My thighs are aching so badly

Lu Mello was in the middle of his meeting when he suddenly received a message from Liu Ying saying that Shi Enxi was heading to his office.

He was surprised by the sudden message. What was Shi Enxi doing here? Why didn't she tell him about it?

Maybe... She was planning on surprising him?

He was originally in a bad mood but upon learning that his wife came to visit, he wrapped up the meeting as soon as possible.

When he arrived at his office, he saw Shi Enxi, eating a slice of cake that Liu Ying served her earlier.

Shi Enxi turned to Lu Mello upon noticing his presence. "Come here."


Just those words from her, Lu Mello could already tell that she was not in a great mood.

He walked and sat beside her, "What's wrong?"

Shi Enxi didn't say a word but instead, the moment he was in her reach, she gave him a hug.