
Chapter 2

John rushed to get out of the hospital to walk home but he was detained by damaged control to make a check as the other nurses and doctors were check and escorted out of the hospital following up outside in the street crowd walking and police cars parked as they tell the direction to some civilian, '' Alright everyone go home is dangerous to be out here you will be informed on the news'' . John watched the scene on a distance someone on his right side talks '' Man I don't believe in this bull shit people eating other people what you think? simulacrum'' John sees a long-haired man with a red bandana,'' is true I saw it at the hospital I was walking two blocks but everything seems normal here, maybe they want to control the situation'' the man surprised respond nervous'' b-b-bullshit did you really see it people eating people''

after a moment the two see in a distance a bus coming at a high speed no one notice the bus, only the police see the bus, he turns his body towards the opposite side of the street facing the buss and uses his speaker that is attached of his car,'' Vermont police! stop the bus!'' the bus driver doesn't listen to the police commands, people are staring running others hiding in different spots the long-haired man tag John in the arm '' my name is Sneijder, My name is John, ok john we need to go that an alley so Run!!,

after seconds John and Sneijder run and jump to an alley to be safe the two hear screaming and scratching noises from the street, then they see the bus and couple people running after the bus passed the street a big sound of a collision of cars, a silenced passed people started screaming for help others if pain, both look each other with eyes wide open thinking about the worse thing that happens.

'' Alright I will take a look just in case, John stay here I let you know it is safe'' Sneijder walk near the street against the wall and looking at the end of the street where the bus passed at the minuted passed john walk and sees Sneijder at the street with a shocked expression. '' Hey Sneijder are you ok'' John exit the alley to approach Sneijder to see what happen.'' WTF di you see this is a nightmare''. Sneijder points with his finger.

after john approach Sneijder he turns his face to look at the street, people on the floor with blood others missing legs and parts people crying and calling for help, couple police are trying to control the situation calling for back up and ambulance for others hospitals.

Three police approach the bus while the others are occupied. '' Mark cover me Gibss stay behind me I will open the door of this bus to see the response for this attack go it, the three nods in agreement, the start to approach slowly with weapons were drawn, pointing at the bus'' we need to be careful we don't have vision there's civilian to'' after a couple of seconds the door of the bus open by a strange figure, the strange figures walk slowly toward the three police making gradual noise, the skin seems pale with white eyes, only a couple of people see this situation including Johnn and Sneijder.

''Vermont police let me see your hands, stop walking don't get near or you get shot'', the police nervous start shooting at the stranger each bullet impacts the body but he doesn't stop walking until one shot was in the head, mark and Gibbs sees his chief use the radio to communicate and report .'' this is Chief Rubio Shots fired Shost fired I repeat Shots fired, can you send my supervisor over''

''hey mark can you go inside of the bus I heard a couple of noises inside and check if are any survivor''

Mark walked to the bus entrance, he turns on his flashlight and starts to walk checking every passenger and using his radio to communicate'' Rubio I only see dead people is a bloodbath in here, wait I think there's a couple of survivors I see two moving, hey you need help, Rubio I'm going to approach to the survivors they seem hurt them I let you know if something happens mark out''

'' Wait mark don't, fuck he turn off his radio we need to go in there and do it properly, Gibbs stay on my back lets walk slowly ok''

Gibbs and Rubio move to the bus entrance before entering the buss they hear mark scream following shots, Rubio and Gibss looked each other faces eyes wide open feeling with a heavy environment, nervous not knowing what they going to see.'' let's go he is in danger''

Meanwhile, John and Sneijder see all the scene '' that thing turns like my friend in the hospital'' Sneidejder looking nervous the dead body of the pale and bloody on the floor'' I didn't believe it, I thought it was all bullshit, john what are we going to do'' after second they hear a scream on the bus and the two police enter the bus turning their flashlight, some people scream others run and a couple stay recording or streaming live and to see what happens next .