Moving out

As Shi Enxi headed to the parking lot, she saw Lu Mello leaning against his white Mercedes Maybach car. He was wearing a fitted dark blue retro suit which complemented his masculine body. Even just by standing, he has a strong presence as if that of an emperor.

Lu Mello was looking at his phone with a serious look on his face. With that expression. His perfectly chiseled face and sexy lips we're enough to drive anyone crazy. He looked like a cold and stoic man. Shi Enxi preferred him to be that way instead of his usual cheerful self. 

He came from a powerful family, and he was the inheritor of the biggest company in Asia. He didn't lack anything, he could simply choose any woman he likes and buy anything wants. She still couldn't help but wonder why would he agree on marrying her when he already has someone he loves? Aside from that, he already has an idea that she was behind Wang Hao's case so why was he being so carefree on her?