
Meanwhile, the Huang couple spent their honeymoon in Bali and stayed there for a week, spending time with each other, having the moment of their life.

When they returned to the mainland, the first thing that Fan Xiao Yao did was to check if she was pregnant only to find out that she wasn't after testing the pregnancy kit. She was dumbfounded at first and she thought that maybe she should wait for a couple more days or weeks. She waited and waited until she couldn't hold it anymore, she called Shi Enxi.

"Xiao Xi, can you accompany me to the hospital?" Fan Xiao Yao asked the moment her friend answered the call.



"Why? Are you sick? Huang Li's a doctor, you can just ask him if you're unwell." Shi Enxi replied.

"I can't..." She pursed her lips, her eyes landed on the negative result of the pregnancy test kit. She was standing inside the restroom and was looking so anxious. "I can't let him know..."