Wall between them

Lu Mello's features may be more on his father's side but his personality was more on her mother. His patience and kindness were always there in him especially when it came to the person he loves; seeing the goodness in them.

"Here, drink this." He handed a glass of water after Shi Enxi finally calmed down.

She took the glass and sipped a few of its contents. She became quiet after letting out the heaviness inside her by crying.

"Are you... still angry?" She softly asked with a bit of hesitation heard in her voice.

He chuckled a bit at her question, "Yes, I am." Although it was hard to believe when he was acting this caring to her.

"Then why are you smiling?" She couldn't help but ask.

"It's because I'm angry." He took the glass from her and placed it on the table before he fixed the blanket over her. "Now go to sleep, it's late. I'll wake you up once we arrive."