She's busy with work

Arriving at his place, Huang Li supported Lu Mello until the door. His mind was still flying at what happened earlier. He couldn't stop thinking about it. How did Hana manage to know his name? Should he feel threatened? What if she was actually a dangerous person? He decided to worry about it later as he rang the doorbell and it was shortly answered by Fan Xiao Yao who opened the door for them.

Her eyes instantly landed at the drunk Lu Mello before it traveled back to him. "How many bottles?" She asked.

"Seven." He replied.

Fan Xiao Yao frowned, "He'll definitely damage his liver!" She held on Lu Mello's other arm and helped Huang Li in dragging their friend to the guestroom.

The smell of alcohol was strong that Fan Xiao Yao's nose ended up scrunching. She even held her breath until they were able to drop him on his bed.

She heavily breathed out and mumbled afterward, "Seriously, this guy..."