
In the hospital where Wang Hao was confined...

Shi Enxi was carrying a plastic of fruits as she stood in front of Wang Hao's room. The two guards standing beside the door was looking at her.

Shi Enxi smiled at them. "I came to visit my uncle."

The two guards knew who Shi Enxi was but they didn't know who Lu Mello was. Only family members and Wang Hao's personal doctor were the ones allowed in the room so they can't just let anyone in.

"This is my husband, Lu Mello. Surely you'll allow him to go inside, right?

Lu Mello? They were not familiar with that name, they only know the family name Lu.

Lu was not a rare family name but there was one family that was well-known in the country. As they looked at Lu Mello, he has a serious look on his face and somehow, they felt like they saw him somewhere.