Burn his place down

Early in the morning, Shi Enxi was woken up by loud purrs. She felt her body heavy as if someone was sitting on her.

Her brows were knitted together since she was feeling so uncomfortable.

What was Lu Mello up to now? This was the first thought that entered her mind.

She squinted her eyes open, instead of seeing Lu Mello's face, she saw a big spotted cat's face staring down at her.

"..." It wasn't just a simple cat... It was a cheetah!

Shi Enxi felt her heart was in her throat when she saw the cheetah's standing on top of her.

"M-Mello..." She tried to call out to him with a weak voice.

A low growl was heard from the cheetah instead. His eyes narrowed at her.

Shi Enxi could feel Lu Mello sleeping beside her so peacefully. How can he sleep like a baby when there was a wild animal in their room?!

Under the blanket, she pinched Lu Mello's side hardly to wake him up.