Pretentious Bitch

Shi Yi looked at Lu Weichun and held her hand. Even if she was his lover, he just can't allow her to bully his sister like that. Before he could even speak out, Lu Mello interfered.

"What you say may be true." Lu Mello knew that if decided to side on Shi Enxi too much, they might be surprised by his sudden change. "But just like what Xi'er said, I have agreed with this arranged marriage. It will benefit both of our family."

Aside from that, he would be able to watch Shi Enxi closely and stop her from whatever schemes she had. He knew what Shi Enxi was capable of. If she wanted to destroy his family, she could do that without any reluctance. Even if Lu Weichun was her brother's lover, she could turn the tables and make Shi Yi hate Lu Weichun.