Bachelorette Party

Fan Xiao Yao arrived shortly at the address that Lu Weichun sent her and when she did, she arrived at one of the most expensive hotels in Beijing. It was even labeled seven stars since five stars weren't enough to describe it.

Lu Xingyan and her sister, Lu Weichun were waiting for her at the lobby and when she saw the twins, she approached them.

"Xiao Xing, Xiao Chun." She greeted them with a smile.

The twins stood up from their seats and even hugged her. 

"Yaoyao-jiejie!" Lu Weichun happily exclaimed.

"Why are we meeting here?" Fan Xiao Yao asked, blinking a few times in confusion.

"Why else? We're going to spend our girls' night out here!" The older twin grinned as she clung to her arm.

"But this place is... Price..." She trailed off.

"Jiejie, define pricey?" Lu Xingyan asked with a small smile on her lips. "Also, we're not the ones who are paying. Someone else is handling the expenses."