Ch 6 I'm a superstar

The Ghost felt his chest burn and blood leaking from his mouth as he looked with hatred and confusion at his opponent. "What your afraid of my rocket launcher ?" that's right readers our beloved Ninja-boy pulled out a god damn rocket launcher he can not only does fast attacks but he plays dirty as well. "Where the fuck did you pull a rocket launcher from" the Ghost narrows his eyes "Ha you think i will tell you,....time to get serious" the aura around Ninja-boy changed.

The Ghost heart froze 'WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN' the Ghost mind raced as he watch Ninja-boys hands reach behind him. The next moment not only shocked the Ghost but also the Samurai and Apollo. " YoYo the names Ninja-man and i got a rap for you" yes I know what you readers are thinking WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU NINJA-BOY.

He (Ninja-boy) started rapping " YoYo there a pervert who wears white spandex and his name is Ghost" "YoYo I even heard heard that he's so lonely that he sleeps with some male host" Everyone at the scene started to cringe watching him rap I mean he was even wearing a gold chain and a backward hat.

"S-Samurai y-your sidekick is very.....unique" Apollo had a drop of sweat roll down his face while cringing. "HAHAH y-y-yes he is very...unique " Samurai couldn't help but look away in shame. Ghost face look like he ate shit ' WHAT A BASTARD' .

"YoYo Ghost you can't compete with this star" " YoYo Ghost stop masturbating in your car" "YoYo I know you have no friends" " YoYo but I know you insecure about your wiener you what it to extend" "YoYo did I mention i'm a superstar"

After the night the Ghost was never the same