You're not angry?

Fan Xiao Yao cleared her throat before she began speaking, "I don't think I can do that... I love him..."

Breaking up with Huang Li was the last thing she wanted to do. Just like what she said to him back then, she didn't want any other men.

"I know you do but if you're only getting hurt because of him, then it's better to end the relationship. No matter how much you love him, being in a toxic relationship will only do you no good." Shi Enxi tried explaining it to her. Of course, she wanted them to be happy but if being with each other will only bring them pain and make them question their worth, then it is better to break up. Maybe somewhere, in the long run, they might be able to grow and understand.

"I'm not in a toxic relationship with him." Fan Xiao Yao pouted, crossing her arms as she disagreed with her.