
Who would have thought that one day, Fan Xiao Yao would be able to pull her mother out from the darkness? She never thought that such a day would actually come. Having her mother back brought out the inner child inside her, the child who yearned for her mother's warmth. Who longed to have her back.

She relaxed into her arms so fully it's like they were one organism, melted together. She had a look of contentment on her face, the kind. She had everything he wanted in life right there, bouncing up back.

The nurse was called soon after and was followed by the doctor.

After watching the doctor check on Gu Haiyang's condition, Fan Xiao Yao went back to her mother's side and listened to the doctor's diagnosis. When they made sure that she was fine and her condition was stable, they permitted Fan Xiao Yao to sign the discharge papers within that day.