
The only thing disgusting to Kyle was the fact that he knew he was eating monster's flesh, on top of that it was monsters he had killed himself. The taste and texture weren't bad, if you have this meat to someone who knew nothing about it's origins they would probably frown for the first bite and say it tastes original and then just enjoy their meal.

After awhile Kyle felt like he was about to throw up, he left the rest of the meat inside the skin cover and went back to his training. Thinking about something else could only do good, before he could pick up the book a system notification appeared

< Mirage Cat meat eaten : no stat points obtained, no skill obtained. >

'Eh ?'

He knew for sure that most people ate high grade monster's meat only because it was delicious, at least that was what his grandfather ha told him, he had never heard about someone who ate monster's meat to gain stats or skills !

Since he had gained nothing he threw it to the back of his mind and planned to ask the old man when he was done with the skills learning.

He focused back on the book and for another unknown time kept just reading and trying, reading and trying and finally after who knew how long he finally made it !

< Congratulation on learning [Transcendance]. The system wishes to reward you for finding and learning a legendary grade skill : +1000 exp. >

Due to both exp bonuses he had gotten from the legendary skills he was now :

Level : 14 ( exp : 9357/10500 ).

That wasn't all, his stats had also been doubled !

Stats :

Strength : 35 (+5)

Dexterity : 33 (+5)

Speed : 34 (+5)

Intelligence : 37 (+5)

Leadership : 26 (+5)

Stamina : 34 (+5)

Luck : 39 (+5)

His basic stats were now on the same level as a level 28 mage or magical knight ! This was the strength of a legendary grade skill.

When he wanted to open his status page to check it while waiting the for old man the world around him twisted once again and he appeared in water.

"Have I just been thrown out without a goodbye ?! Asshole !"

His scream sounded like a muffled sound under water but it seemed like the old man didn't miss it and a rock came aiming straight at Kyle's forehead.


When he saw the second rock coming towards him he started swimming backwards and said

"Sorry...I won't do it again."

'Just you wait until I'm strong enough, I'll definitely beat you up.'


The next day Kyle woke up in his bed, yesterday after coming back home he had decided this would be his last night here for awhile, he would leave for the city today.

He grabbed his Pass, something similar to an ID card mandatory for whoever wanted to enter a city. His grandfather had done one for him a long time ago but he didn't have the opportunity to use it yet, he also took a bag full of necessities and his grandfather's credit card. He was never told how much there was inside but his grandfather had told him to use it in case something happened to him.

Finally Kyle headed towards the city, after walking east outside of the forest for tens of kilometers there was a road full of cars and and people carrying heavy loads walking on the side of the highway, Kyle joined the flow of pedestrians but his handsome face and unique black, gold and silver outfit didn't allow him to go incognito, he didn't care as he liked this feeling of being the center of attention, he kept walking and from time to time could see a magician or a magic knight standing on the side of the road and watching out for monsters. Owning a car wasn't very hard in this era but making it move was another story, people walking on the side way were all under level 5 as cars moved with mana in this time, most petrol had already been drained and on the point of extinction. People didn't care though as mana didn't cost anything to produce.

Kyle kept walking while focusing mainly on the pretty girls around him, he had never seen girls from so close before so he was curious what type of creatures they were, most girls were also looking at him and they exchanged flirting looks from time to time.

What the girls didn't know was that Kyle definitely wasn't flirting as he didn't even know what that word meant, he was just curious about that species he had never met.

The ones misunderstanding him weren't only the girls but also a guy walking next to a pretty blonde girl, he walked over to Kyle and stood in from of him, he looked straight in his eyes without any fear. He was after all slightly taller than the 15 years old Kyle who wasn't done growing up and he was obviously older with a huge mustache.

"Boy, I've seen you looking at all the girls present here and I don't care but I won't allow you to flirt with my wife !"

He said it so loudly that everybody around them looked over at Kyle, most guys looked happy, this handsome asshole who had caught the attention of all the girls presents was finally going to get beaten up.

Kyle was looking curiously at the guy in front of him.

'Flirt ? What is this word ? I've never heard it before.'

He tried to remember what he was doing with the guy's wife that could be called 'flirt' and while trying to do so he also looked at the wife, he was so focused on trying to remember that his eyes were fixed on her huge breasts.

The guy followed Kyle's eyes and fell on his wife's breasts.

"I'm talking to you and you're lecherous eyes can't move from my wife ?!"

The guy didn't lose any time and Kyle felt a weak punch linking to his right cheek, he looked at the guy. He didn't know what "flirting" meant yet but this guy had hit him so he didn't care anymore, he took a step forward and punched him in the stomach. What he didn't expect was that the "strong" guy's body would fold in half and he would throw up all the food he had eaten during the last day.

Of course such a commotion wasn't uncommon when millions of people went through this road every week, and who said commotion said police. Soon a policeman and a policewoman came to the scene, they must have been patrolling not too far away and saw the gathering or heard the commotion. The policeman went to help up the guy while the policewoman asked for details from the crowd, finally she turned around to look at Kyle with disgust.

'Hateful !!! Just because you're handsome you think you can steal girls and beat up their husbands ?! I'll make your life a living hell!'

Of course nobody knew what was really going through Kyle's head, he didn't know why the guy had attacked him but he wasn't the type to stand still when he was being attacked or disrespected, even his grandfather had stopped hitting him to educate him because he was afraid of Kyle's tendency of going berserk every time he got hit.

The policewoman approached Kyle and said

"Hands begins the back."

Kyle was looking at the treatment the other guy was getting, he was being supported to stand by the other guy and was even given gentle taps on the back, what was this preferential treatment?

"I refuse."

The policewoman didn't expect him to blatantly refuse.

"Excuse me ?"

"I said I refuse."

He looked at her straight in the eyes and said it again, he considered this situation as disrespectful so he couldn't just do as she said.

"You know we're allowed to use force if a criminal is being uncooperative ?"

"Try me."

Of course he was bold but he wasn't stupid, this annoying girl was of a higher level than him but he was stronger, [Transcendance] alone already made him stronger than her.

If he also used [Elemental affinity] he was 100% certain of his victory. Having the police as an enemy wasn't a good idea though, he looked at the guy and said

"I want equal treatment, I didn't bully him. He also gave a punch, he shouldn't be acting all strong and mighty when he's such a wimp, I'll follow you if he's handcuffed too."

The policewoman looked at the man that was planning on taking the other guy as a victim and nodded, she was biased in this case but was still in the police and had to do her job impartially.

Finally both guys were handcuffed and put in the back seats of a police car.

'At least I'll make it to the city earlier, I guess it isn't that bad.'