that Rome was founded on."

"Wow." was all I could say.

Percy POV

The story behind the Sentinel's feast was cool, but right now I had a bone to pick with a certain goddess "Hera!" I shouted as I walked into her temple. I had asked the others to stay outside because I thought it would be best if I worked this out first before telling them.

"What do you want!" Hera shouted flashing "And how dare you come into my temple and shout at me you mortal!".

I walk straight up to her not caring about the consequences "I'm going to ask you one question and I need you to answer honestly" I said mimicking Chiron's deathly calm tone which seemed to unnerve her. "When you stole my memories did you chose to keep any from me even after I saved Rome."

"What? No!"

"Then why am I starting to remember a sister I've never had." I said trying not to lose my temper.

"You mean Thalia?" She asked not quite understanding me

"No I don't." I said "I do consider her my sister but this is not her. This girl is taller and has an olive skin color.." I trailed off.

"Hmm" Hera said putting a hand on her chin "give me a second." she said before flashing out.

I sat for what felt like a half hour, just as I was about to lose temper and flood Hera's temple she flashed back in. "I'm so sorry" she said which scared me half to death because she both sounded and looked sincere.

"What did you do?" I said.

"You know how when mortals are reborn you take a dip in the river Lethe?" Hera asked hesitantly.

"Yes" I said.

"Well for some reason you didn't. Hades doesn't even have a record of you going through the underworld, it's like your soul came out of nowhere and jumped right into your next life." she said. "Unable to do anything Thanatos put up a barrier in your mind separating your past life from your current one. When I stole your memories I broke the barrier."

"Can't you just put another one up?" I asked.

"I'm sorry but no, there's no way to stop it once it starts short of throwing you into Lethe." Hera said pulling out a journal. "The most I can do is give you this." Hera said holding out to me "As you remember your past life write it down in here, it will help you to separate this life from your last."

I was pissed beyond belief but accepted the journal "I truly am sorry." Hera said before flashing out.

I thought about trashing Hera's temple but wasn't her fault, she didn't know so I walked out. "Hey Percy." Nico said walking up to me with the others "You ok man we heard shouting?".

"I don't know Nico, I really don't know. " I said sitting down on the grass.

"Why what happened?" Piper asked, I took the next few minutes to explain what Hera told me.

"Don't worry Percy you still got us." Reyna said

"But what if I was a murderer in my past life, what if I was a criminal." I countered

"Who cares." Nico said "It doesn't matter who you were in your past life, this is who you are now. If you were a hero that's great, if you were a criminal it doesn't matter that's not who you are now." everyone nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys." I said. We decided to head back to camp half blood as our respective jobs seem to have been put on hold. I have to admit I was thankful for the support.

That night I open up the first page of my journal, at the top I wrote Sister then made a list down the side (example below) leaving the bottom open, then I made similar ones for myself, my parents, and that girl I was remembering.




Skin color: olive

Eye color:

Hair color:

Height: about 5' 5''