I'm not hungry

Shi Enxi wasn't asking his permission, she was only letting her husband know a part of what she planned. They needed time to be alone and hopefully, during the time when they are not together, they would find answers to the questions they were seeking.

That afternoon, as they once again shared another kiss, this time, nothing stopped them from entwining their bodies. They have limited time left but they wanted to share whatever's left with each other.

The heat in the room rose up as moans and hard breathing were filled. Two naked bodies were now seen on top of the bed, one over the other.

The room was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere by the time they were finally tired.

Lu Mello fell on her side. He was panting but was slowly catching his breath.

Shi Enxi moved, snuggling against the warmth of his body. She closed her tired eyes and before she fell asleep, a soft whisper was heard from her. "I love you, Mello."