Are you trolling me?

"I still don't want to leave my mom alone here tomorrow." Fan Xiao Yao said, taking a seat on the sand.

"She's not alone you know." He chuckled as he stood beside her.

She bent her knee and wrapped her arms around it as she looked at the scenery in front of her. Stars began to fill up the sky and the moon began to rise slowly. She became quiet and didn't say a thing for a while. She was still upset but she couldn't do anything about it if it was her mother's decision.

As the cold autumn wind blew, her body shivered. "Maybe I can still try to convince her?" She suddenly said but she heard no answer coming from her companion.

"Huang Li?" She turned only to find out that she was left alone in the place.

She stood up and looked around but saw no one, not even his shadow. Where the hell did he go? Why did he leave her alone?