It's okay to stop

"Yu'er, welcome to your room!" Shi Enxi happily said as she entered the baby's room while carrying him in her arms. "Well... You will use it once you grow but for now, you will sleep in mommy and daddy's room, okay?

The room was big, it was filled with toys on one side and children's books on the bookshelves. The color of pastel mint green had a cooling and pleasing effect in the eyes. The room was perfectly planned and designed for boys.

The infant only snuggled against her warmth like a kitten which made her heart melt. His black, round eyes were looking at her innocently.

"I guess you love mommy more than your room, huh?" She giggled. "But you should at least appreciate mommy and daddy's effort for making your room, baby."

She sat on the sofa and watched him play with her shirt.

From the door, Lu Mello was quietly staring at the scene before him with mixed feelings. His eyes were filled with emotions one cannot tell.