Li Xixi

Early in the morning, Fan Xiao Yao started to prepare herself for work.

"You go ahead. I have to pass by somewhere first." Shi Enxi was still in her pajamas, sitting by the sofa. She was scanning through the documents in her hand. "I'll follow you as soon as I am done."

Fan Xiao Yao smiled, "Alright."

Shi Enxi took a glance at her and before she reverted her gaze back on the document. "Don't be a crybaby just because I am not with you."

"... I am not a crybaby," pouted Fan Xiao Yao.

"Whatever you say."

When Fan Xiao Yao left their place, Shi Enxi wasn't in a hurry to leave. She was sitting still as if she was waiting for someone to arrive.

Not long, she heard the doorbell rang. She stood up and opened the door.

She saw Huang Li carrying a pet container and a plastic bag on his other hand.

Shi Enxi smiled and took the container from him. She placed it on the side and opened it.

"Meow!" Her snow-white Persian cat, Vanilla, came out of it.

"Look who's a good girl." Shi Enxi grinned as she gave Vanilla a round of petting.

Vanilla purred in delight at her pets but after she was contented on it, she jumped out of Shi Enxi's hold and went to explore her new place.

Huang Li had dark bags under his eyes since he was awake the whole night but despite that, he still looked dazzling as ever.

"I prepared breakfast for you, after that you can rest in my room." Shi Enxi took the plastic bag from him.

"I think I should go back home and rest there instead."

"No, you can rest here. I don't want you to drive without winking a sleep."

Huang Li chuckled softly. His gaze turned gentle at the concern Shi Enxi was showing him. Well, it was always like that since the beginning.

"You can sleep after you give me a haircut!" Exclaimed Shi Enxi with a grin.

"I prefer you with long hair."

Shi Enxi pouted, "I have to change my image. I'll be Li Xixi from now on you know. I have to hide my identity as Shi Enxi. If my new coworkers will know that I am the sister of their boss, everyone will start kissing my feet."

Huang Li laughed lightly, "If you put it that way then I guess you have a point."


Inside LPM office, a man wearing a limited edition suit from Brioni Vanquish II. The man sitting on the sofa was leisurely drinking his tea.

Although LPM is at the bottom of the list of subsidiaries of Rosarium they were still better compared to other smaller establishments.

Hen Ruying was the boss in LPM. Most of the artistes were under him. He was a veteran in the company so most of the staff. It wasn't an easy thing to enter LPM since it was still under Rosarium.

Fan Xiao Yao was sitting in front of him, looking all tensed up. She didn't expect that she would be called by Hen Ruying this soon.

Was he waiting for her arrival? She has been absent for a few days now since he was one of the reasons on why she wanted to quit.

"Xiao Yao, there is a limit to my patience." Hen Ruying was looking so impatient as he stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. "Why are you so stubborn? What's so bad about being with me?"

Fan Xiao Yao's body was stiff as a board. She has been working under LPM for two months only and within those two months, the moment Hen Ruying set his eyes on her, he wouldn't stop pestering her. She managed to avoid his advances by acting naive. She was careful on not to accept any drinks or food from him since she was afraid that he might drug it. She would always bring food and drinks of her own.

"I can make you so famous, maybe even more famous than Zi Xuan. With your caliber, it isn't hard for me to do that."

Hen Ruying stood and slowly walked toward her. As he got closer, he placed his hand on her shoulder, "Well?"

Fan Xiao Yao remained silent, not giving him an answer to his tempting offer. She was actually trying to think of an excuse to get out of his place.

Seeing that her lips were sealed so tightly, Hen Ruying snickered, his tone full of mockery, "Don't tell me that you are planning to endure me until the end of your contract? Do you think that I'll just allow you to leave me that easily? Stop acting all so innocent."

"Mr. Hen, I have an appointment to attend, I don't really have time for this." She spat coldly.

Hen Ruying raised an amused brow, "Oh? Really? Why didn't hear of this? What kind of appointment do you have?"

He moved his hands and his fingers touched the softness of her arms.

Fan Xiao Yao's frown went deep, she tried to move away from Hen Ruying's touch but he held her in place.

"Mr. Hen, let go of me!" This time, Fan Xiao Yao didn't think twice of struggling free from his hold.

Fan Xiao Yao's glaring eyes were enticing, like a blossoming flower and this made Hen Ruying's eyes cloud with lust. "Be good, Xiao Yao."

"Let go of me!"

At the same time, someone barged in the room.

A slender figure stood at the door, a smirk was seen on her red lips. The woman standing there was wearing a formal navy blue business wear and three inches stiletto heels. The woman's short blond hair was tied into a high ponytail.

She looked smart and sharp. Her beauty was not that of the common innocent and cutesy type of beauty. She was sexy and the air she gave made one feel that she was not one to be messed with.

Seeing a sophisticated woman by his doorstep made Hen Ruying stop.

"My, my, Manager Hen, how professional of you." Shi Enxi walked in, the sounds of clicking coming from her heels were heard in the room.

"I'm sorry for coming in without your permission. No one answered when I knocked and the door was not locked so I have to invite myself in." Shi Enxi lied smoothly as she closed the door behind her.

Hen Ruying's face was red in embarrassment. Fan Xiao Yao took the opportunity to push him away harshly before she ran towards her savior.

"My name is Li Xixi, I came here to report for work. I'll need to trouble you to go through the handover with me."

Li Xixi? She was Li Xixi? He never expected her to be this... charming.

Hen Ruying strengthened himself and tried to act as calm as possible. "Oh! You're the new manager that Chairman Shi talked about. I was expecting your arrival."

Shi Enxi scoffed inside her. She could clearly see the desire in his eyes. He was like a pig in heat.

Shi Enxi found her first target to destroy and remove from the company.