Gold and Silver palace

Kyle walked aimlessly, he had an objective which was to find a raid group that was going out on an adventure soon but he had no idea where to find them. The city was as big as a country he walked for 5 hours and was surprised by everything he saw.

After walking far a long while, something huge caught Kyle's attention in the distance, he started following the building's frame but couldn't see its roof as the upper part disappeared under the clouds. At its root the building was as wide as a mountain and slowly became less wise the giver it went.

It wasn't a surprise to Kyle to see a gigantic crowd heading towards that building, without a reason he also followed them. He was just curious about what it looked like from up close, from there he was planning to find a place to stay.

After walking for a long hour he finally reached the entrance of the beautiful building, the biggest part of the outline was made of glass and reflected the orange sunset. Most people were heading out of the building now but some went in, after thinking for awhile Kyle decided to quench his curiosity later.

'If I don't find a place to stay now I'll spend the night outside, I can still ask what this place is later. It looks like the biggest building I've seen since I came to the city, maybe they have a link with some kind of magic organization.'

Kyle was walking away when he overheard the discussion between a couple passing by

"I saved for 4 months to get us a VIP table in the Gold and Silver Palace, I'm sure you'll like the food here !"

The guy said while the girl looked admiringly at the imposing building.

'Food ?'

Hearing the word "food" Kyle turned around and walked straight in, his last meal was the cat meat if you could call that a meal! At his level he could hold on awhile longer but he was still used to the three meals a day system that he didn't feel like giving up, even tho food now wasn't an absolute necessity for him it was still an undeniable pleasure.

The inside of the building weirdly reminded Kyle of the Shining lake dungeon with a lot of gold and silver, on the left side a big waterfall that shouldn't fit in a building. People were sitting on benches in front of the cascade and just having a good time chatting and enjoying a good view.

Kyle followed the couple to a fancy restaurant room on the ground floor, he looked at them being guided by a waiter then he walked to the front desk while looking curiously at all the beautifully dressed people.

What he didn't realize was that he left hundreds of people behind him in stupor, after seeing him a few people went running to the elevator in a hurry while others took out their phones and dialed the same number.

The clerk at the front desk was about to speak when he was pulled back.

"Manager, what's wrong ?"

The man who pulled him was a beautifully dressed middle aged man, he had a thick mustache and no hair.

"You must be tired, go take a rest ! I'll take it on from now on."

"Hmm o...ok ?"

The clerk hesitated but had to obey the orders from the manager, he wasn't sure what was going on he he was sure that he had to do as he was told to avoid any problem.

"Mister, can I help you ?"

"This is a restaurant right ? I want to eat."

"Of course haha, I'll take you to a free table. Please follow me."

He didn't understand why the manager was acting respectful with him by bowing and walking behind him when the waiter with the couple before was acting casually but he didn't think much about it, the smell of food was making him salivate and he was already focused on what kind of dishes looked delicious.

"Please sit sir, this is the menu. When you have made your choice you can press this bell to call me, I won't be far."

Kyle started looking at the menu with each dish costing an astronomical price but he didn't care at all as he didn't know the value of money and things, in his opinion food shouldn't cost much as it was the first of necessities, he slowly looked through the menu and started choosing what looked the best.


Meanwhile the panicked restaurant's manager went back to the main hall and looked at the other managers standing there.

"Who do you think he is ?"

Said one woman manager.

"Didn't the President have a son ?"

Said another manager.

"This person is too young to be the president's son, maybe a grandson ?"

"I think so too, he's wearing the president's favorite outfit after all. That handmade shirt with the gold and silver fishes is too intricate to replicate, I also felt the protective mana around it when I stood close to him. I'm 100% certain that's an original."

Said the restaurant's manager.

"What should we do ? We have never been instructed to take care of him and the president is absent..."

"It isn't our responsibility, let's wait for the director to come down, she shouldn't take much longer."


Unaware of what was happening everywhere else Kyle was salivating while looking at the desserts, he was the cook at home and was taught everything by his grandfather so the desserts he made were very rudimentary, very different from the beautiful looking "Ile flottante", "forêt noire" and other stuff on the menu.

Finally he decided on 5 dishes and 8 desserts and pressed the bell, the manager who was obviously trying to stay calm under a lot of pressure came to take the order, any other person wouldn't get such a preferential treatment but in the case this kid was really the president's grandson they had better take good care of him to not risk their heads so he didn't want to give the responsibility to a low ranked waiter and waited on Kyle himself.

"Did you make you choice sir ?"

"Yeah I'll take this, this, this and this. Oh also this and this, add me one of these, yeah I think that will be all."

"I'll bring that right away sir."

He said while looking at the long list on his tablet.

The surrounding customers didn't all recognize the manager but some regulars obviously knew him and were shocked by the scene in front of their eyes, that arrogant manager that put nobody in his eyes was bowing to a kid !

The manager went to the kitchen and ordered the main chef to make all the dishes himself and to make them with care, even if that kid wasn't who they thought he was it was better to be careful.

Then he went back to the main hall where a lady around 30 years old was surrounded by all the other managers, when they saw him coming they all made room between him and the lady.

"Manager Villa tell me everything you know."

As he was the only one who had contact with Kyle she asked him for first hand informations instead of asking the other managers who he had also told what he saw.

"Director Lee, I was sitting with the other managers in the back room when I was called by a clerk who recognized the Gold and Silver outfit worn by the kid..."

Then he told her how he had taken care of him while putting a big emphasis on his good work, if she thought he had done a good work she might give him a promotion as she had the most power in the company after the president who they were all afraid of offending unintentionally.

"What do you think director ? Could he be the president's grandson ?"

"I'll have to meet him first."

Saying that she headed towards Kyle's table that was already full of delicacies.