I need to go somewhere

Wearing a low cut, yellow dress adorned with silver and gold flowers, Fan Xiao Yao's everlasting beauty shined bright. She gave off a more mature feeling with her dress selection.

Meanwhile, Huang Li was wearing a grey retro suit with a yellow tie to match Fan Xiao Yao's dress. He wasn't wearing any glasses that night and his hair was neatly styled.

When they walked down the red carpet together, every camera flashed on them.

Fan Xiao Yao kept a smiling face while holding on Huang Li's arm. 

Everyone wondered who the handsome man beside Fan Xiao Yao. Was he also a newbie like her?

Not long, they were able to find their seats.

"I'm sorry for bringing you to a place like this..." Fan Xiao Yao couldn't help but apologize again.

Huang Li chuckled lightly, "That's the fifth time today, it's getting annoying."

"Ugh." She felt as if she has been struck by a bolt of lightning when Huang said she was annoying!