Calm down?

Lu Xian Yu was lying down on his bed, covered with thick blankets and he was looking so pale because of his fever.

Li Bingbing was sitting on the chair beside their bed, she was holding his hand, her eyes filled with worry. The doctor has already checked up on him and told her that he was just having a high fever and that he was no longer in danger from the poison that entered his body.

He prescribed medicines for him but despite that, Li Bingbing still wanted to bring her husband to the hospital just to be sure.

She finally stood up and was about to get her phone when she suddenly felt Lu Xian Yu's hold on her hand tightened. "Don't... It's just a fever..."

She gritted her teeth as she looked at her stubborn husband, "How many times do I have to tell you to stop looking for fights! Now look at you, you're so sick! The poison could have killed you!"