
In the end, Shi Enxi called for the police, the same local police that her husband Lu Mello worked together with. After calling them, she called Lu Mello next as she walked out of the room.

"Huh? Xi'er?" His groggy voice was heard in the other line.

"Darling... I'm sorry." She said softly.

"What do you-" He paused, realizing that she was not there with him. "Where are you?"

"I'm at Shi Anhao's place." She replied in a soft, whispering tone. She looked around, making sure that no one was awake.


"You see, I couldn't wait and..." She paused and sighed. She was about to continue when she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her back. "Argh..." She groaned in pain.

"Xi'er? Hello? Xi'er?"

The phone fell from her hold, falling on the ground.

Shi Enxi turned to look at who stabbed her and there she saw Shi Anhao in her nightdress, smiling previously at her.