Are you broke again?

After accompanying Shi Enxi in her shopping routine to brighten up her mood, Lu Mello dropped her by the Rosarium dormitory due to her request.

"Should I come and pick you up later?" Asked Lu Mello, watching her as she took off her black wig.

"No, you don't have to. I'll be staying here today."

Lu Mello frowned, "Why?"

"Didn't I tell you back then that I will only be spending the weekends with you while weekdays are for my work." She looked at him with a smile. "Besides, we can't continue on our wedding night since I'm still on my period."

He pursed his lips and crossed his arms, "I do not agree with you not coming home to me during weekdays."

"Then you just have to get used to it." She tied up her blonde hair into a ponytail before she took her glasses and wore it. When she saw the pout on Lu Mello's lips, she couldn't help but chuckle. She leaned and pecked his pouting lips lightly before she went out of the car. "Bye, darling."