Chapter 8

Percy POV

It was two weeks till Oceanus' army was supposed to arrive at camp Jupiter and about a week since Hera had given me the journal I was currently using to record my past life. "Hey Percy."

Jason said taking a seat next to me.

"Hey Jason." I replied, since the whole mount Tam incident Jason's group had been working with mine because their compass wouldn't work for some reason.

"So what do you remember so far?" he asked, despite his attempt at hiding it I could hear the nervousness in his voice. I knew that the others had been wanting to ask that very question all week, they just were trying to give me some space.

"I haven't really remembered much about who I was but I think I was a demigod." I said "Also I had a lot of kids, most of them were adopted though".

"Really what were they like?" he asked.

"Well the oldest of them was girl, in fact all of them were girls except the youngest who actually was my biological son. Any way the oldest ones name was Cassie she had a thing for flowers especially white ones. She would braid them in her sister's hair telling them stories about when she was younger." I said "Cassy really loved her siblings, I remember one time one of my youngest daughters Atlanta got attacked by a bear and Cassy jumped on it back and drove an arrow through its eye".

"Seems like you're getting your memory back pretty quick." Jason said in a cheery tone.

"Not really." I said "That's about all I can remember for sure and Cassy's face is the only one I can actually remember clearly, everyone else's face is blurred. I started to draw what I have remembered so I can't forget this time." I said handing Jason the drawing of Cassy as it was the only one that was finished.

"Percy I think you might have been an artist in a past life because this is amazing." Jason said. The same thought had crossed my mind but for now I didn't care about that, right now my all I wanted to know is if I was a good man and father.

Cassy was my oldest as far I could remember, she had blue eyes, brown hair and caramel skin. I just knew she would have been a heartbreaker, if I closed my eyes I could still remember her singing her five younger sisters to sleep…'wait five sisters that's new' I thought pulling out my journal and jotting the new information down.

"What did you remember?" Jason asked looking up from the picture.

"I finally know how many kids I had, six girls and one boy." I said smiling.

"Hey guys we're ready to leave when you are." Leo said glancing at the picture in Jason's hand "And who's the hottie?". In about three seconds I had the point of my sword under Leo's chin.

"Whoa, what did I do?" Leo said backing up while Jason started cracking up.

"Sorry" I said nervously putting riptide away "Reflex."

"What was that all about?" Piper asked and I realized that everyone had seen what just happened.

"You want the long version or short version" Jason said still laughing.

"Short." Piper replied.

"Well Leo just called Percy's daughter a hottie so…" Jason said.

"Daughter?" Frank asked confused so I decided to tell him.

"Well my memories are slowly coming back so I'm drawing a picture of each person I remember so I can't forget." I said rubbing the back of my head "I decided to show Jason a picture of my daughter and when Leo saw it the first words out of his mouth were 'who's the hottie' which triggered some kind of reflex.".

As soon as I finish the others started laughing too, Leo was the only one who wasn't laughing "Yeah, yeah laugh it up." I said picking up my pack "Let's get moving.".

Silver POV

I sighed and put the book I was reading back on the shelf. I was in the Fates' library where all of history is recorded trying to catch up on what I missed over the last three thousand years. Most of the stuff I learned was kinda boring. Some of it was interesting like the Giant war, the Vlad the impaler who was a son of Ares, Sun Tzu the famous author of the book Art of War being a son of Dionysus, and that Dionysus even existed. Confused, let me explain when I was in ancient Greece we had 14 gods and that was it.

The Olympian council consisted of 10 gods, for the girls we had Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Athena, and my mom Artemis. For the guy's we had Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, and Apollo. There was also Triton, Pan, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus but they were just minor gods. After I left Zeus forced Hades off the council so Hephaestus could join, and later he added two new seats for Hermes and Aphrodite.

At the moment I was halfway through World War 1 when a piece of paper appeared before me in a flash of light. Looking at the paper it said For your third task go back to Greece and bring back the pelt of the Nemean lion, the tusk of the Erymanthian boar, and one of Pegasus' feathers. See section 7 for who Pegasus is if you don't know. I sighed and got up grabbing my things 'at least it will be more interesting than my last task' I thought.

The last task was simply that I had to find a demigod at a school and bring them to Camp Half Blood, covertly of course. What really made it stand out the english teacher. During my time there she had made many inappropriate advances on me so I reported her. She was beautiful yes but I was posing as a 16 year old for Zeus sake.

I took a moment to check section 7 then stepped out of the restricted section of the Smithsonian. I had to admit there were some perks to the modern age. You could hide a lot of things in plain sight and no one would ever question it.

I didn't take me very long to the beach so I paused and took a moment to make sure my compass was set correctly. With what I was about to do being a little off could make a big difference. Confident my heading was correct I took a deep breath and set over the Atlantic. I could have taken a boat or simply swam the distance but I decided to run instead. Since I was a grandson of Poseidon and a son of Artemis I could easily make the distance in just under a week. The sea would give me strength and my hunters arua would give me the speed to get there.

Percy POV a week later

I ran behind a rock using it at a shield against the flames. As soon as they died down I leapt over the rock and drove my sword through the bottom of the dragons jaw, the tip poking up out of it's head. I watched as the dragon disintegrated then backed away catching my breath. I was a long way from camp so I began my treck through the woods and eventually came upon a ring of tents.

"Dad!" someone shouted. I was able brace myself just in time before my beautiful daughter Cassy tackled me "What took you so long?" she asked pouting.

"That dragon was craftier than I thought." I said "How's Phoebe doing?".

"Her fever broke this morning." Cassy said with a smile.

"That's good" I said. "well look who's finally back" someone said in a mocking tone, I turned around but just before I saw who it was the dream faded.

"NOOOOOOO!" I screamed.

"You ok Percy?" Hazel asked, looking around I was apparently the last one awake.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said "Sorry I made you guys worry.".

"It's fine." Piper said waving it off "So what were you dreaming about?".

"It was my past life." I sighed "I know I was a demigod now, I remember killing a dragon. After that I went home. I saw my daughter Cassy, she was younger then she was in my last memory maybe 10 or so. Another one of my kids Phoebe was sick but her fever had just broken. I almost got a look at the my wife, at least I think it was her. Her voice sounded the same as the last time I heard it." I grabbed my head in frustration.

The others gave me a moment before I got up "Well we better get to Olympus." I said "I doubt Hera will like us making her wait.".

Poseidon POV

I was really starting to get sick of these meetings, ever since we found out that Oceanus was going to wage war on Olympus Zeus had called a meeting every other day to get an update. We went through the usual routine, Hades tells him the underworlds backed up, Aphrodite breaks a nail, Demeter goes on about cereal, etc. Towards the end of the meeting Iris flashed in which surprised me, partly because she hardly ever leaves her shop these days but mostly because she was holding a very beaten and bloody Hercules.

"Iris what happened?" Zeus asked as Apollo went to check on Hercules, but only because Zeus forced him. Iris who looked a little shell shock took a moment to find her voice "Well Hercules had called me up using one of my Iris messages, asking if I wanted to go on a date with him...".

"The nerve of him cheating on my daughter" Hera yelled slamming her fist on her arm rest.

"Slince!" Zeus yelled at his fuming wife before telling Iris to continue.

Iris nodded "While we were talking Hercules said he could feel someone approaching and that he'd be right back. I wanted to see what happen so I just rotated the picture till I could see them, Hercules stood in front of his pillars like he was supposed to while a guy wearing a silver cloak walked over to him right across the water. Hercules gave him the usual speech about about how dangerous the ancient lands were and asked him what business he had there.

The guy simply said he needed to pass by and that was all he could say, Hercules just shrugged it off and said he had to give him a quest to make sure he could handle it. The man replied and I quote "I don't have time to waste with you or your quest's now move aside." and attempted just to walk by Hercules. Hercules lost his temper and insulted the guy's mother which really seemed to strike a chord." Iris stopped as Hercules groan and sat up.

"Why did you insult his mother?" I asked when Hercules got his bearings.

"I insulted his mother because that usually get their attention and I was ready to take this guy down, but I prefer to fight people head on rather than stab them in the back." Hercules said which I found to be one of his very few good qualities. "I thought I could take him, he wasn't giving off much energy and was trying to avoid doing the quest so I thought he might be a demigod of some sort but I was horribly wrong."

Hercules took a long deep breath like the the memory of what happened haunted him "It all happened so fast, one second he was a few feet away the next my left side was burning with pain. I couldn't keep up with his attacks. I couldn't even see them they were so fast. The next thing I know I'm on the ground with his sword to my neck. He seemed to be debating something

I could literally feel his desire to kill me but instead sheathed his sword. I asked him why he didn't just kill me and he said "Because as much as I would like to repay you tenfold for what you did to my aunt between what I have done and your own hardships I think you have paid for your crimes in full." I passed out after that. As strong as I am he took me out like I was yesterday's trash." Hercules said. The throne room was quiet after that because one thing was clear whoever this man was, it would taken nothing short of an Olympian to take him down if needed.