Why did he die?

Inside the dark prison room, a man was standing in front of a mirror, staring at his own reflection.

He wiped the bloodstain that dripped on the side of his lips. His left eye was swelling and had a purple coloration around it.

He lost so much weight, there was no chubbiness in his body anymore. He even couldn't eat well despite having daily food rations.

Damn it! Damn it all! Ever since he was placed in prison, every day was endless suffering for him. No one was helping him. Even the guards on duty were turning a blind eye on the beatings he received from the other prisoners.

Sometimes, it was the guards themselves that were making fun of him.

Oh, how he wished for it to end. He promised inside that once he gets out of that filthy place, he was going to make everyone pay!

His thoughts of revenge were disturbed when he heard the metal clang.

"3405, someone wants to see you." The guard said indifferently.